Home Health Alerts Frozen Food Items – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!

Frozen Food Items – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!

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Imagine a scenario, you are coming late from your job. You do not have any energy left in your body. But you gotta eat. That is when you tend to rely on frozen food items. It is convenient, handy, and tasty to say the least!

Furthermore, in the scorching days of summer, spending long hours in the kitchen for the preparation of food is also a hard nut to crack. No matter how convinced you are of its many advantages, frozen food items are a big no-no. 

Everyone is a fan of frozen food items because they are easy to prepare and downright delicious. Wondering if frozen food is healthy??? Let us debate on the flip side of the coin of convenience and dig deep into the world whose main slogan is “Frozen Foods – Where Fresh Stays Fresh”

The Pros of Eating Frozen Food

There is no need for us to sell you the pros of these types of food. But for the sake of argument let us discuss in detail some perks that frozen food offers us all in this on-your-toes scenario. 

1. Flexible, Flexible

The one thing that convinces us all to satiate our hunger through these frozen foods is this one. You have to just de-froze it, cook it for a little while, and voila you have prepared yourself a feast.

It is a convenient food option for all those who are always busy with their day-to-day activities. You can also plan out your week-worthy meal plan with the help of these frozen foods. 

2. Easy to Cook 

Well, who has time to cook a full-fledged home meal when you have a lot of other things going on in your life? One of the biggest selling points of frozen food is that they are easy to cook. You do not have to spend long hours cutting the onions, slicing the garlic, or preparing the meat. Just have to open the packet and follow some of the instructions. 

You also do not have to worry about leaving something out because it is pretty much prepared. Say no to the headache of what should you cook today with these frozen foods!

3. High Maintenance

We are often advertised with frozen foods as they are properly packed, and processed, and ensure high levels of satisfaction. Especially in COVID-19 times when the world was forced to reduce social gatherings, these frozen foods were everyone’s safest best. 

Human involvement is as less as it can be and it is mostly done keeping all the SOPs in mind. So the quality of such meals is something that no one can question. 

4. Easy on Your Pocket 

The biggest comfort of frozen foods is that they are not too much for your wallet. With great value portions, frozen foods are an easy, valuable, and appetizing substitute for long and demanding home-cooked food products 

Is Frozen Food Healthy?

Now that we have discussed all the big advertisement pitches for such meals, it is high time that we put all our focus on the question are frozen foods bad for you or not?

Cons of Frozen Food Items

Apart from being flexible, convenient, and tasty, frozen food items have their own cons that we cannot ignore. If you want to enjoy the benefits of good health and overall well-being then you need to pay attention to the consumption and pattern of these frozen food items. Frozen food items are cooked in microwaves and there is still a heated debate going on whether microwaves cause cancer or not

1. High Risk of Diabetes

Dr. Rabia Sohail who is one of the top general physicians in Pakistan says that overconsumption of frozen food items can put you at an increased risk of diabetes. This is because these food options contain a lot of starch as a potential preservative and a taste-enhancer. 

If you are heavily dependent on these types of frozen foods then you are exposing your body to alarmingly high levels of sugar or glucose. These high levels of glucose can increase your risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes is a serious disease in which a person suffers from a high level of glucose and low production of insulin to counterfeit it. 

Wanna learn more about diabetes, make sure to click here!

2. Can Cause Cancer

Another main reason why you should stop eating frozen food items is that they can cause cancer. Some of the key preservatives such as corn syrup has been documented to have carcinogenic tendencies.

Various researchers have commented that corn syrups can lead to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. Its high iodine content can also lead to thyroid cancer

You have to cook these food items in microwaves and it is another cancer-causing habit

3. Leads to Cardiac Complication

Frozen meals are unhealthy because they are high in trans fats. These materials are added to the foods to make them more creamy and delicious. But an over-the-top consumption of trans fats might lead to clogged arteries. 

Clogged arteries are a major risk factor for heart diseases and complications such as heart attacks and arteriosclerosis. Cholesterol-rich foods also lead to a rise in bad cholesterol and then elevate blood pressure levels. 

Thus if you want to enjoy good heart health try to move forward from these food options. 

4. A Risk of Hypertension

The main preservative of these frozen food items is often sodium. High levels of sodium in the blood can elevate the risk of high blood pressure as well as cardiac issues. 

In addition to this, frozen meats are mostly used in the preparation of fast foods. Learn about the disadvantages of fast food here. 

5. Risk of Anemia

Experts at Hameed Latif Hospital highlight that another disadvantage of eating frozen food items is that it can lower the functional capacity of the liver. The liver is the organ that purifies your blood by removing toxins. Too much consumption of frozen food items can tamper with the production of red blood cells. This can expose a person to the risk of anemia.


Elevate the levels of iron in your blood with the help of these iron-rich food options

Frozen Food Items – Avoid Them as Much As You Can

Now that you have a profound understanding of the disadvantages of frozen food items we do have that you will avoid them as much as you can. If you need further help you can consult with the best general physicians via healthwire.pk


Is frozen food healthy?

No. frozen foods are rich in sodium, starch, and trans fats and thus can expose a person to a number of health risks. 

Why is frozen food bad?

Frozen food is notorious for its more than high sodium and fat content. These elevated levels of these food compounds can make these frozen food items a bad choice. 

What are the substitutes for frozen foods?

Some good and healthy substitutes for frozen food items are vegetables and fruits.

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