Home Skin Care How to Treat Chicken Skin ‘Keratosis Pilaris’?

How to Treat Chicken Skin ‘Keratosis Pilaris’?

Sily Smooth Solutions To Treat Chicken Skin
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Imagine this – you run your fingers over your arms, and instead of feeling smooth, baby-soft skin, you feel something resembling the texture of a plucked chicken, or most aptly, chicken skin. 

No! You are not turning into a farm animal. But you probably have ‘Keratosis Pilaris’, commonly known as chicken skin. 

If you never noticed those tiny, rough bumps on your upper arms or thighs, don’t worry! Most people never do that until the skin is full of these bumps. This phenomenon affects millions of people worldwide, so you are not alone. 

How about we take you under our wing and discuss all there is about this skin condition? Let’s get started on solutions to smooth, confident skin. 

How Does the Chicken Skin Feel Like?

Chicken skin is a totally harmless condition. If you have this, you don’t need to feel much concerned. Almost 40% of adults and 80% of adolescents have chicken skin.  However, if you want to understand this skin condition to have smooth skin, we are here for you. 

Firstly, we will discuss in detail what chicken skin ‘Keratosis Pilaris’ feels like. Let’s draw a map of how your skin looks like in this condition:

Small, Rough Bumps!

The first thing you feel is the appearance of small, rough bumps on the skin. You can describe them as skin-colored or slightly red, resembling goosebumps or plucked chicken. 

Chicken skin most commonly affects your upper arms, thighs, buttocks, and sometimes the cheeks. 

Dryness and Roughness!

You may feel your skin dry, rough, and slightly itchy or irritated. You can compare this texture to sandpaper or the roughness of a plucked chicken. 

Skin that Worsnes in Different Conditions!

The symptoms of chicken skin may worsen during periods of low humidity or in cold, dry climates. 

If you have dry skin, you are in for a hard time, as dry skin exacerbates the condition. It makes the bumps and roughness more noticeable. 

Redness and Inflammation!

Sometimes, the bumps due to chicken skin may appear slightly red or inflamed, especially if you scratch the affected area or if it gets irritated. 

Doctor Recommendation: Prof. Dr. Faria Asad is the leading Dermatologist in Lahore. With an experience of 28 years to her credit, she can effectively understand and treat all kinds of skin conditions. 

What are the Causes of Chicken Skin?

Science doesn’t yet fully understand the causes of chicken skin. However, many factors can contribute to your skin looking like a plucked chicken:

Keratin Buildup!

Chicken skin occurs when there is an overproduction of keratin, a protein that protects the skin. 

Excess keratin can accumulate around the hair follicles, leading to their clogging and the formation of small, rough bumps.

Genetic Predisposition

Family history plays a significant role in the development of keratosis pilaris.

If your parents or close relatives have had this issue, there is a higher likelihood that you may also experience it.

Dry Skin

Dry-skinned people are more prone to developing keratosis pilaris. 

When the skin lacks moisture, it becomes rough and prone to dead skin cell accumulation. It, in turn, exacerbates the formation of bumps. 

Environmental Factors

Certain environmental conditions can worsen the symptoms of keratosis pilaris.

Low humidity, cold weather, and dry climates can lead to skin dryness, making the bumps and roughness more noticeable.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes can sometimes bring about changes in the skin. 

Research says that hormonal imbalances, such as those occurring during puberty or pregnancy, may influence the development of chicken skin.

How to Get Rid of Chicken Skin at Home?

You have got chicken skin! Now what to do about it?

Let’s discuss some easy home remedies for chicken skin that can help you achieve the silky-smooth, flawless skin you can feel confident with: 

Do a Gentle Exfoliation!

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and unclog the hair follicles, reducing the appearance of bumpy skin. 

Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or a loofah to lightly scrub the affected areas in circular motions during your shower or bath. It can help smooth the skin and promote cell turnover.

Moisturization – SUPER IMPORTANT!

Keeping the skin well-hydrated is crucial for managing chicken skin. 

After showering or bathing, apply a moisturizer or lotion that contains ingredients like urea, lactic acid, or salicylic acid. 

These ingredients help to soften and smoothen the skin while retaining moisture. Moisturizing daily will help improve the overall texture and appearance of your skin.

Suggested Read: Why You Need Salicylic Acid for Acne Prone Skin?

Try Massaging Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a popular natural remedy for various skin conditions. It has moisturizing properties that can help soften the bumps and reduce dryness. 

Apply a small amount of organic, cold-pressed coconut oil to the affected areas and gently massage it. Repeat this process a few times a day for best results.

Experiment with Apple Cider Vinegar!

Apple cider vinegar has mild exfoliating and antibacterial properties that can help improve the appearance of chicken skin. 

Mix equal parts of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and water. Apply the mixture to the affected areas using a cotton ball and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing off. Repeat this process a few times a week.

Note: Before using AVC on the skin, do a patch test. 

Take an Oatmeal Bath!

Oatmeal baths can provide soothing relief for dry and itchy chicken skin. 

Grind a cup of plain, uncooked oats into a fine powder and add it to your bathwater. Soak in the oatmeal-infused water for 15-20 minutes. The oatmeal will help moisturize and calm the skin.

Eat Vitamin A and E-rich Foods

Including foods rich in vitamins A and E in your diet can support skin health and reduce the appearance of chicken skin. 

Consume carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocados. These nutrients help promote skin cell turnover and improve skin texture.

Suggested Read: Biohack Your Health with the Benefits of Vitamin E!

Avoid Harsh Soaps and Hot Water

Harsh soaps and hot water can strip the skin of its natural oils and worsen the dryness associated with chicken skin. 

Opt for gentle, fragrance-free cleansers and lukewarm water when bathing or showering. It helps prevent further irritation and dryness.

Humidify Your Environment

Increasing the humidity levels in your home can help combat dryness, especially during the winter months. 

Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air to prevent your skin from drying out and exacerbating the appearance of chicken skin. 

Book a Dermatologist Through Healthwire!

If home remedies and self-care aren’t helping you, consult your doctor. 

Note: If you don’t have a dermatologist, you can book an appointment with a qualified skin specialist through Healthwire!

A dermatologist may prescribe topical superheroes like retinoids to unclog those pesky hair follicles and smoothen the rough bumps. 

For added exfoliating power, they recommend AHAs or salicylic acid. If inflammation is causing trouble, topical corticosteroids come to the rescue. 

Laser therapy can treat redness and improve texture, while dermabrasion or microdermabrasion work their magic to remove the top layer of the skin. They might even prescribe specialized moisturizers to hydrate and soften the skin. 

With a dermatologist’s expertise and personalized plan for your skin, you are in the right hands. So, say hello to smoother, confident skin and feel great about yourself!

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