Home General Health Frequent Urination – Why Do I Urinate Frequently?

Frequent Urination – Why Do I Urinate Frequently?

Frequent Urination
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From those annoying mid-meeting bladder dances to the midnight shuffle to the toilet, frequent urination can turn even the most confident among us into bathroom enthusiasts.

Well, this can be extremely frustrating and embarrassing at the same time. 

If you find yourself making more pit stops than a marathon runner during rush hour, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to dive deep into the “urgency” of the matter and uncover the secrets behind this oh-so-common condition.

So, get ready, as we will spill the beans on what causes frequent urination, exploring everything from the culprits to the treatments that can help you.

What is Frequent Urination?

Frequent urination occurs when you need to pee a lot of times throughout the day or even at night. It is very bothersome as it can impact your everyday routine. It is one of the common complaints that people have and doesn’t involve any specific gender or sex. 

A lot of times, frequent urination is not a condition itself but can be a symptom of a number of conditions. Also, in most cases, the best urologist near you can help you treat frequent peeing by treating the underlying condition. 

How Many Times is Too Frequent to Urinate? 

Individual differences in urine frequency can be attributed to a number of factors, including fluid intake, bladder capacity, general health, and medication use. There are some general rules to remember even if there is no set quantity of urination that can be deemed “too frequent.”

Most people pee seven to eight times a day on average. So, if you feel like your urge to pee has increased more than that or if you are getting up every hour or 3 minutes, you might be frequently urinating. 

Now, this can in certain conditions considered normal, if you are taking too many fluids or taking certain medicines. You are very much likely to urinate if you:

  • Are more than 70 years of age
  • Are expecting a child
  • Have an enlarged prostate

What Causes Frequent Urination?

There are a number of conditions that can lead to you urinating frequently.  These include;

  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Urinary tract, pelvic, and bladder conditions
  • Medications
  • Conditions that impact the brain and the nervous system

Let’s know more about these. 


Frequent urination is a well-known symptom associated with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. In these cases, the body is unable to efficiently use insulin to break down glucose. Now the increased urine production occurs as a means to eliminate the excess glucose from the body. 

This condition, known as polyuria, is more commonly observed in diabetes compared to other causes of frequent urination. It is important to note that diabetes-related polyuria is a result of the body’s inability to regulate blood sugar levels properly.


During pregnancy, frequent urine is fairly typical, some women also go through urinary tract infections in pregnancy. Your bladder may feel pressure from the fetus, which will reduce its capacity and increase urination.

When does frequent urination start in pregnancy? 

It is very common to pee more frequently in the first trimester and the third trimester. It is a lot less common in the second trimester. 

Enlarged prostate

Dr. Zubair Ahmad Cheema who is one of the top urologists in Pakistan says that in men the prostate is a golf-ball-sized gland that makes some liquid that comes out during ejaculation. 

An enlarged prostate or sometimes prostate tumors can place pressure on the urinary system and can result in frequent urination.

Urinary Tract, Pelvic, and Bladder Conditions

Frequent urination is commonly linked with urinary tract infections (UTIs), which are bacterial infections that can impact different parts of the urinary tract, including the bladder and urethra. UTIs are known to cause symptoms such as increased urgency and frequency of urination.

Different vaginitis may also cause frequent urination, including yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis (BV), or trichomonas.

Some of the other conditions in the urinary and pelvic area that result in frequent urination include 

  • Overactive bladder syndrome
  • Narrowing of your urethra (urethral stricture)
  • Radiation therapy to your pelvic area.
  • Rarely, bladder cancer or pelvic tumor.
  • Urethral, bladder, or uterine prolapse into your vagina

Why Do I Pee Again and Again at Night? 

It’s common to occasionally wake up at night to pee. In fact, it’s normal to get up to urinate. In general, you can expect to pee once a night in your 40s and 50s, twice a night in your 60s and 70s, and even two to three times a night in your 80s and beyond. 

But waking up too often in the night can keep you from getting enough sleep and is sometimes a sign of a health condition.

There are several significant illnesses that are more prone to induce nighttime urination, including heart failure, edema (swelling) in the legs, and sleep disturbances.

How to Confirm that this is Frequent Urination?

If you are passing urine that is more than 8 times a day or more than twice at night or if the number of times you pee in a day bothers you, then you are suffering from frequent urination. 

There are however some questions that can help you a lot with your frequent urination diagnosis. Here are some: 

  • What medications are you taking?
  • Do you drink caffeine a lot?
  • What is your normal fluid intake every day? 
  • Do you have swelling in your legs? 
  • Have your water intake increased lately?
  • Are there certain times of day or night you find yourself going more?

Your doctor can also take a urine test to check if you ahve any UTIs. If they do not find any UTI then they can go for further tests including ultrasound or a CT scan

How Can I Stop Frequent Urination? 

Experts at Ittefaq Hospital say that a number of treatment options are available to manage or alleviate frequent urination. When experiencing this symptom, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider who will typically begin by identifying the underlying cause.

Depending on the underlying condition the treatment can be: 

  • Antibiotics to treat infections i.e. UTIs
  • Fluid modifications that include your daily fluid intake
  • Management of diabetes, prostate issues, and other conditions
  • Kegel exercises to help with urine leakage with increased frequency

When is it Best to See a Urologist? 

The condition of frequent urination can range from minor to serious. You can speak to your healthcare provider about your urination patterns if they are too bothersome. Nonetheless, you need to see a doctor by booking an appointment through Healthwire if you have these symptoms.

  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Penile or vaginal discharge
  • Side or lower back pain
  • Blood in urine

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