Home Hair Care Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss
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No matter how much we deny it, the warnings from our parents to take our vitamins were actually true. Even the long lectures from grandparents to consume vegetables and fruits so you can grow up and get big and strong all make sense when you start losing your hair at the age of 25. 

The question here is, which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss? Where did we all lack? As a millennial, I remember I used to get warnings to take vitamin D and milk. The generation kids had the popeye influence where they wanted to take his vitamin-filled spinach. 

Well, this was an accurate portrayal of taking vitamins to keep your muscles strong and protect your hair from falling.    

Before we dig too deep into finding the deficiency of which vitamin causes hair fall, it is better to understand why vitamins are important for hair growth.

Why Vitamins are Essential to the Hair

When the question of which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss comes up, it must be known that minerals and vitamins are very essential as they play a vital role in keeping the health of the hair intact. From the growth to the development of the hair follicle to the immune function that is responsible for protecting the follicle.

It is just not about the growth and the development part, the deficiency of certain vitamins can become a risk factor when it comes to the development of hair. Vitamins do play a role in preventing the hair from getting thin and even protect from getting alopecia also known as hair loss.

To get the answer to which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss, know that vitamins do help in supplying structure to the hair follicles Not having them can be a huge problem as this can lead to hair loss.  

Deficiency of Which Vitamin Causes Hair Fall/Hair Loss

A deficiency of a vitamin can be a worse problem for the hair as it can cause other hair conditions as well. Let’s have a look at all the vitamins that when insufficient can cause hair loss. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D can work great in getting rid of conditions like telogen effluvium (a type of hair loss) and alopecia. So, if you have a deficiency of vitamin D, then your chances of hair loss are increased. 

In getting closer to getting the answer to which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss, vitamin D levels must be reasonable as the deficiency is linked with keratinocytes which is a type of cell that is essential for the growth of hair. If your vitamin D levels are low, hair loss just occurs from the insufficient supply of cells.  

Make sure to take your vitamin D, but do consult a doctor before consuming them. As per the specialists from National Hospital, one of the best vitamins to take for vitamin D deficiency is Sunny D

Vitamin A 

We usually don’t think of vitamin A as a vitamin that is essential for hair health. This is also because it is used mostly in acne medications and treatments. 

But vitamin A just has some unique traits that regard hair loss. In addition to the answer to which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss, vitamin A is important for the cell division processes for hair and also for the immune health that helps in protecting the hair follicles and cell growth.

A piece of research also shows that vitamin A helps your hair stay in the head. A treatment containing vitamin A supplementation can lead to a few hairs in the telogen phase that occurs as a result of telogen effluvium.

One of the best ways to take vitamin A at home is by consuming vitamin A-rich foods

Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency has a surprising connection with hair loss. A lot of you might be thinking about the antioxidant properties of vitamin C but it is actually something else. 

As we get closer to getting the solution to which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss, it should be known that it is the role of vitamin C in absorbing iron in the intestines that makes all the difference. Low levels of iron can impact hair growth and can cause hair loss eventually. 

Vitamin C can also be great in the reduction of oxidative stress. So, it can be considered one of the crucial protectors of hair follicles. In case you have vitamin C deficiency, please visit a doctor and get it treated. 

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is very essential for the growth and overall health of hair, Be it fat-soluble or water-soluble. When we hear about vitamins like B6, B7, B2, B12, biotin, folate, or riboflavin, these all are actually different versions of the vitamin B complex that point towards the answer of ‘which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss’. These play a crucial role in the growth of hair, cell signaling, gene regulation, and in cellular development. 

If your body is struggling to maintain the normal levels of any of these vitamins mentioned above, it is best to consume different versions of the B vitamins as these can help immensely. So, the deficiency of which vitamin causes hair fall is not a difficult question to answer after all. 

As told by Dr.Rubbab Zahra, a recognized dermatologist from MD Hospital Lahore, besides vitamin supplements, you can make vitamin B a part of your diet by eating vitamin B-rich foods. 

The Takeaway

If you are struggling with hair loss and want the answer to which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss, take a closer look at your lifestyle and your intake of vitamins every day. Some vitamin deficiencies can play a huge role in the development and growth of hair, educate yourself right and consult a doctor before starting these vitamins.

In case of a hair fall that is getting out of hand, it is better to immediately get in touch with a dermatologist.

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