Home Nutrition & Diet 9 Amazing Sweet Lime Benefits to Boost Your Immunity and Appetite

9 Amazing Sweet Lime Benefits to Boost Your Immunity and Appetite

Sweet Lime Benefits to Boost Your Immunity
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Sweet lime, also known as mosambi, is full of many effective and beneficial nutrients. The high nutritious content is the basic reason for sweet lime benefits for everyone. It is amongst the most popular fruits in Southeast Asia, especially at the end of the summer season.

Sweet lime looks like an oval round shape and its color is green. It also resembles lemon and has a sweet taste, and this taste is comparable to oranges. Mosambis also turn yellow when they are ripe. No doubt, this fruit belongs to the citrus family but it is low in acidic content.

Additionally, due to the high content of different nutrients and vitamins in mosambi, it can boost immunity and reduce the factors of heart diseases and kidney stones. It can also increase the absorption of iron in the body, and thus promote healthy skin.

Sweet Lime Nutritional Value

This fruit is small in size but high in nutritional value. 67 grams of sweet limes contain the following nutritional value:

  • Potassium
  • Twenty calories
  • Seven grams of carbs
  • Thiamine
  • Calcium
  • Half a gram of protein
  • Vitamin C
  • Two grams of fiber
  • Vitamin B6
  • Iron

You can also find some content of magnesium, folate, niacin, phosphorus, etc. in sweet lime.

Sweet Lime Benefits

This fruit can benefit human health in the following ways:

Treats Nausea and Vomiting

There are many causes of nausea and vomiting. An imbalance in hormones, indigestion for several days, poor functioning of the internal organs, as well as pregnancy can cause these problems, even for some days.

One of the top nutritionists in Lahore, Dr Ayesha Abbas says sweet lime can reduce the severity of nausea and vomiting instantly due to its delicious taste and pleasant aroma. You can also consume the juice of sweet limes for reducing these problems.

Read more about Motilium Tablet Uses to reduce nausea and vomiting.

A Healthy Source of Antioxidants!

It is important to protect and defend cells in the body against molecules known as free radicals.  The protection of these cells without consuming healthy amounts of antioxidants is impossible.

When people don’t consume antioxidants from sweet limes the number of free radicals tends to increase. The high number of these free radicals increases the chance of cell damage. This damage is linked to many chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

Sweet limes have bioactive compounds that effectively function as antioxidants in the body. These compounds are limonoids, flavonoids, etc.

Read more about Citrus Fruits, packed with antioxidants.

Effectively Regulates Digestion

Indigestion is among the common health problems that people experience regularly. A number of problems such as the consumption of heavy meals, poor living styles, and lack of digestive juice can cause digestive problems such as indigestion.

Sweet lime is a prominent home remedy for treating indigestion in a short time. You can eat some slices of sweet lime every day to effectively secrete bile juices as well as digestive acids. In addition, the juice of sweet lime can also be effective in improving the function of the intestines for improving indigestion.

May Improve the Immune System

Sweet limes are also full of vitamin C which possesses strong immune-boosting properties. In test tube studies, it is confirmed that this essential vitamin is effective in increasing the number of white blood cells. This increment in white blood cells will prevent diseases and infections.

Additionally, in human studies, scientists found that the consumption of vitamin C can reduce and shorten the severity of colds. Vitamin C can also speed up recovery from different wounds caused by injuries or surgeries. 

According to a general physician from Evercare Hospital, this vitamin speeds up recovery by stimulating the production of collagen which is essential for wound repair. Besides the great source of vitamin C, as mentioned previously, sweet limes are also a great source of antioxidants which also contribute to strengthening the immune system.

Prevents Sunstroke and Dehydration

The benefits of sweet lime are many because its juice is the best substitute for carbonated and sports drinks. The reason for this is that it is packed with vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it will prevent sunstroke and dehydration in an effective way.

Sweet lime juice is the perfect and fabulous drink for sportsmen and athletes after a workout session as well as a competition. Additionally, sweet lime-based products and supplements will also reduce the risks of muscle cramps. The juice of fresh sweet limes will prevent sunstroke in many ways.

Promotes Healthy Skin

Sweet limes have many properties that can contribute to healthy skin. First, this fruit is high in vitamin C which is essential in making collagen that is responsible for making the skin firm and strong.

For example, in this regard, a study found that older women who consumed more vitamin C from fruits and vegetables such as sweet limes experienced low risks of wrinkles and dry skin. Sweet limes also benefit the skin because it helps in combating age-related skin changes.

When there is an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals the chances of oxidative stress tend to increase significantly. Even it can also lead to premature aging. The regular use of sweet limes can positively affect these signs by increasing collagen production. It can also reduce wrinkles in all ages of people.

Stimulates Appetite

The regular consumption of sweet lime juice can improve hunger. It can especially improve appetite in people with anorexia. It is defined as a medical condition that causes extreme loss of body weight.

In addition, this fruit can also stimulate the salivary glands, and this stimulation improves the taste of food and encourages people to eat more.

Sweet Lime Benefits Pregnant Women

Several nutrients and vitamins are essential for pregnant women to consume. The health of pregnant women is important to be maintained because without good health a woman will not be able to give a healthy birth.

Sweet limes provide important vitamins and minerals to pregnant women and also contribute to the growth of developing fetuses.

Can Heal Jaundice

Jaundice is a common symptom caused by hepatitis. People with this symptom need to follow a specific diet to follow. Sweet limes can effectively reduce the severity of jaundice. Try to consume sweet limes or sweet lime juice every day if you are experiencing jaundice.

The Bottom Line!

Sweet limes are sweet and delicious just like their name. People can get many benefits if they use sweet limes every day. Contact with a nutritionist can be made to get more information about sweet lime benefits.

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