Home General Health Revealing the Hidden Causes of Swollen Hands

Revealing the Hidden Causes of Swollen Hands

Swollen Hands
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Swollen hands typically happen when there is extra fluid trapped in the tissues of the body. This can obviously be a very uncomfortable and very weird condition that many people experience at some point in their lives. 

Hands are almost everything we do daily. So, when they are swollen, it can really interfere with daily activities which can decrease your quality of life. 

Some of the causes of swelling in hands improve over time, however, sometimes it can go for a longer time than expected. But understanding the causes, symptoms, and potential remedies for swollen hands is very essential in finding relief and promoting hand health. 

Common Causes of Hand Swelling

If you want the answer to why hand swelling occurs, it is important to know the causes, to begin with. 

1. Hot Weather

Hot weather is one of the common causes of swelling of hands. This happens as the blood vessels expand and send more blood to the skin’s surface to cool it down. Now, as the vessels start to expand, some of the fluid starts to move in the tissues of the hands. 

Other symptoms of extreme heat exposure include:

  • Increased body temperature
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Rash

Now, it might take a few days for your body to get used to the hot temperature, but once it does the swollen hands start to get better. 

2. Exercise

Exercising increases blood flow to the lungs, muscles, and heart. But, it can also be a cause of reducing blood flow to the hands, which can make them cooler. Sometimes, the blood vessels in the hands neutralize this by opening up, and this is how hands start to swell. 

In addition to that, exercising can make muscles produce heat. In response to that your body pushes blood towards the vessels that are closest to the body’s surface in order to get rid of some heat.  This obviously makes the hands sweaty but also causes the hands to swell. 

In a lot of cases, experts at Avicenna Hospital say that swollen hands occurring during exercise is no big deal, but if you are an athlete, it can be a sign of hyponatremia. This is referred to as having lower levels of sodium in your body. A person is likely to suffer from nausea and confusion when they suffer from hyponatremia. 

3. Salt Intake

Dr. Rabia Sohail,  who is one of the best general physicians in Pakistan says that our body is capable of keeping a balance between water and salt which can be easily upset. Your kidneys help in filtering out the blood all day, pull out the toxins, and remove the unwanted fluid from the bladder. 

Now, consuming too much salt makes it harder for the kidneys to remove the unwanted fluid. This then causes fluid build up in the system, where it starts to collect in certain areas and causes swollen hands.   

After the collection of fluid in indifferent parts of the body, the heart has to work harder to distribute blood. This then results in causing high blood pressure. 

4. Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the conditions that is very well-known to a lot of people. In this condition, one of the most common symptoms seen is the swelling and stiffness of the joints. 

Depending on the type of arthritis, the symptoms and the area affected can vary. But inflammatory arthritis commonly impacts the hands. 

In this case, the joints present in the wrists and fingers may look red and swollen, and feel stiff and warm. These symptoms can be especially noticeable at the start of the day. 

Some of the other symptoms of swollen hands in arthritis that describe it better, include: 

  • Swelling that lasts for 3 days or more
  • joints that are stuff for 1 hour or linger in the morning
  • Swelling that occurs three or more times in a month

Suggested Read: What causes swelling in feet? 

5. Puffy Hand Syndrome

Puffy hand syndrome is also one of the major causes of swelling in one hand. 

According to a 2020 study, a puffy hand is a very rare clinical complication of IV drug usage. Injections when repeatedly injected in one area of the body with drugs can affect the blood vessels or the tissues surrounding, leading to swelling and retention. 

If a person gets IV drugs injected regularly into his/her veins of the hands, they may experience swollen hands or arms. 

Other factors that are noted to be increasing the risk of swelling include unsterilized needles, and using the wrong technique while injecting. 

Tips and Tricks to Manage Hand Swelling

Some simple tricks and remedies done at home can save you from the swelling that occurs periodically. 

If the cause of your swelling is hot weather, then give your body time to get acclimated to hot weather. Once you get used to it, the swelling goes away. One of the best ways to cool the body down is by using a dehumidifier or a fan. 

If the cause of swelling is exercise, then make sure, that you: 

  • do arm circles while you exercise
  • elevate your hands after exercising to void swollen hands
  • remove the pieces of jewelry before you start exercising
  • expand your fingers and clench them into a fist while you exercise

If the cause of swelling in hands is salt intake then it is best to go for a low-sodium diet. You can add potatoes, yogurt, nuts, and vegetables to your diet in order to have a low-sodium diet. 

If the cause of the swelling is Arthritis, only some lifestyle changes can make a huge difference. You can start taking a balanced diet, avoid smoking, and avoid the use of alcohol. However, doctors do advise medications too. 

Some other ways to prevent arthritis can also be very helpful. 

If the cause of the hand swelling is Puffy Hand Syndrome, then it is best to follow the given guidelines to inject an IV and to take care of the measures to use sterilized and clean syringes that don’t cause swelling and damage to hands. 

When to Consult Healthwire!

Now, you know all the ways to identify swollen hands and know some of the tricks to manage them. Here is a quick piece of advice. Instead of panicking over the swelling in your hands, it is always best to visit the best general physician near you to know what actually is causing you swelling in the first place. 


What are swollen hands a sign of?

Swollen hands can be a sign of you staying at a place for a longer period of time, consuming more salt, or may also be caused during pregnancy.

How to treat swollen hands and feet?

You can treat swollen hands and feet by using massage, pressure techniques, and moving your muscles.

Is hand swelling bad? 

Swelling in hands can be discomforting but it is nothing serious to worry about. A few lifestyle changes can help in its management. 

How to know if swelling in your hands is serious? 

If the swelling is unexplainable and is rapid, or if it comes along with unexplained weight gain and loss, then it is serious.

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