Home Diseases and Disorders How To Remove Chicken Pox Scars Fast?

How To Remove Chicken Pox Scars Fast?

How To Remove Chicken Pox Scar
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The worst thing about getting chickenpox is that the blisters leave scars on your skin even after the virus has left your body. Most of the time, these scars fade over time, just like any other scar. However, this can be a very slow process. Find out how to get rid of old chickenpox scars. Scars, especially ones on the face, can also make you feel bad about yourself and hurt your image. There are a number of ways to deal with chickenpox scars and speed up the process of them going away but we need to understand what causes these scars. So let’s begin 

What Causes Chicken Pox Scars? 

People with chickenpox get blisters all over their bodies, and they itch a lot. It is very important to fight the urge to scratch the blisters. Scars from chickenpox are mostly caused by two things:

  • When someone has an infection, they scratch too much, which hurts the skin and makes deep wounds.
  • Inflammation of the skin causes scars to form in the skin.
  • When the bump is scratched, the itchiness makes a raw spot. After 5-7 days, when the crust falls off on its own, it can cause the skin to scar permanently.

Scarring can also be caused by how bad the skin infection is, how bad the inflammation is, and how deep the blisters are. The face, chest, and back are the most likely places to get chickenpox scars. In case of any issue, you can visit your specialist. As we understand how scars occur on our body let’s move to its management.

How To Get Rid Of Chicken Pox Scars? 

Use these ways to get rid of marks or scars from chickenpox. Here, we look at how vitamins, coconut water, baking soda, lemon juice, and aloe vera can help get rid of chickenpox scars.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is full of antioxidants that help the skin make collagen and protect it from free radicals and other impurities. It also helps keep the skin hydrated. Almonds, spinach, and papaya are all good sources of vitamin E. You can also take them as a capsule or use them as an oil. Scars can be gotten rid of by eating foods high in vitamin E or massaging the scars with vitamin E oil.

Coconut Water

Coconut water tastes good and is full of good things for your skin, like lauric acid and cytokines. This helps keep the pH levels in the skin even and controls how fast cells grow. It also keeps acne from happening because it kills bacteria and fungi. In addition to drinking coconut water, you could also put it directly on the wounds to help them heal faster.


Lemon Juice 

One of the best places to get vitamin C is lemon juice. This helps the body make collagen, which helps keep the skin strong and flexible. It also has a lot of alpha hydroxyl acids, which help heal skin that has been hurt. Lemon juice can also help scars fade because it has bleaching properties. If you mix lemon juice with water or put it on your skin straight, it will help get rid of chickenpox holes.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is known for its ability to fight free radicals and kill bacteria. This can keep bacteria from getting into the skin and help soothe and heal it. It also helps relieve the itching and redness caused by chickenpox blisters because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera gel also helps the body make more collagen and keeps the skin moist. You can use aloe vera by putting the gel inside its leaves right on your skin and letting it dry. For best results, this can be done 3–4 times a day.

Bicarbonate Soda 

When people with chickenpox scratch their blisters to make them feel better, they leave scars. Baking soda can help stop scars from forming by calming the skin and removing dead skin cells. It also helps keep the skin’s pH level even. A paste made of baking soda and water can be massaged into the affected area to remove dead skin cells and stop scarring.

Other Treatment Options For Chicken Pox Scars 

Peeling With Chemicals

Chemical peels work by taking off the top layer of skin, which may help make scars less noticeable and less dark. Some of the most common ones are alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, and a mix of both (e.g., TCA Cross peel).  One study reveals that TCA is the best chemical to treat chickenpox scars. Chemical peels are good because:

  • Chemical peeling is not too expensive.
  • It’s safe, effective, and doesn’t hurt.

Surgery To Cut Out

If the chickenpox scar is big, deep, and stuck together, your dermatologist might suggest minor surgery, a surgery that is a little more invasive. Local anesthesia will be put on the area that will be worked on, so you won’t feel any pain. Needles are used to pulling the base of the scarred skin away from the rest of the skin, which makes the scar much shallower. For chickenpox scars, micro-needling or dermal fillers are used along with minor surgery.

Radiofrequency Needle Pricking

Microneedling is one of the safest ways to treat scars from chickenpox. In this procedure, radiofrequency energy is put into the deeper layers of the skin using tiny needles. This causes collagen to be made. When new collagen is made under the skin, the scar starts to get higher. When this method is used with other methods, like laser resurfacing, the results last longer.

Topical Creams 

Scar removal creams and ointments can help change the scar’s color, texture, and overall look. These creams can help make scars look less obvious. But the creams don’t work on chickenpox scars that are deep and pitted.

Silicon Sheets

Silicone sheets made for raised chickenpox scars can be used on both new and old scars to make them flat, shrink, and fade. One study reveals that topical silicon sheets keep the scar tissue moist, which makes the scars fade and get softer over time. For the silicone sheets to work, you will have to use them every day for six months.

Things You Should Consider 

You might want to get rid of chickenpox scars, especially if they are on your face. There are many ways to treat it, which is good news. You can start with over-the-counter (OTC) medicines or go straight to a dermatologist. Dermatologists know a lot about scars and can give you advice on the best way to treat yours.

But keep in mind that your scars will probably be most obvious to you, and other people may not even notice them.

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