Home Hair Care 7 Best Head Massage Benefits and How to Do It Right

7 Best Head Massage Benefits and How to Do It Right

Head Massage Benefits
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How do you comfort yourself after a stressful day at work?

For me, it’s a head massage. Honestly speaking, this is the best feeling in the world. Other than making you feel good, there are many head massage benefits. Let’s talk about this centuries-old practice and see why it serves as a perfect pleasure. 

What Scalp Massage is Good For?

The head region contains many nerves present closer to your skin surface. Stimulation of these nerves through gentle physical massage can benefit you in many ways. 

Let’s talk about some of the potential health benefits of head massage and how to do a head massage correctly!

1- Headache Relief

Do you suffer from frequent headaches and think popping a pill is the ultimate solution you go after?

If yes then it’s time to change how you are dealing with the headache. Every time I get a headache I go for a massage. A scalp massage releases all the tension in the neck and back, which could be causing you a severe headache. Head massage is also effective for migraines

Despite just massaging your head it also includes applying pressure on certain points that can soothe the troubling pain. 

Read more about other headache relief remedies.

2- Uplift the Mood

How soothing it is to even think about a head massage?

This is because we associate massages with relaxation. The physical stimulation of nerves on your head surface can work to uplift your mood immediately. Massaging releases the hormone serotonin in your body which plays a key role in making you feel good and calm. 

So, yes after a stressful day or a traffic jam, getting a head massage can be a great idea.

3- Promotes Hair Growth

Are you tired of seeing those fallen out hair strands in the shower?

Most of us suffer from poor hair growth. For many reasons, hair growth can be a challenge. Either it’s due to nutritional deficiency or the wrong hair care products, but poor hair growth remains a problem. 

One of the head massage benefits comes due to its ability to promote hair growth. Why? Because the stimulation of the scalp using fingertips can result in improved blood circulation. Further, it also stimulates hair follicles and thus helps to improve hair growth.

However, if you still continue to experience problems with hair fall, make sure to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible to diagnose the underlying cause.

You can now connect with the best dermatologist in Lahore via Healthwire.pk to address your skin and hair related problems.

4- Head Massage Benefit for Nervous System

Just like all your body systems, your nervous system health is also important. However, just like other head massage benefits, it is also considered good for your nervous system. According to research, head massage is also considered a treatment therapy for Parkinson’s disease sufferers.

5- Reduces Scalp Tension

Just like all other types of stress, scalp tension is a thing. 

Everyday work pressure can result in making your scalp stressed. This can eventually be a problem for your hair health or even at times for your general well being. You can ease this stress and tension by giving yourself a gentle massage. 

A head massage benefit isn’t only limited to massaging your head surface. Just like head massage, there are other types of massages as well and hot massage is also one among these. This massaging technique uses hot stones to soothe the neck and shoulder area.

Read more about hot massage therapy.

6- Works to Lower the Blood Pressure

Next in the list of head massage benefits comes its role in lowering blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension is a common problem and is an important risk factor for many heart health problems. 

When it comes to lowering your blood pressure, a head massage should surely be on your list.;. This can help you feel calm and help to get rid of the problem naturally.

7- Effective for Insomnia

I don’t know about you but every time my mother used to give me a head massage, I used to fall asleep immediately. 

If sleepless nights have also become a problem for you, then a head massage can be good for you. It induces a feeling of calmness and relaxation thus improving your sleep quality. This also works by applying pressure on the points that are responsible for your sleep.

Read more about other insomnia remedies.

How to Head Massage?

After reading about the countless benefits of head massage, I am sure you must be wondering about how to get head massage right. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Sit in a comfortable position and comb your hair to remove any tangles
  • Start moving your finger on the head from front to backside
  • While moving your fingers on the scalp and around the corners, make sure to apply a little bit of pressure
  • While moving around your scalp, follow a circular motion rotation pattern
  • Keep doing it for another five minutes and then cover your head
  • You are done with the head massage and now you can wash your head after some time.

It’s Time to Get Numerous Head Massage Benefits!

There are numerous head massage benefits, no matter if you get it yourself or get it from a professional. Not only does it help to relieve the tension or is good for migraine relief, but it is also good for promoting hair growth. 

You can do a head massage using the technique mentioned above or you can even apply any oil to get the most out of your head massage. Here are some of the oils you can use for head massages:

  • Coconut oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Olive oil
  • Almond oil 

You can even add a few drops of essential oils to this as well as it is also good for you. Read more about other essential oil benefits.

However, when you are using essential oils in head massages, make sure to be careful about their usage as it can bring along many side effects.

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