Home Diseases and Disorders What Are Mouth blisters- Get To Know How You Can Get Rid Of It 

What Are Mouth blisters- Get To Know How You Can Get Rid Of It 

What Are Mouth blisters
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Mouth blisters are the basic sores that occur on the lips or inside the mouth. Mouth blisters are harmless and they start with a sensation of irritation, pain, burning, and tingling.  Mouth blisters resemble herpes simplex virus in which you have blisters and pain in your mouth. They are normal and can be managed at home, without seeing your dentist.

I still remember when I was a kid I used to have mouth blisters and they were so painful, I used to feel uncomfortable while eating, drinking and talking. The fun fact is it runs into families like if your mother or father had mouth blisters, there is a higher chance that you will also get blisters in your mouth. 

Mouth blisters are not harmful and they disappear within 2 weeks on their own. They range from small to large and can be extremely painful, I am repeating again because while talking about mouth blisters, oh my God, I’m feeling that sensation again. Even you must be relating with me. Let’s discuss symptoms and causes before moving to a cure. 

Symptoms of Mouth Blisters 

  • A round sore or sores inside the mouth 
  • Swollen skin around the sores 
  • Tenderness
  • Problems with chewing or toothbrushing because of the tenderness
  • Irritation of the sores by salty, spicy, or sour foods
  • Loss of appetite

Causes of Mouth Ulcers 

  • Accidental biting of the cheek 
  • Injury from a toothbrush (such as slipping while brushing) 
  • Constant rubbing against a sharp teeth 
  • Constant rubbing against your braces 
  • Poor oral hygiene 
  • Burns from eating hot food 
  • Irritation from strong antiseptics, such as a mouthwash
  • Oral  infection 
  • Herpes simplex viral infection (cold sore)
  • Reaction to certain drugs, such as chemotherapeutic agents 
  • Autoimmune diseases (for example, lichen planus) 
  • Syphilis Infection 
  • A range of other infections including hand-foot-mouth syndrome 
  • Certain diseases including tuberculosis, AIDS, diabetes mellitus, and inflammatory bowel disease 
  • Cancer of the lip

Are Mouth Ulcers Dangerous? 

No, just like cold sores, mouth ulcers are not dangerous; they get resolved within 2 weeks. They usually spread through sharing your food and kissing

Now we know what causes mouth blisters and what are the symptoms, Let’s move further 

How To Get Rid Of Mouth Ulcers 

There are many short treatments to get rid of mouth ulcers but you must be curious that are there any kind of easy home remedies to treat them. Because we always need an instant solution that requires less money. The answer is yes, let’s discuss some easy and free home remedies that will help you to kick mouth ulcers. 

Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers 

Ice! Ice! Ice! 

Mouth blisters cause a burning sensation that is actually painful for you. Ice has a cooling effect so I will recommend you get one ice cube and wrap it into a piece of cloth and hold it over the blister. Please do not apply ice directly to your skin. Ice can help you to get temporary relief, else it reduces the burning sensation. 

Consume Healthy Nutrients

When you eat healthy food, your body gets a lot of vitamins and minerals. There may be a link between mouth ulcers and low levels of iron and vitamin B-12. Try to add more vegetables and fruits, eggs, whole wheat, and meat to your daily diet. Taking multivitamins will be the best option for your sores. 

Eat Yogurt 

Yogurt contains probiotics that improve your digestive system and directly act on your stomach. Sometimes your upset and burning stomach causes mouth ulcers so when you eat yogurt it has good bacteria that help you to get rid of these blisters fast. 

Avoid Spicy Food 

Spicy food causes inflammation in your stomach lines and you feel a burning stomach. Look at your spices while you have sores in your mouth. Another reason is that when you have sores in your mouth, spicy food causes pain and a burning sensation. 

Drink A Lot Of Water

Somehow your mouth blisters are directly linked with your stomach health. If your stomach is good your skin remains clear and you don’t have acne and blisters in your mouth. But when your stomach gets upset due to several reasons it causes mouth sores and acne. Water is the best solution to deal with your burning stomach. Try to drink 8 glasses of water and stay hydrated. This will definitely heal your blisters fast. 

Rinse Your Mouth With Warm Water

Every kitchen has a key ingredient which is a “Baking Soda ”. Get warm water and add one teaspoon of baking soda and mix it well. Rinse your mouth with this mixture, this is the best mouthwash that heals your mouth blisters. 

Paste Honey on

Honey contains antioxidants that kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. Paste honey on your mouth wounds and leave it for a few minutes. A study has shown that honey is a good treatment for mouth blisters. 

Counter solutions 

Other than home remedies there are some other counter solutions such as Colgate Plax mouthwash. This is an alcohol-free formula that cleans your mouth and also heals the irritation in your mouth. 

Another counter solution that is very famous is somogel. Somogel gives instant relief from mouth blisters, pain and irritation. Apply a small drop of gel to your blister and you will feel a burning sensation on it. But believe me, every pain leads to a solution. Somogel is the most recommended oral ointment available on the market. 

Things You Should Consider 

Mouth blisters are the basic sores that occur in your mouth and lips. It gives you pain, irritation, and a burning sensation. But they only last for a few days and disappear on their own. They are usually caused by oral infections, accidental bittings, stomach problems, poor oral hygiene, injury from toothbrushes and many other reasons that are mentioned above. There are home remedies available to treat mouth ulcers including ice, baking soda solution,  water and a good diet that contains fruits and vegetables, yogurt, and meat. Blisters usually diaper within two weeks but if they stay for a longer period of time, visit your general health physician or dentist. 

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