Home Nutrition & Diet Pomegranate Benefits – The Heavenly Fruit for Your Health [+ Free Pomegranate Recipes]

Pomegranate Benefits – The Heavenly Fruit for Your Health [+ Free Pomegranate Recipes]

Pomegranate Benefits
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There’s a saying in our culture that ‘pomegranate fruit was brought from the heavens to the earth, and in every pomegranate fruit, there is one seed from the gardens of heaven’. 

And we can’t agree more. Pomegranate is a heavenly fruit. This red fruit is a beautiful sight for the eyes. 

If you are here, I am sure you want to know more about pomegranate benefits for your health. So with further ado, let’s get to know what pomegranate benefits you can get from eating this fruit. 

Pomegranate Benefits: Why Should You Add More Pomegranates to Your Diet?

Pomegranate is a crimson, round fruit. It contains a white interior flesh that’s tightly packed with crisp, juicy edible seeds called arils.

These unusual fruits have a lot more to offer than only the vividly coloured juice they are frequently used for. 

Let’s have a look at the nutrition content of pomegranates. A 100 grams of pomegranates contain:

  • Calories: 83 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 18.7 g
  • Sugar: 13.67 g
  • Fiber: 4 g
  • Protein: 1.67 g
  • Fat: 1.17 g

Just like the fruit, pomegranate juice benefits are endless. For breakfast, pomegranate juice is a cool beverage. It is a delicious component of shakes and smoothies, which are just impossible for kids to refuse. 

A glass of pomegranate juice is not only healthy but also helps keep the body hydrated. 

It is also a fantastic treatment for dengue, which is a common illness among children in our subcontinent.

Pomegranate juice benefits satisfy you much? Now, let’s get to know pomegranate benefits for your health:

Lowers Blood Pressure

If you regularly consume pomegranate juice,it will keep your blood pressure in check. 

Its main function is to control systolic blood pressure.

According to studies, blood pressure significantly decreases when you drink 150 ml of pomegranate juice every day

Contains Anti-Cancer Properties

This fruit may slow the growth of cancer cells. 

Pomegranate benefits your body by preventing the growth of prostate and breast cancer cells. 

Breast cancer cell growth also gets inhibited by pomegranate extract. According to various studies, it also prevents them from reproducing and even kills some of them.

Keeps Inflammation at a Bay

Chronic inflammation causes obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Pomegranate can reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in breast cancer and colon cancer cells.

Pomegranates contain punicalagin, a potent antioxidant. All antioxidants also possess strong anti-inflammatory capabilities. These specifically assist in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract.

One 12-week study found that consuming 1 cup of pomegranate juice daily decreased levels of the inflammatory markers CRP and interleukin-6 in diabetic patients by 32 percent and 30 percent, respectively.

Helps with Arthritis

People with arthritis frequently experience joint swelling.

Well, good news!! 

Pomegranate extract improves arthritis. 

Pomegranates’ anti-inflammatory characteristics aid in reducing any inflammation. They successfully block the enzymes that harm joints. As a result, it can aid in the effective treatment of osteoarthritis

Promotes Healthy Heart Functioning

One of the best fruits for the heart is the pomegranate. 

Punicic acid, the primary fatty acid in pomegranates, may offer protection from various phases of the development of heart disease. It aids in defending the heart against various heart disease stages.

Pomegranate juice decreases blood pressure, a significant risk factor for heart disease. 

Lowers Cholesterol

Pomegranate lowers the body’s amount of harmful cholesterol. 

It prevents the oxidation of the bad cholesterol, which may lead to cardiac problems. 

Fights Fungal and Bacterial Infections

Certain dangerous germs including the yeast Candida albicans get defeated by pomegranate benefits. 

Pomegranates contain strong plant components that can fight against harmful germs. These qualities might guard against oral infections.

Enhances Memory

Pomegranates can improve memory function, thus preventing Alzhmeir’s disease. 

Regular eating of the fruit lowers the post-surgery memory loss. Therefore, older persons with memory impairments can drink pomegranate juice daily.

Another study found that giving elderly people with memory impairments 237 ml of pomegranate juice daily improved verbal and visual memory measures.

Increases Physical Performance

Pomegranates encourage improved physical performance, much like beets.

After exercise, it helps prevent weariness and fatigue.

This impact of pomegranate was clarified by examining a group of athletes’ post-workout performance. Consuming one gram of pomegranate extract significantly improved their’ ability to exercise.

Enhances Sexual Performance and Fertility 

Pomegranates have traditionally been associated with fertility. 

Pomegranate may be able to assist safeguard fertility thanks to its antioxidant content. 

Oxidative stress can cause male sperm malfunction and female infertility. Pomegranate benefits you with enhanced sexual performance

Pomegranate juice consumption may improve sperm quality and motility. 

Ways to Consume Pomegranate in Your Diet

Eating pomegranates raw is an easy and healthful way to include them in your diet. 

Pomegranate arils are delicious on their own. It might be difficult to remove them from its outer layer, though. 

Cut the fruit in half. Hold a piece such that the arils face the bowl and over it.

Until the arils fall into the dish, forcefully tap the fruit a few times. Making cuts in the fruit with a knife is another efficient technique. Here are some of the ways you can get pomegranate benefits to its fullest:


Pomegranates are great in salads. The sweet and crunchy arils add an intriguing variation to the flavor. Feta cheese, vegetables, and nuts go well with it. 

You can also include it in fruit salads as a nutritious dessert alternative.

Dessert Garnish

Use it as a garnish for dessert. Use it as a garnish on parfaits and yogurt. It also works great as a topping for ice cream.


Pomegranate juice is a very well-liked fruit beverage. 

Those who do not like the taste of the seed can make juice out of it. After that, stir in some milk to achieve a smoothie-like consistency. 

Choose a fresh pomegranate juice whenever possible. The nutritional value of the processed version is diminished.

Dipping Sauce

Use it to make a dipping sauce. Reduce pomegranate juice on heat and add some spices and more sugar. You can dipp meat and shrimp in the thickened sauce.

Juice as Marinade

You can use the juice as marinade as well. 

Pomegranates’ tart and sweet flavor compliments the flavor of meats.

Breakfast Cereal

Breakfast should always include a cup of oats or porridge with pomegranate seeds on top. It tastes great to combine soft oats with crunchy arils.

Pizza Topping

You can top your pizza with pomegranates as well. It provides a particular flavor to it.

Pomegranate Recipes for You

Pomegranate Blueberry Banana Smoothie

Take the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ cup yogurt
  • One chopped banana
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 1 cup spinach
  • ¼ cup pomegranate seeds
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds

How to Prepare? 

You can use any type of milk and yogurt you like (coconut milk, regular milk, soy milk, etc.).

If you want to use this as your pre-workout beverage, you may also add protein powder.

Mix all of the components in a blender in the specified sequence. Blend until the mixture is flawless.

Add some ice cubes to the smoothies during or after blending if you want to serve them chilled.

Coconut and Pomegranate Acai Bowl

Take the following ingredients:

  • One chopped banana
  • A packet of acai puree
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoon pomegranate seeds
  • 2 tablespoon grated coconut
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds

How to Prepare?

Before placing the acai puree in the blender, give it a little whack on the counter to help it break apart.

Blend the banana, acai powder, and milk thoroughly in a powerful blender. Use any milk you like, of course.

Add the remaining ingredients on top after halfway filling a bowl with the mixture. 

To spice it up, use your imagination while placing the toppings.

Mango Pomegranate Salsa


  • 1 cup diced mango
  • 1-2 diced avocados
  • 1 cup pomegranate seeds
  • 4 tablespoons minced cilantro
  • One lime, juice and zest
  • Salt, a pinch
  • Pepper, a pinch
  • One minced jalapeno
  • One thinly sliced green onion

How to Prepare?

Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl.

Add salt and pepper as you like. To avoid browning, serve within a few hours.

Putting it all Together!

Regular pomegranate consumption helps treat a variety of illnesses. Some of these include excessive cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and cardiac conditions.

Salads and meat go nicely with its mildly acidic and sweet flavor. Additionally, it serves as a flavorful topping that complements practically every dish.
Additionally, its anti-inflammatory and memory-improving qualities make it a perfect complement to your diet. To reap the many advantages of pomegranate, consume the raw arils or its natural juice. Get to know about fruit benefits for your health by consulting with a well-known nutritionist/dietician via Healthwire’s platform.

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