Male Infertility is more common than you know. Experiencing infertility issues can be associated with a lack of proper nutrition. Despite being a topic of taboo, male infertility is also becoming an alarming concern for the Pakistani mass.
Interestingly, the production of testosterone and the healthy count of sperm are largely associated with the foods we eat.
Just by altering your diet, you can increase your chances of conceiving. In this article, we will be looking at different foods to increase sperm count, male fertility and help in reproducing healthy sperm for men.
However, before we discuss what foods to eat for a healthy sperm count, We are going to write about male infertility, the reasons for male infertility, and what other alternative treatments can one look out for apart from the foods.
Table of Contents
Male Infertility
Male infertility is a condition in which a man is unable to produce enough sperm to impregnate his female partner. Male fertility depends on making enough sperm under the right conditions, environmental or genetic factors. The production of healthy sperm is dependent on many things.
However, there are a couple of causes that can cause the disorder of sperm involved. Some of these causes can be:
- Sperm disorders
- Retrograde ejaculation
- Obstruction
- Hormones
- Medication
- Immunologic Infertility
You can also refer to fertility clinics such as Concept Fertility Center Lahore, to have a professional consultation on your case.
Reasons for Male Infertility
Some of the myriad causes for this condition can be due to
- Taking certain medications
- Due to a surgical process
- Some cancer development
- Hormonal imbalances
- Some ongoing inner diseases
- Natural genetic disorders
- Undescended testicles
- Some childhood congenital conditions have persisted for a very long
- Swelling of the veins
- Substance drug abuse
- Alcohol abuse
- Exposure to certain chemicals or prolonged sitting
- Excessive smoking
- Obesity/unhealthy weight regulation
In some extreme conditions, other symptoms may include problems of infertility due to
- Erectile dysfunction
- Pain in the testicles
- Other abnormal hormonal changes in the person such as body hair
Apart from some extreme sperm abnormalities, not everyone suffers from these abnormalities, yet still, so many people suffer from male infertility.
Important Note: Please have an experienced male health specialist like Brig (R) Dr. Muhammad Ramzan Chaudhry for overall health consultation before making any drastic changes in your lifestyle.
This is an interesting turn of events and hence why foods play an important role in terms of male infertility.
Foods to Increase Male Fertility
It is crucial to understand how certain vitamins play an important role in making healthier and stronger sperm cells. Most of the foods mentioned for increasing male fertility are rich sources of multivitamins. Including some of these in your diet can increase your sperm count naturally.
Amla Berry
Amla berry, also popularly known as Indian Gooseberry is a popular fruit found in Pakistan. Ama berries are amazingly rich in antioxidants which makes them also one of the best foods for sperm count recovery.
Apart from years of traditional medicine practices, multiple pieces of research also support the role of amla berry in improving sperm quality and count. One of the easiest ways of consuming amla berries for improving sperm motility is to have them in pickled form.
Small portions of having regular ‘amla achar’ of amla pickle can drastically improve your sperm count.
The liver is the premium source of goodness for your sperm count. The liver is without a doubt one of the best foods for sperm recovery. It’s loaded with a cocktail of rich antioxidants and vitamins such as Vitamin A, B12, Co Q10, and folate that are vital for male reproduction and healthy sperm.
Having a balanced serving of cooked liver in curry or in broth form can be an ideal source of protein for sperm health and fertility.
Who doesn’t love a good loaded rib-eye steak? We all do! But what makes it even more enjoyable is its amazing nutrients. Beef is one of the many foods that happen to be rich in nutrients for sperm development and overall sperm health.
Nutrients such as selenium, vitamin B12, carnitine, and zinc are very important essential nutrients for the overall maturation and development of sperm in men
Raw Garlic
If you are really looking forward to increasing sperm count, you must befriend raw garlic ASAP!
Garlic is a traditional secret ingredient for boosting high levels of testosterone. One cup of raw garlic can significantly improve your performance. Not just in your intimate relationships but also in your overall day-to-day activities.
Garlic has a high Daily Value percentage of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Selenium which also makes it an ideal choice for food for protecting sperm production.
Studies showed that male patients who consumed garlic while undergoing chemotherapy had better sperm protection and testosterone levels.
Bananas are naturally very rich in nourishing vitamins such as vitamins A, B1, and C. Furthermore, bananas have a rare enzyme known as Bromelain that prevents inflammation, improves sperm quality, and also helps with sperm count.
Maca Roots
Many herb specialists recommend maca roots as an alternative form of herbal treatment. Regular use of maca roots can help men who struggle with low semen fluids can also improve their semen fluid through increased volume of semen and also have better motility of sperm.
Broccoli is another best food for sperm recovery.
Broccoli is a very rich source of vitamin C when it comes to vegetables. Vitamin C has several positive effects on sperm quality and production. It protects the testicular cells, by fighting through free radicals and paving the way for sperm counts, increased motility, and their overall quality.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is loaded with a rich amino acid L-Arginine HCI that is proven to increase sperm counts and overall volume. Studies have shown that consuming a little bit of dark chocolate on a regular basis can help sperm count and quality.
Apart from male health fertility, dark chocolate is known to have immense health benefits.
Dry Fruits
Nuts overall are a healthy source of fats and proteins. These fats are crucial for the production of the cell membrane of sperm cells. These omega 3-fatty acids also encourage the volume of sperm by promoting blood flow through the testicles. Walnuts especially are quite beneficial in the whole process as it involves the presence of arginine that indirectly contributes to the increase in sperm count. Overall a healthy consumption of dry fruits also removes toxins from the bloodstream.
Pumpkin Seeds
Phytosterol is known to improve testosterone in males naturally and is often recommended by herbal specialists. The increase in sperm count and fertility has been directly linked with pumpkin seeds and improved blood circulation and semen fluid.
Zinc-Rich Foods
Any food with zinc in it can be concluded as the best food for sperm recovery!
Zinc is a necessary component of our better health. It plays a huge role in the production of sperm cells. Foods that are rich and loaded with zinc often are some of the best foods for male infertility.
Zinc deficiency can even lead to a decrease in sperm motility, reducing the possibility of healthy fertilization. One way of achieving enough zinc composition in your diet can be through multivitamins.
Contrary to popular belief, eggs are an important staple for the protection of sperm. Many people are often confused about how to eat eggs to increase sperm count. Eggs protect the sperm from damaging free radicals and improve motility overall. The delicious yolk is nutrient-rich in producing healthier sperm and improving fertility.
Spinach is one of the superpower foods. It is full of folic acid and happens to be an integral part of sperm nourishment. Higher levels of folic acid have significantly reduced the number of abnormal sperms in semen according to the latest research. In another development, there have been high statistics showing sperm nourishment increasing the chances of successful penetration.
Foods to Strictly Avoid for Best Sperm Count Quality
Processed meats
Anything that comes with a shelf life packed in a metallic tin, cannot be very health friendly for you. Research shows that men who consume processed meats are more likely to have low motile sperm as compared to men who don’t. If you are truly looking to increase your sperm count, then processed meats need to go off your kitchen shelf.
Fried Foods
As much as we like the scrumptious bites, our body feels otherwise. That also happens to be the case for sperm increase. High contents of sodium and trans-fat have been scientifically proven to decrease sperm concentrations by 17.2%.
Soy has become more or less a staple in our daily diet. Regardless of its many benefits, soy can be disastrous for your sperm health. Soy has phytoestrogens that are known to harm sperm. Many studies have also confirmed the harms of soy for men who want to increase their testosterone levels.
Alcohol can severely affect your male sexual health, if not used in moderation. Men who have a history of alcoholism do not have the best fertile profiles. One interesting study has highlighted the quality of sperm of alcoholic men, proving that sperms of alcoholic men are more damaged and likely to underperform during the fertilization process. On the other hand, studies also conclude that sperm health can drastically improve after withdrawing from alcohol for three consecutive months.
Other Alternatives Treatments for Male Infertility
In some cases, male infertility is not influenced by nutritional value. Therefore, there are many other reasons as to why male infertility happens in the first place. It is always important to know that there is always more than one cause of infertility involved. Therefore it might be wise for both couples to take tests to determine the cause of infertility.
Some of the infertility tests recommended by the doctor can be:
- Scrotal Ultrasound– This test includes high-frequency sound waves to produce images inside of your body.
- Transrectal Ultrasound– This test determines if anything is dysfunctional with your prostate. A doctor will use a wand inserted through the rectum region to look for blocked tubes that are responsible for semen.
- Hormone Testing– A blood sample is taken to measure the levels of testosterone and other hormones.
- Post-Ejaculation Urinalysis– This is an in-detailed sperm analysis in the urine. The presence of sperm in urine can determine that the sperm is traveling backward instead of forward during ejaculation.
- Genetic Testing– Usually, this test is recommended after there has been sperm analysis. When sperm concentration is extremely low, there are higher chances of a genetic cause. A blood test can be done to determine signs of genetic abnormality.
- Testicular Biopsy– This test requires removing a little skin from the testicles by using a needle. This test is to purely determine if there is blockage or another sperm transport problem.
- Specialized Sperm Function Tests– Several tests are run to determine if there is any problem in sperm quality and to see if there is any problem in attaching to the female egg for fertilization. These tests are performed after major tests have been determined for the sperm.
Medical Treatments for Male Infertility
In spite of all the tests involved, an exact cause of infertility cannot be found. Certain treatments are also required apart from the diet to increase sperm count. You may learn that assisted reproductive techniques might also be required apart from taking care of foods for your male fertility.
- Surgery – In the case of varicocele or any other condition, surgery might be the safest and quickest option for recovering male infertility. However, this procedure is only prescribed after your doctor has strictly advised you of surgery after your surgical procedure.
- Treating Infections – If you are experiencing any underlying infection that is hindering your fertility issue, then your doctor might put you on antibiotic treatments.
- Treatment for Sexual Intercourse Problems – Certain counseling and medications might be recommended if there is erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.
- Hormone Treatment – Your doctor may recommend hormone supplements depending on the low or high levels of hormones that may be affecting your fertility issues.
- Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) – ART treatments require normal sperm ejaculation or surgical extraction to use the sperm for in vitro fertilization or to insert directly into the female genital tract.
Weight Regulation for Male Fertility
According to research conducted at Harvard, overweight men were 11% more likely to have a low sperm count and 39% of them were more likely to have no sperm during ejaculation. Overall the research has also shown that 42% of men who fell in the category of being obese than their BMI were likely to have low sperm count and 81% of them are likely to have no sperm.
Weight Loss
This is the single most effective activity to do to lose weight, to increase sperm count. Seek a doctor who can help in managing your weight. Schedule an appointment with a nutritionist to change your habits that can eventually improve your weight.
In case you do not necessarily have to lose weight, staying physically active can drastically improve sperm count. Exercising can be additionally very beneficial for your overall health.
Take Your Multivitamins
Multivitamins have some different kinds of vitamins that we miss through our regular diet intake. Taking good vitamins for your sperm health is a good practice. According to one study, taking regular doses of vitamin C can help in sperm concentration and mobility.
Other Measures to Help Male Infertility
Check Your Environment
Exposure to certain chemicals in your environment can hinder your fertility. A lot of stress around you can also lead to fertility issues in some men. Some examples of certain chemical exposures can look like this:
- Certain metals
- Pesticides/Insecticides
- Certain paints
- Endocrine disruptors
These chemicals have previously been reported to be toxins for your body if you happen to be exposed to any of these. Excess heat and radiation can also affect your sperm count.
Stay Away from Substance Abuse
In certain studies, unhealthy sperm have been linked to people who are consistent with heavy drinking, tobacco smoking, and other drug use.
Wear Loose Clothing
Having an adequate temperature and loose airy fitting can help with maintaining the right temperature for your sperm. Try going for cotton briefs instead of the synthetic mix of knickers.
Remedies for Low Sperm Count
Sperm fertility was not a problem in the old times. A sharp increase can be seen in infertility only in recent years. Therefore it is hard to find many home remedies, however, some of the following herbs and ingredients have been reported to work for infertility in men.
- Taking fenugreek supplement for improving sperm count.
- Getting enough vitamin D to improve the quality of sperm health.
- Taking ashwagandha or Indian ginseng has been reported to help in sexual dysfunction.
- Consuming more antioxidant-rich foods that help repair damaged cells.
Final Takeaway on Foods to Increase Male Fertility
As more research is ongoing, it is becoming increasingly evident that important dietary adjustments need to be made to improve low sperm count. While taking herbal supplements may also help but male infertility requires immediate medical help. You should immediately seek some dietary changes that will promote a high sperm count. For example, reducing the intake of trans fatty acids, increasing the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and intake can drastically help.
In case you are facing any fertility-related issues, you can consult with one of our top andrologists as well as a nutritionist right away.
Please feel free to reach out, before it becomes too late.