Home Cancer Care & Awareness A Detailed Guide on How to Prevent Cervical Cancer

A Detailed Guide on How to Prevent Cervical Cancer

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Silent but lethal. These are words frequently used to characterise cervical cancer, a disease with a sluggish progression and few early symptoms.

Is it preventable? If yes, then how to prevent cervical cancer?

Well, you can lower your risk by lifestyle changes, and getting vaccinated to stop the HPV infection that causes the cancer in the first place.

Keep reading this blog post to get details on methods to reduce the risk of cervical cancer development!!! 

Fast Facts About Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer as a result of abnormalities in the cervix’s cells that typically develop over time slowly. 

The sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) is to blame for the majority of cervical cancer incidences. 

Because cervical cancer typically doesn’t present symptoms until later stages, many women with the disease are unaware of their condition when it first arises. 

When symptoms do emerge, they might easily be confused with common conditions like menstruation and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Some common symptoms include unusual vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, and urge to urinate more often. 

Medical Screening for Cervical Cancer Prevention

How to prevent cervical cancer? The greatest strategy is to identify and treat precancerous cells. 

Two major test that are part of cervical pre-cancerous cells screening include: 

1-The Pap Test

Your first line of protection against cervical cancer is a Pap test. This test is occasionally referred to as a PAP smear. 

The test involves examining the cervix’s  cells for precancerous alterations that without therapy may develop into cancer. During the test your healthcare provider will take a sample from the cervix using a swab. The sample is obtained by using a device known as speculum that aids widening the vagina. 

The cells are then delivered to a lab for examination. To find anomalies in the size, shape, and organisation of cervix cells, the Pap sample is analysed under a microscope. 

Your HPV test results will either be positive or negative, and if positive, the particular strain may be mentioned. It could take up to a week for your healthcare provider to receive the results of your testing.

Your doctor will treat you if an infection is present and order another Pap test later. Your doctor will run additional tests to identify the issue if the physical exam or Pap test indicate something other than an infection.

What should be the frequency to get a Pap test done? 

Well, it’s crucial to have regular Pap tests. The frequency of your checkups should be discussed with your doctor. According to U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), women should undergo a Pap test every three years until the age of 65

In addition, doctors may also administer an HPV DNA test, which can find HPV on a woman’s cervix, in some instances where women have previously received abnormal Pap test findings.

2-HPV Test

To improve the ability to identify cervical cancer, the HPV test is used in conjunction with the Pap test. 

An HPV test can identify cell alterations that may result in cervical cancer. This provides medical professionals a chance to address the cells before they continue to develop.

Do you want to learn about common cancer causing habits? Click here!

3-Getting an HPV vaccine

Getting vaccines that guard against HPV infection can also help prevent cervical cancer. However, women who have HPV infection already are not protected by these immunizations.

When should you get the HPV vaccine?

Before you begin sexual activity is the optimal time to receive the HPV vaccine. They are therefore accessible to kids as young as nine. 

Most experts advise boys, girls, and women to obtain the HPV vaccine between the ages of 11 and 26. However, the vaccine has been licensed for use up to age 45, even though it is often administered before the age of 26. To further know in which age you should get vaccinated against HPV, you may consult with the best medical specialists via Healthwire.pk.

How to Avoid Cervical Cancer Naturally?

After reviewing the medical screening to prevent cervical cancer, let’s now see how to avoid cervical cancer naturally. 

1-Use Barrier Protection During Sexual Activity

HPV infection transmits majorly and mainly through sexual interaction. So, using a barrier form of birth control, such as condoms can help to prevent HPV infection. 

Condoms can lessen the likelihood of infection spreading by adding a barrier of protection because HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact of the genital areas. 

NOTE: It is crucial to remember that a person can still contract HPV from the genital skin or the region around the anus, which the condom don’t protect against.

2-Quit Smoking

According to the CDC, smoking has been linked to several cancers, including cervical cancer. 

Although smoking is unrelated to whether or not you will contract the HPV virus, quitting smoking lowers the risk of acquiring cervical cancer. 

Smoking weakens your immune system as a whole, which generally helps you fight cancer and viruses like HPV. These poisons can also alter or damage a cell’s DNA, which can lead to the onset of a tumour.

According to research, sexual partners who smoke or are passive smokers both raise the risk of cervical cancer.

3-Focus on Your Diet

Adding more to how to avoid cervical cancer naturally is making some dietary changes. 

Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and engaging in regular physical activity can reduce the risk of cervical cancer development. This is probably because leading a healthy lifestyle improves immune system performance and lessens the impact of bodily alterations that promote cancer. 

Including the foods mentioned below can help in HPV infection prevention: 

  • Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E
  • Plants foods and teas rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, lycopene, and sulforaphane
  • Folate, calcium, and vitamin D rich foods
  • Nuts and legumes

In addition, research suggests that people should avoid:

Higher glycemic index (GI) foods: Consuming meals with a low GI can help prevent cervical cancer.

Inflammatory foods: Bacterial vaginosis, which is linked to an increased risk of cervical cancer, can be brought on by diets high in inflammatory foods, such as sugar and fatty fats.

Learn more on best food choices to prevent cancer.


According to experts, routine screening may help detect cervical cancer in its earliest stages or prevent it from ever occurring.

Additionally, receiving an HPV vaccine helps shield individuals from catching this widespread infection through sexual contact. 

In addition, by employing barrier protection techniques or birth control methods and abstaining from smoking, people can reduce their risk of acquiring cervical cancer.

A balanced, nutrient-rich diet containing antioxidants can also support the immune system’s defence against HPV.

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