Pregnancy accustoms you to a certain level of discomfort all over, from delicate breasts to achy back. Right?
However, if you feel abdominal pain and cramps during your pregnancy, you must be concerned!
While some abdominal pain is typical during pregnancy, it can sometimes indicate an issue that requires medical care.
In this blog, you’ll be reading: How to know if your lower abdominal pains in early pregnancy are nothing to be concerned about? and When they could be a sign of something more serious?
Table of Contents
Is it Normal to Have Stomach Pain During Pregnancy?
If you are experiencing abdominal pain during your pregnancy, the first question that comes to mind: Is it normal to have stomach pain during pregnancy?
Well, it’s natural to be concerned about stomach pain in pregnancy. Especially, if you’re afraid it’s a symptom of miscarriage. However, stomach pain or abdominal cramps are typical throughout pregnancy and usually cause little concern.
After all, your uterus is expanding, ligaments are stretching, and organs are continuously shifting. All these may create pains and aches. But they are harmless. Stomach pain in pregnancy, on the other hand, might sometimes be a sign of something more serious.
To know what causes of lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy are common and what needs medical care, read further.
Causes of Stomach Pain in Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting moment in your life, and your body is undergoing many changes.
Unexpected illness or discomfort that appears out of nowhere can be concerning.
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Here’s a summary of the most frequent and uncommon reasons for stomach pain during pregnancy, as well as when you should seek medical advice.
Get to know more about how to stay healthy during pregnancy.
Common Causes of Lower Abdominal Pain in Early Pregnancy
Here are some common causes of stomach pain that can occur during any stage of pregnancy. They can be managed easily and usually go away on their own.
Your Uterus is Expanding
You won’t see your uterus developing or expanding during the first few weeks of pregnancy. However, by the 12th week, your uterus has stretched to the size of a grapefruit. If you’re expecting twins or multiples, your uterus may stretch more quickly.
Pains, slight discomfort, or twinges in the lower abdominal region may be signs that your uterus is stretching. This is common throughout pregnancy and a sign that everything is going well.
However, keep an eye out for severe cramping or spotting. Inform your doctor about these signs and symptoms.
Round Ligament Pain
Round ligament pain normally appears in the second trimester. Therefore, it’s unlikely to be the source of abdominal pain in early pregnancy.
The uterus is held in place by the round ligaments, which are positioned in the pelvis. They stretch as your tummy expands.
You may feel a spasm on the right side of your abdomen or right hip if you have round ligament discomfort. However, some pregnant women experience round ligament pain on both sides.
The discomfort should only last a few seconds or minutes, though it may recur if you laugh or perform certain activities such as bending down.
You can try prenatal massage or prenatal yoga to get relief from round ligament pain.
Gastric Distress
Most of the pregnant women become culprits of gas and bloating. Because the level of progesterone, a hormone that relaxes the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, increases. It causes the digestion process to slow down. As a result, you may experience bloating and additional pressure in the uterus.
Dry, hard stools, and constipation are some common symptoms of gastric distress. Also, some experience bloating, gas, or loose motion in early pregnancy.
What home remedies can you take to treat abdominal pain due to bloating? To alleviate gas discomfort and bloating, drink at least 10 cups of water every day. Eating a lot of fiber-rich foods can help with constipation.
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Braxton hicks contractions are also known as ‘false labour pains’. They are another reason for stomach pain during pregnancy. They are irregular and less painful than true labour.
What may cause these contractions to occur?
Dehydration is one of the reasons. Although being thirsty isn’t generally a major concern, it’s vital to drink plenty of water because some evidence suggests that dehydration can raise the chance of preterm delivery.
When it comes to drinking adequate water during pregnancy, aim for eight to ten glasses each day. The main goal is to make your urine pale yellow or colourless.
Serious Causes of Lower Abdominal Pain in Early Pregnancy
Some causes of stomach pain necessitate immediate medical attention.
If you think you could be suffering from one of the following issues, seek medical help right once.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy happens when a fertilised egg attaches itself to something other than the uterus, mostly the fallopian tubes. On one or both sides of the uterus or abdomen, you may have severe, or chronic pain.
Some other symptoms are:
- Gastrointestinal discomfort
- Heavy vaginal bleeding
- Weakness and dizziness
Ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition. It can’t continue and require immediate medical treatment.
So, if you fear you’re having an ectopic pregnancy, get emergency medical care right away.
What does it feel like to have miscarriage cramps?
The cramping that occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy and is connected to a miscarriage might be subtle or equivalent to unpleasant menstrual cramps. It usually happens before the 20th week of pregnancy. It commonly affects the abdomen, or lower back and is followed by below mentioned symptoms:
- Vaginal bleeding
- Passing clots through vagina
- Pelvic pain
So, if you are having spotting or passing tissues through vagina, your miscarriage might have begun. Talk to your doctor immediately.
How Can You Get Relief From Stomach Pain in Pregnancy?
Do you want to know if there’s anything you can do to alleviate benign stomach discomfort while you’re pregnant? Of course, there are several home remedies.
Following remedies may be helpful in treating abdominal pain in early pregnancy.
- Hydrate yourself. Drink a lot of water.
- Do urinate often. Empty your bladder completely.
- Take a rest.
- Exercise. But in moderation and with the approval of the doctor.
- Add fiber rich foods such as bran, vegetables to your diet.
- Try to change your body movement. For example, slowly sit down and get up.
Point to Remember: If you’re having any troubling symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.
The Takeaway!
Mild lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy does not usually indicate that something is wrong. However, pain that is accompanied by spotting or bleeding should be reported to your doctor. These symptoms could indicate the beginnings of a miscarriage.
If you’re pregnant and experiencing abdominal pain or feel that this pain is too much for you, you may consult a gynaecologist in Lahore. You can book an appointment via or make a call at (042) 32500989.