Do you want your nails to be long and strong? Who doesn’t, right? But what do you know? Getting the nails of your dreams isn’t easy. But it’s not impossible. Take a complete blood count test and discuss it with your doctor. We all know that strong, healthy nails can be a sign of good health, but sometimes our nails aren’t as strong as we’d like them to be.
The good news is that we can always change our habits and way of life to make our nails stronger and get them where we want them to be. With a few tips and tricks, you can grow nails that are not only pretty but also strong. Here are some things you can do.
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15 Best Way To Strengthen Nails
Sometimes our nails don’t grow when we feel stressed, have a fever, injury, or have a serious illness.Here are a few tips that can help you to strengthen your nails such as
Biotin Supplements
Biotin is one of the B vitamins. It is also called vitamin H and vitamin B-7. Since it dissolves in water, the body can’t store it, so you have to eat it every day.
Biotin can help make hair and nails stronger, and it also helps the nervous system work well. It can be found in sardines, hard-cooked eggs, and legumes, or you can take a B vitamin or supplement.
Before taking a biotin supplement, talk to your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you.
Avoid Use Of Water
When you soak your nails in water too much, they can get weak and break. When you wash dishes or take a bath, wear gloves and try not to put your hands in the water.
It’s not always possible to keep your hands from getting wet, but this is something to be aware of.
Stay Hydrated
It’s important for your health and your nails to drink enough water. If nails don’t get enough water, they can get dry and break or peel easily. If you drink enough water, it helps your nails to keep their moisture and strength.
Take Care Of What You Eat
Make sure you eat a healthy diet and take beneficial multivitamins with minerals. A lack of important vitamins and minerals in your diet can affect your whole body, including your nails.
Be Careful With The Things You Buy And Use
Many nail polishes and treatments contain harsh chemicals that can actually make nails weaker. If a nail polish remover has acetone in it, you should stay away from it because it can hurt your nails. Look for nail polishes, soaks, and polish removers that won’t hurt your nails.
Don’t Use Gel Or Acrylic Nails
People who have trouble growing their nails are told that these are an easy alternative. However, using them often can cause your nails to peel, which makes them weaker. If you have to use them, don’t wear them all the time.
Gel polish needs ultraviolet light, which has been linked to cancer. However, the amount of UV light you get from gel polish is much less than what you get from UV tanning equipment. Exposure also makes the skin around the nail, which keeps it healthy, and older. One study shows that gel manicures which are made with a special formula, need to be cured in light-based units. Most of these curing lamps put out a lot of ultraviolet A light, which can damage the skin and make it more likely to get skin cancer.
Stop Painting Your Nails For A While
In the same way, nail polish looks nice, but your nails need to be able to breathe. Even polish that is safe for your nails can weaken them if you use it all the time.
After a week or so of wearing nail polish, take it off with a polish remover that doesn’t contain acetone. One study reveals that nail polish removers consist largely of acetone. When consumed unintentionally or intentionally, acetone produces mild central nervous system and respiratory depression, hyperglycemia and ketonemia,
Don’t Grow Your Nails Too Long
Long nails are more likely to break and get caught on things, while short nails are less likely to chip, crack, or split, which helps them stay strong.
Don’t Do Things With Your Nails
Instead, use the pads of your fingers to open a soda can or a paperclip to reach something in a small space. Using your nails as tools can cause them to break and chip, which can make the nail weaker.
Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!
Use hand cream on your hands and nails after taking off nail polish or if you think you’re not getting enough water. Every time you wash your hands, you can do this.

Don’t Let Things Dry Out
Try not to get hand sanitizer on your nails, and don’t use too much hand sanitizer. Using hand sanitizer all the time can be bad for your nails. This is because the hand sanitizer dries out nails and hands, which makes nails weak.
Switch Up The Way You File Your Nails
If you file your nails back and forth like a saw, it can actually weaken them. Only file in one direction, and don’t file too much on the sides of the nails because that can weaken the nail.
Be Careful When You Use Cleaning Products
Wear rubber gloves when you clean around the house. There are chemicals in a lot of cleaning products and wipes that can weaken the nail. You can avoid getting hurt by these chemicals if you wear gloves.
Pay More Attention To Your Shampoo
If you use a shampoo for oily hair that is drying or tries to remove oils, it could be drying out your nails and making them weak or brittle. Try using a different shampoo for a couple of weeks to see if it makes a difference.
Talk To Your Doctor
If you’ve tried several things over the course of a few weeks and your nails haven’t changed, you should see a dermatologist. They can look at your nails and ask you questions about your daily life and health in general.
If you need it, they can give you a stronger treatment for your nails that you can only get with a prescription.
Things You Should Consider
Even if your nails don’t feel dry or brittle, that doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods. You wouldn’t stop taking care of your skin every day just because you don’t see any spots or other problems, would you? The same is true for nail care: After all, a good defense is the best way to attack. There are a lot of things you can do to make your nails stronger and look better.
If you’ve tried different cures and nothing has worked, you should see a doctor. If your nails are thin or break easily, there may be a problem at the root of the problem that needs to be fixed before your nails can get strong again.