Home Men's Health Semen Analysis Test – 5 Questions to Understand It Better

Semen Analysis Test – 5 Questions to Understand It Better

Semen Analysis Test
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Are you trying for a baby for some time and experiencing trouble?

Your doctor might recommend you go for a semen analysis.

Let’s know more about this finding what is semen analysis test, what it tells, and how it is done! 

What is Semen Analysis Test?

Semen analysis is also known as semen fluid analysis, sperm count test, seminogram, or spermiogram!

A semen analysis is a measure of male reproductive health.

Semen, as we know, is the male ejaculation substance that contains sperm in it. Sperms are the actual reproductive cells of males that work to fertilize female eggs. 

Sperms are contained in a mix of fluids that helps them to float and reach the egg and prevents them from drying. The analysis of sperm and this substance reveals several aspects of male health.

A sperm analysis tells you several things about male reproductive health. The reason is simple; the health of sperm increases the chances of conception. So, it tells quite a lot about a male’s reproductive potential.

Why is Semen Analysis Required?

You are most likely to get a recommendation for sperm analysis in the following cases:

  • If you are suffering from fertility issues and having trouble getting your partner pregnant. A semen analysis is usually recommended if you are trying for a baby for 12 months having unprotected sex and seeing no success
  • You may also need to get a semen analysis test after going through a vasectomy. Vasectomy is the birth control surgery that stops sperm from being a part of semen thus preventing unwanted pregnancy. So, 8-16 weeks after the surgery your physician evaluates the surgery’s success through the analysis of semen.

Based on your existing problem, your sexologist can ask you to go for a semen analysis test. 

What Does Sperm Analysis Reveal?

As already said, a sperm analysis reveals several aspects of male reproductive health. According to World Health Organization’s guidelines, the following parameters are included in sperm analysis. 

1- Semen Liquefaction

Semen is a thick substance in nature at the time of release and turns water y as it enters the female reproductive tract. The time semen requires to turn into a liquid after ejaculation is a part of semen analysis. Normal sperm liquefaction time is 15-20 minutes at room temperature. However, a prolonged liquefaction time (>60 minutes) might be an indicator of an ongoing infection.

2- Viscosity

The viscosity of the thickness of semen is another measure of the sperm analysis test. The rate at which sperm liquefies is referred to as sperm viscosity. Too viscous semen is known to hinder the movement of sperm which is going to affect normal sperm movement. Sperm viscosity is measured as the length of thread that forms after the sperm sample is dropped by the force of gravity. The normal viscosity of sperm is +1, on a scale of +1-+4. 

3- Sperm Volume

The volume of semen at the time of ejaculation is the list of sperm analysis parameters. Normal sperm volume ranges from 1- 6mL. An adequate sperm volume is necessary for the effective delivery of sperm into the female reproductive tract. 

4- Semen Color

Normally, semen appears to be whitish-gray but may appear slightly yellow in some cases. Any abnormal changes in semen color can indicate some infection. 

5- pH

Just like any other substance, semen also has a certain pH. A good sperm pH helps to keep sperm alive and maintain their viability. Normal sperm pH ranges from 7.2-8.0 as it is considered slightly alkaline.

6- Sperm Concentration / Count 

Sperm concentration or sperm density refers to the number of sperm per volume unit. A normal or healthy sperm count is responsible for increased chances of conception. Normal sperm density ranges from 15 million to 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen

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7- Sperm Motility

Efficient sperm movement is crucial for spermS to wriggle and swim through the female reproductive tract reaching the egg. At least 32% of sperm in one time ejaculate should be motile to increase the chances of conception. 

8- Sperm Viability 

Sperm viability is the percentage of live sperms found in a given semen sample. This is a crucial measure of fertility because the fewer the number of alive sperms in the sample means lesser the chances of conception. Sperm viability is another common metric measured through semen analysis. According to the given standards, 50-70% of sperm should be viable in an ejaculate. 

9- Sperm Morphology

The semen analysis test also tells about sperm morphology which usually takes in the size and shape of sperm. Sperm morphology is usually studied under a microscope. Normal sperm morphology is an oval-shaped sperm 5-6 micrometers in length and 2.5-3.5 micrometers in width.

10- Presence of Leukocyte

The presence of leukocytes in the semen is also a matrix of semen analysis tests. A concentration of leukocytes of more than 1 million/mL might be an indicator of an infection. 

Other parameters of the semen analysis test also investigate the presence of anti-sperm antibodies in the semen. Analysis of semen samples tells about any ongoing problem or infection, said a renowned sexologist from Bahria International Hospital Lahore.

How is Sample Collection for Semen Analysis Done?

For semen analysis, the sample is collected into a container. You can collect samples at your home or can visit your physician’s clinic for sample collection. Sometimes, your physician can give you special condoms that collect ejaculate during intercourse. Further, do not keep it in your pocket or briefcase, and try to send it for analysis as early as you can. The sample is then analyzed in the laboratory.

How Do I Prepare for Semen Analysis Test?

Here are a few things that you need to keep in your mind while getting ready for semen analysis:

  • While collecting samples for semen analysis, it is recommended to not use any lubricant
  • Do not have sex or masturbate for at least 2-4 days
  • Don’t avoid ejaculation for > 2 weeks before you are going for a sample
  • Tell your doctor about the medicines or supplements you are using as certain medications can impact your sperm health.

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You can further consult your physician for guidelines regarding sample preparation. You can now connect with the best sexologist near you via Healthwire.

How to Read a Semen Analysis Test?

You can later visit your physician once you get the results. You can read a semen analysis on your own and compare your test results against the normal ranges that are usually written on the report. However, a better approach is to discuss the test outcomes with your physician, said Dr. Sarah Perveze, a renowned family physician at MD Healthcare Center Lahore. Your physician can guide you better regarding various aspects of your reproductive health and help you overcome the problem.

Further, you can follow healthy lifestyle practices, quit bad habits, work on weight management, and control your stress levels to improve your sperm health.

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A Word from Healthwire!

The semen analysis test is a measure of male reproductive potential. This test analyzes several aspects of sperm health in males and is used to figure out the underlying cause behind male infertility. Your sexologists can analyze test results and help you with an early diagnosis and treatment for the problems. Now you can book a semen analysis test via Healthwire and avail of discounts!

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