Home Men's Health Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Men – How to Tell If You Have One?

Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Men – How to Tell If You Have One?

Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Men
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When you read about yeast infection, what comes to your mind? That it is an infection associated with females?

That is wrong. A yeast infection is often considered a female health problem, but it can affect anyone, including people with a penis. 

Symptoms of yeast infection in men usually appear on the penis and, if untreated, can lead to a severe problem. 

First, we have to understand what is a yeast infection, how it occurs, and what are the symptoms of yeast infection in men. 

Keep reading this article to educate yourself on this prevalent, albeit lesser-known problem. 

What is a Yeast Infection in Men?

Male yeast infection affects your penis. 

According to the top reviewed urologist in Lahore, Dr. Muhammad Raheem Sajjad, “Yeast infections are brought on by a kind of yeast called Candida, and Candida balanitis is the medical word for yeast infections that affect men. Balanitis is an infection or inflammation of the penile head (glans penis).”

Before moving forward, let’s understand what Candida is, and where it grows. 

What is Candida?

Candida albicans is a typical fungus. 

You likely have a tiny quantity in your mouth, digestive system, or wet skin. Some are frequently present in women’s vaginas. 

Candida is one of the many types of yeast that dwell on your skin. This often has no adverse effects on healthy persons. 

However, when Candida is out of control, it can penetrate deep into the skin. This could result in a skin infection or rash. 

Research shows that warm, humid surroundings are ideal for Candida growth. It frequently appears in moist, wrinkled places like the foreskin of your penis.

Risk Factors for Candida albicans

Symptoms of yeast infection in men are more prevalent in uncircumcised. Other circumstances and danger factors that promote Candida growth include:

  • Bad hygiene
  • Using abrasive soaps
  • Not entirely rinsing the soap from your foreskin
  • Not fully drying off the foreskin
  • Injured or irritated skin
  • Using Lubricated Condoms
  • Wearing wet clothes or tight underwears

Certain groups of people are more likely to have symptoms of yeast infection in men. This encompasses those who:

  • Possess an illness that weakens the immune system, such as diabetes, cancer, or HIV/AIDS
  • Have obesity or are overweight.
  • Are taking antibiotics. Bacteria that typically reside in your body are killed by antibiotics.
  • Have a sexally contagious disease (STI)

How Common are Male Yeast Infections?

Male yeast infections are pretty typical in males. In their lifetime, between 3 and 11 percent of male population will experience a yeast infection.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Men

Symptoms of yeast infection in men include pain, edema, and redness in the groin area. Patches of redness are typical. 

Other symptoms of male yeast infection include:

1. Burning and Itching

You may feel burning, itching and irritation around the penile head and under the foreskin of the penis. This is one of the foremost symptoms of yeast infection in men. You may feel the urge to scratch the foreskin of the penis. This burning sensation is greatest while peeing. 

2. Thick Discharge

You may experience a thick, cottage cheese-like discharge from the penis. This discharge is white in color, and it is usually a stench-filled discharge. 

3. Changes in Foreskin

In extreme yeast infection symptoms in men, changes in foreskin of the penis may occur. It may get difficult to pull back the foreskin. This symptom of fungal infection on penis gets worse if you are not circumcised. 

You may also notice shiny sores or blisters on the penis. The infection makes your skin more vulnerable. This can make it flaky or crusty and eventually it may start peeling.

4. A Weakened Immune System

The fungal infection on penis weakens your skin’s defenses. You may find yourself more vulnerable to skin conditions and diseases. 

It also becomes hard to get and maintain an erection while suffering from a yeast infection. 

Read more about immune-boosting foods for your health.

Diagnosis and Treatment: How is a Yeast Infection in Men Diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider may perform a physical examination. By examining your penis and foreskin, they might be able to determine if you have a yeast infection. He may be able to identify a yeast infection in you if you have a red rash.

Your doctor could decide to take a sample of the affected area for analysis. He may carefully scrape some of the skin away from the affected region using a scalpel or tongue depressor. 

To identify the fungus, a pathologist will look at the sample under a microscope.

How is the Fungal Infection on Penis Treated?

An antifungal drug is the best treatment of action for male yeast infections. Your doctor may suggest a cream, lotion, or ointment with antifungal properties. 

Direct application of the antifungal cream to the skin’s infection is possible. Numerous antifungal drugs are available in the market, which you can buy without a prescription. 

If the infection doesn’t go away, your doctor may need to give you a stronger antifungal drug. Common topical antifungal medicines are:

  • Monistat 7 (miconazole)
  • (Lotrimin) Clotrimazole
  • (Mycostatin) Nystatin

Your doctor could occasionally advise you to take an oral antifungal drug. This includes drugs like fluconazole (Diflucan), for example. To aid with your symptoms, your doctor can also advise applying a steroid cream.

Caution: Never self-medicate yourself. Always consult with a general physician before getting any kind of medicine for yourself. Self-medication may do more damage than good. Always be careful. 

How Long Does a Male Yeast Infection Last?

Your infection may go away in 7 to 14 days if you receive prompt medical attention. It also depends on whether the infection reacts well to antifungal therapy.

Your partner may also need medical attention, if you engage in sexcual activity. It is necessary to prevent the infection spreading to them or back to you. 

Talk to a doctor about other potential causes if you consistently develop yeast infections and can rule out causes like cleanliness and sexual contact. There could be a hidden medical issue, like diabetes.

How to Treat a Recurrent Yeast Infection in Men?

Sometimes, even after they seem to have healed, yeast infections come back. If this occurs, your doctor will probably advise starting treatment for a few weeks every day, then switching to weekly treatments for a few months.

Recurrent yeast infections might require therapy for up to 6 months.

Research says that if your infection does not react adequately to an antifungal ointment and you are uncircumcised, you can be advised to have an adult male circumcision. Even though this surgical technique is typically performed on infants, anyone of any age can have it without risk.

Read more in detail about circumcision

What Complications May Occur from a Yeast Infection in Men?

Despite your embarrassment, it’s crucial that your healthcare provider examine your yeast infection. Untreated yeast infections can lead to a wide range of problems, such as:

  • Having a scarred and constricted penis
  • Agony and difficulty in moving your foreskin over the head of your penis or drawing it back
  • Problems with the flow of blood to the tip of your penis
  • Increased risk of penile cancer

A high fever, chills, upset stomach, and headache are all signs that your yeast infection may have spread. If you notice these symptoms, call your doctor right away.

How to Reduce the Risk of Getting Fungal Infection on Penis?

By keeping your groin area dry and clean, you can avoid getting a yeast infection. You can also take the following actions to avoid getting yeast infections:

  • Maintain proper hygiene
  • Avoid using harsh products on your genitals
  • When taking a bath, pull back your foreskin to completely clean and dry the area
  • Cleaning and drying your penis after each shower and each sexual encounter.
  • Choosing skin care products and soaps without scent
  • Use protection when having sex with a partner who has a yeast infection
  • In order to avoid moisture from accumulating under your foreskin, wear loose cotton underpants

How to Treat Male Yeast Infection at Home? 

Most of the time, a male yeast infection can very well be treated at home. Some of the effective remedies and tips include:

  1. Good bacteria are abundant in yogurt and other probiotics, which helps prevent many fungal infections. These combat the bacteria responsible for these infections.Probiotics are also abundant in fermented meals. You could try probiotic supplements with higher concentrations of the healthy bacteria. 
  2. Before using any home remedies or other medications, clean the afflicted area with soap and water twice daily. This will stop the virus from spreading. A fungal infection may not always be completely cured with soap and water, but you can prevent its spread by ensuring proper hygiene.  
  3. Apple cider vinegar contains antifungal properties. You can consume ACV by mixing two tablespoons with warm water. You can also soak a cotton ball in AVC and apply it to the affected area. Do this thrice daily to have positive outcomes.
  4. Tea tree oil has built-in antibacterial and antifungal properties. Prepare a mixture of tea tree oil with any carrier oil such as olive, coconut etc. Dab the affected area with the mixture about three to four times daily. This is one of the best natural treatments for yeast infections.
  5. Spices like turmeric are highly effective at fighting bacteria and inflammation. Apply turmeric to the affected region after combining with a little water. Mix turmeric with warm water or drink turmeric tea to gain benefits for your internal environment. Given that turmeric is a common ingredient in InPakistani cuisine, this is one of the easiest natural treatments for a fungus infection.


Although they are less frequent than vaginal yeast infections, penile yeast infections do happen. They could be brought on by lousy hygiene or having sex without using a condom with a partner who has a vaginal yeast infection.

Small white spots and skin redness, along with itching or burning, are signs of the condition. It might potentially result in other illnesses and problems if left untreated.

Even though discussing a yeast infection with your doctor may be the last thing on your mind, it’s crucial that you do. Typically, topical antifungal lotions and ointments can treat the infection and lower the danger of long-term consequences.
You should be in good shape with an antifungal treatment, such as a cream or an ointment. If not, your healthcare professional is available to assist you. Contact a well-known urologist right away via hEalthwire’s platform to see which choice is best for you.

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