Home Heart Care Foods that Clog Arteries – An Eating Guide for a Healthy Heart!

Foods that Clog Arteries – An Eating Guide for a Healthy Heart!

Foods for Arteries
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Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food – Hippocrates

What we eat impacts our heart health. It’s not new; everyone knows that. Healthy eating for a healthy heart doesn’t have to be an arduous task. Let’s talk about foods that clog arteries and form plaques. Moreover, we will discuss foods to unclog arteries and fill your plate with wholesome alternatives. 

Why is Arteries Health Important?

Arteries are the most important blood channels in your body. These are hollow tubes that transport blood from the heart to all other body parts. Arteries ensure every organ, tissue, and cell in your body gets oxygen. They are crucial for the exchange of gasses, carbohydrates, and nutrients. 

Unfortunately, millions of people fail to take care of their heart health by consuming foods that clog arteries. As a result, clogged arteries are among the world’s leading causes of death

What is Coronary Calcium Score?

Too much cholesterol can combine with fat, calcium, and other substances, resulting in plaque formation. Due to plaque buildup, arteries get narrowed and hardened over time. 

The coronary calcium score shows the extent of calcium plaque buildup in the arteries, leading to Atherosclerosis

However, you can modify your diet to reduce your coronary calcium score. Your cardiologist can also recommend supplements to lower calcium scores. We will discuss the foods that clog arteries and what measures we can take by consuming foods to unclog arteries. Keep on reading. 

Foods that Clog Arteries: What to Avoid?

Saturated Fats

When it comes to plaque development in the arteries, saturated fat is one of the top foods that clog arteries. Cardiologists advise keeping saturated fats at 7% or less of your daily calorie intake. You can accomplish these goals if you know which foods to avoid. 

Saturated fats are usually present in animal products, but there are a few other sources you should know about. Limiting the following items will help you reduce the intake of foods that clog arteries:

  • Full-fat milk with cream
  • Icy dessert
  • Fattening cheese
  • Processed Meats, such as sausage, pepperoni, salami, and hot dogs
  • Including beef, pork, lamb, red meat
  • Palm and palm kernel oil
  • Pies, cakes, cookies, croissants, and other baked foods
  • Coconut food items, such as coconut milk and oil

You can keep your cholesterol levels in check by avoiding these foods. 

Fried Food – One of the Foremost Foods that Clog Arteries!

Deep-fried foods are specifically bad for the arteries because they raise the risk of arteriosclerosis. 

Deep frying is a technique that elevates the amount of trans fat in food, a form of fat that lowers good cholesterol and raises bad cholesterol. It causes the arteries to accumulate waxy cholesterol and fatty deposits. 

Fried foods that clog arteries are french fries, double-fried chicken, fried snacks, etc. 

Dietary Cholesterol

The fats in your diet lead to bad cholesterol over time. However, dietary cholesterol is essential for general health. So, to fulfill your need for healthy fats, consume animal products such as eggs, meat, and cheese. 

Remember: Don’t go overboard. Aim for less than 200 milligrams of cholesterol in your daily diet. 

Some tips on reducing your dietary cholesterol:

  • Always read the labels on your food, and buy products lower in cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats. 
  • Try to avoid eating liver meat.
  • Try to switch to egg whites, because egg yolks contain lots of cholesterol. 

Follow these tips on avoiding foods that clog arteries, and you will be well on your way to a healthy heart – and life. 

Top 7 Foods that Unclog Arteries Naturally!

Now, you must be wondering what foods unclog your arteries naturally. Another question arises on how to remove calcium deposits from arteries naturally. 

Don’t worry! Universe has blessed us with countless foods and natural alternatives to stay heart-healthy. 


Berries are definitely your answer on how to clear arteries!

Do you know, there are almost twelve kinds of berries, including strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, and blackberries

They contain a flavonoid antioxidant that nourishes the arteries and improves heart health. 

Berries protect the arteries by avoiding atherosclerosis. They prevent plaque buildup and keep the arteries clean. The antioxidants in berries also control blood pressure, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol. Berries are also less likely than other fruits to cause a blood sugar increase. 


No one can deny the importance of tomato juice when it comes to preventing heart disease. Tomato has a compound, Lycopene, which significantly reduces artery damage. Tomatoes manage high blood pressure and high cholesterol, the two conditions that cause arterial damage. 

Moreover, tomatoes’ potent antioxidants help prevent plaque formation, making them one of the best foods to unclog arteries.  

Extract fresh tomato juice and sip it for maximum benefits for your heart. 


One of the key compounds found in onions is quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the top contributor to plaque development in the arteries, and reducing inflammation can help prevent plaque buildup and promote healthier arteries.

Onions also contain sulfur compounds, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet properties. Antiplatelet agents help prevent blood cells from sticking together, reducing the risk of blood clots and artery blockages.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes contain several compounds and antioxidants that may serve as foods to unclog arteries. 

Vitamin C is one of the key components of all citrus fruits, a powerful antioxidant that combats inflammation and reduces oxidative stress in the body. 

Citrus fruits improve blood vessel function and reduce arterial stiffness. They can help improve blood flow and reduce the risk of blockages in the arteries.

Overall, including citrus fruits in your everyday diet is an effective way to help unclog your arteries and improve your heart health.


Due to their high fiber content, flaxseeds help reduce artery blockage. It is one of the best heart-healthy foods that clear arteries. 

Flaxseeds also contain plant-based omega-3 fatty acids and lignans, both potent antioxidants. They reduce total cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which slow the growth of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries. 

Use ground flaxseeds for optimum benefits, as whole flax seeds are hard to digest. 

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, and brussels sprouts, contain several compounds that can help unclog arteries.

One of the key compounds in cruciferous vegetables is sulforaphane. It reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, eliminating plaque development in the arteries. 

Another compound found in cruciferous vegetables is fiber, which can help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Eating a diet high in fiber can help lower LDL cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of clogged arteries.

Additionally, cruciferous vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the arteries from damage caused by free radicals. Overall, cruciferous vegetables are one of the best foods to unclog arteries. 

Read more about amazing broccoli benefits for your health

Green Tea

Do you have a habit of drinking green tea for clear skin and weight loss? That’s old news now. Research shows that sipping green tea can be a possibility of avoiding coronary artery disease

So whenever you are drinking green tea, you are actually caring for your heart health. 

A Final Word!

We understand that eating a perfect diet may not always be plausible. However, we urge everyone to make good choices for their food. Always try to avoid foods that clog arteries, leading to plaque buildup. However, if you suspect you may have blocked arteries, book a Doppler Ultrasound via Healthwire to have a closer look at the damaged arteries.

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