Home Mental Health What is Lethargy? Ways to Overcome it and Make Your Life Better?

What is Lethargy? Ways to Overcome it and Make Your Life Better?

What is Lethargy
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You’re only as old as you feel, the saying goes. But what if you feel old, tired, and rundown?

In our fast-paced modern world, people frequently experience fatigue or even exhaustion. You can frequently find yourself rushing from one thing to the next without stopping to take the necessary time to center, balance, and soothe your soul.

It can be challenging to identify the precise cause of your low energy levels. You may feel unexplained pain, fever, and headaches, which are indicators that your fatigue can be a sign of something more serious. This persistent fatigue leads to lethargy. 

Now, you may wonder, what is lethargy? It is a general state of fatigue that involves a lack of energy and motivation for physical and mental tasks. 

In a nutshell, lethargicness leaves you with zero mental and physical energy. In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of lethargicness to make your life better and more productive. Keep on reading.

What is Lethargy?

So, we have already explained a bit about what is lethargy. It is characterized by a feeling of exhaustion, a lack of motivation, and a lack of both mental and physical energy. Lethargicness can make a person feel unmotivated or uninterested in their regular activities.

They might not have the energy to finish their regular tasks and feel as though they are constantly surrounded by a brain fog or haze.

What are the Symptoms of Lethargy?

According to Dr. Muhammad Imran Sharif, a well-known psychiatrist with eight years of experience in the field, symptoms of lethargy involve feeling slow or sluggish in both the body and brain. More specifically you know what is lethargy when you feel:

  • Decreased alertness
  • Difficulty thinking
  • Fatigue
  • Low physical energy
  • Sluggishness
  • A loss of motivation
  • Changes in mood
  • An indifferent or apathetic attitude
  • Brain fog
  • Sleeping too much

How to Overcome Lethargicness?

Most likely, you are aware of the root of your exhaustion, because you understand what is lethargy, right?

It can be due to difficulties at the workplace, any emotional trauma, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, etc.

 It’s possible that you have the power to restore the vigor to your life with a few straightforward lifestyle adjustments. 

Take into account these several strategies for increasing your energy.

1. Adapt Dietary Modifications for Fighting Lethargy

Take a close look at your nutrition; it’s crucial if you desire more energy throughout the day. Some suggestions are:

Drink a Lot of Water

Occasionally feeling fatigued is just a sign that you are moderately dehydrated. The solution is a glass of water, especially after exercise.

Be Careful With Caffeine

Caffeine should be used with caution; if you’re feeling fatigued, stop drinking it. The most straightforward approach to achieve this is to progressively cut back on all caffeine-containing beverages over the course of three weeks, including coffee, tea, and cola drinks. For a month, try to abstain from coffee to see whether you feel less worn out fully. 

Eat Breakfast

Consume food in the morning to increase metabolism and provide the body with energy to burn. Choose breakfast items that are high in carbohydrates since the brain needs glucose for energy.

Don’t Skip Meals

Avoid skipping meals since prolonged fasting causes blood sugar levels to fall. To keep your energy levels up throughout the day, try to eat regularly.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Increase your intake of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats to maintain a healthy diet. Limit your intake of foods that are heavy in fat, sugar, and salt.

Don’t Overeat

Avoid eating too much because heavy meals deplete your energy. To spread your daily calorie consumption more equally, try eating six little meals throughout the day rather than three large ones. As a result, insulin and blood sugar levels will be more stable. If you eat in this manner, you’ll also find that losing extra body fat is simpler.

Eat Iron-rich Food

Anemia, an iron shortage that can cause fatigue and lethargicness, is more common in women than men. Make sure to eat meals high in iron, such as lean red meat.

2. Adopt Sleep Hygiene Tips to Sleep More Effectively

The lack of sleep or the quality of that sleep is a common contributor to what is lethargy. Some suggestions are:

Take Enough Sleep

Two-thirds of us experience sleep issues, and many individuals don’t get the amount of shut-eye they require to be attentive all day. Some tips for getting a good night’s sleep include taking a warm bath or shower before bed, avoiding daytime naps, and going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.

Limit Caffeine Intake

You should limit your caffeine intake because too much of it, especially in the evening, can lead to insomnia. 

Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages to five or less per day, and stay away from them after dinner.

Learn How to Relax

Learn to unwind; worrying about issues while lying in bed is a major cause of sleeplessness. Try out various relaxation techniques until you find one or two that are effective for you. 

For instance, you may imagine a peaceful environment, pay attention to your breathing, or silently repeat a soothing phrase.

Avoid Sleeping Pills

You should avoid taking sleeping pills; since they don’t deal with the reasons for insomnia. That’s why they are not a sustainable treatment.

3. What Lifestyle Changes You Must Take?

Most of the time, the reason behind your lethargicness is some lifestyle habits that you don’t think about much, but they play a significant role in your fatigue and low energy. 

Let’s get to know what lifestyle changes are essential in fighting lethargicness:

Don’t Smoke

Avoid smoking since cigarette smoke contains a variety of toxic toxins. Smokers often have lower energy levels than non-smokers for a variety of reasons.

 For instance, the body needs to combine glucose with oxygen to produce energy, but the carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke lowers the quantity of oxygen in the blood.

Increase Physical Activity

Increase your physical activity because exercise increases vigor and a sedentary lifestyle is a proven contributor to fatigue. 

The benefits of physical activity on the body and mind are numerous. Exercise is also beneficial for improving your quality of sleep at night. 

If you haven’t exercised in a while, are fat, are older, or have any of the following: talk to your doctor about how you can start living a more active lifestyle.

Move More, Sit Less

Reduce sedentary activities like watching television and using computers, and alternate long periods of sitting with other activities.

Deal with Workplace Issues

Common reasons for lethargy include complex occupations, workplace problems, and burnout. Take action to solve your workplace issues. 

A conversation with your human resources officer is a brilliant place to start.

4. Deal With Your Psychological Issues

According to studies, between 50 and 80 percent of cases of lethargy are primarily brought on by psychological issues. It is, without a doubt, the biggest hurdle of this century. It is equally important to address psychological issues sooner rather than later. 

Some tips are:

Talk About It

There is some evidence that talking therapies, such as counseling or CBT, may aid in the reduction of weariness. Ask your doctor for a recommendation for ‘’talking therapy’’.

Quick Suggestion: You can consult a well-known psychologist/counselor via Healthwire’s platform

Reduce Your Stress

Stress is an energy guzzler. Make an effort to include relaxing activities in your day. 

This could be going to the gym or a more relaxing activity like yoga, meditation, listening to music, reading, or hanging out with friends. 

Your energy will increase if you do something to relax.

Assess Your Lifestyle

Do you subject yourself to need less stress? Are there any recurrent issues in your life that might contribute to persistent anxiety or depression? 

Seeking professional counseling to resolve family, career, or personal concerns may be helpful.

Learn to Do Nothing

One of the negative aspects of modern life is the urge to push oneself to more significant and better heights. Learn to do nothing. An active lifestyle wears you out. Try to set out a few more weekly hours for unwinding and hanging out. It might be time to reconsider your obligations and priorities if you are unable to find a few additional hours.

Incorporate More Fun

Have more fun; perhaps you don’t allow yourself enough time for enjoyment since you are so focused on obligations and pressures. The best medicine is laughter.

When to See a Doctor?

Lethargy is a state of tiredness and low energy. It can be frustrating and leave a person feeling drained. However, it is not typically a sign that a person needs immediate medical attention. In most cases, lethargy can be resolved by making simple lifestyle changes, such as getting more sleep or exercising more often. 

Lethargy is a common condition that can be caused by a number of factors, including lack of sleep, stress, and certain medical conditions. In most cases, lethargy is temporary and can be resolved by making lifestyle changes, such as getting more rest or managing stress levels. 

However, when lethargy persists for an extended period of time, it may be a sign of an underlying health condition. If you are experiencing prolonged lethargy, it is important to see a doctor. They will be able to conduct tests to rule out any potential causes and may even be able to recommend treatments that can help improve your energy levels. 

Don’t ignore the warning signs of prolonged lethargy – make an appointment with your doctor today.

Bottom Line!

Change your habits and lifestyle to feel more energetic. Start with the thing that appeals to you the most, then move forward. Your energy levels will probably start to increase, enabling you to feel your best every day.

Above all, respect your body and how it is making you feel. Allow yourself to rest when you need to by taking a break. Stay within your comfort zone and stick to a sensible plan of action.

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