Home Mental Health How to Stop Being a Narcissist – Effective Ways to Overcome Narcissism 

How to Stop Being a Narcissist – Effective Ways to Overcome Narcissism 

How to Stop Being a Narcissist
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I don’t care what you think unless it is about me

If you can relate to this quote then my sincere apologies as you might have dealt with peak narcissist behaviour or might still be dealing with it.  Rather than a common misconception, it is pretty easy to spot a narcissist in a crowd. 

Just start a conversation and wait for them to take the Limelight on your personal experience. A narcissist has a tendency of making everything, every situation and every conversation about them. It can be an intimate childhood memory of yours and they will take a bit out of that and will turn it into a full-fledged drama about their own past trauma. 

But is narcissism an in-built character trait, a personality fault or a defence mechanism? Stay with us as we take you on a journey on how to stop being a narcissist. Along the path, we will identify the triggers, the personality traits and ways one can solve the mystery of how not to become a narcissist. 

What is Narcissism?

Narcissism is an over-indulgence in one’s own interests and needs especially at the cost of others. According to medical health experts of Saira Memorial Hospital, It is a self-centered personality style that is outlined with excessive self-absorption tendencies. Narcissism is a spectrum disorder that exists on a continuum. It ranges from normal to extreme narcissistic behaviours. 

Who or What is a Narcissist?

A narcissist is a person who shows extreme signs of self-involvement, self-love and self-centric behaviours that might often lead them to take the needs of others for granted. This type of self-absorption to some degree is evident in most human beings. But a narcissist is blind to other regards and has no remorse for their actions and their consequences on others. 

Stop and Read: The term narcissism came from Ovid Metamorphoses who was a Roman Poet.

What are the Signs of a Narcissist?

Even though more research and study are needed to properly explore narcissism. Yet here are some of the common behavioural traits put forward by narcissists. 

Superiority Complex

One of the peak narcissism traits is that they exude a sense of entitlement. They often think that they do not belong to the ‘commonly treated’ or ‘equally catered to’ group of people. Narcissists have a strong belief that they deserve the best. Others should be simply obedient to their needs and there is no vice versa. This is a clear case of low self-esteem and a hollow ego

No or Severe Lack of Empathy

Empathy is a trait that allows one to connect with the struggles or difficulties of others on a personal scale. Narcissists tend to suffer from a severe lack of empathy. A continuous absence of these humane emotions makes narcissists emotionless and irresponsible in their course of action. 

Constant Need for Admiration

Narcissists are always in search of praise or admiration. They tend to brag or heighten even the mundane task to seek validation. This constant need for praise is often to fuel their ego. 

Can’t Say Thank You

Narcissists believe that they deserve all the best treatment in the world because of what they are bringing to the table no one else can. That is why they are often not accustomed to saying thank you. They have a firm belief that the world revolves around them and that they should be treated like the prime members at every cost. 

How to Cure Narcissism?

Treatment of narcissism is not a smooth road. Overcoming narcissism originates from acknowledging the fact that you have narcissistic tendencies. After that, it demands patience and active consideration that you need to change. Here are some ways with which you can become less self-absorbed. 

Learn Empathy

Although it is a hard nut to crack, learning empathy can actually be the stepping stone on your journey to overcome narcissism. You can try to become more involved in the people that are around you. But try not to invade their personal space. 

Maintain a healthy boundary but empathize with them on their struggles and difficulties. Consider yourself in their shoes and question How would I feel if I was in their place? 

This will help to filter out all the negativity and you would be able to understand them on an emotional level. 

Practice Gratitude

A subtle change that can help you with narcissism is learning to say Thank You. 

Practising gratitude is in no shape or form equivalent to sacrificing your ego. It is just a way to acknowledge the efforts of others who are trying to become your safe space either through providence or understanding. 

Try to compliment when someone does an act that is assisting you even in the smallest way possible. Master the art of saying Thank you and overcome narcissism (slowly but gradually). 

Better Impulse Management

According to Dr Muhammad Imran Sharif, a well-known psychiatrist with eight years of experience, narcissists often tend to act out without giving it a second thought. They are thus characterized to be impulsive. If you are wondering to overcome narcissism then you need to

Think Before You Speak

Therefore if you need to tame your impulses you must first become aligned with what they are. When you are aware of your impulses it might provide you with enough room to tackle them accordingly.

Start taking mental notes of what are the things that are demanding a reaction from you. Once you have a profound understanding of the matters that tamper with your reflexes. This way you can actually pause and rethink your actions before they might hurt others. 

Take Responsibility for Your Actions

Wondering How to stop being a narcissist? Try to become more responsible for your actions. Rather than making someone take the blame for your bad day or bad mood, evaluate why you are in the position in the first place. 

This is one of the crucial and difficult steps to take but it will have a profound and glorious impact on your overall behaviour. 

Taking responsibility for your actions means that you are not dependent on others for your happiness. So, take the front wheel of your life and stop blaming others for everything.

How to Stop Being a Narcissist – Get Professional Help

After surrendering to the fact that you actually need to do something about your narcissistic tendencies, it is better to find the right channels to do so. Make sure to get the necessary aid from the above-mentioned behavioural tips. But if you have more queries or are struggling with them then you should seek professional guidance. 

You can reach out to the best psychiatrists via healthwire. They will guide you properly in these matters and will work with you to make you understand yourself better. 

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