Home Nutrition & Diet 9 Amazing Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit

9 Amazing Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Benefits of Dragon Fruit
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Due to its sweet and reviving flavour, dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, has become more and more popular in recent years. Thanks to all of the essential components, it is also brimming with health benefits.

Do you know the health benefits of dragon fruit? And is dragon fruit a superfood? Keep reading!

The tropical fruit known as dragon fruit, also called pitahaya or strawberry pear, is distinguished by its vivid red exterior and tasty white pulp that is studded with seeds.

It is well-liked by foodies and health-conscious people due to its distinctive appearance and renowned superfood properties. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to reside in a tropical area to get the health benefits of dragon fruit. In fact, supermarkets around the world sell it fresh or frozen. 

To have an in-depth knowledge of the benefits of dragon fruit on your health, its side effects, and how to eat it, keep scrolling!!!

What is dragon fruit?

The dragon fruit, often known as pitaya or strawberry pears, belongs to the cactus family. It thrives in tropical and subtropical areas and is indigenous to Central and South America.

The fruit has a leathery, red or yellow skin and an oval or pearshape. White or pink in colour, the flesh contains tiny black seeds. It is sweet and crunchy, and you can eat it straight out of the bag or add it to salads, smoothies, desserts, and juices.

This rare fruit comes from China, where it is thought to have started from a dragon’s fire. Although it may seem like a fiction, eating dragon fruit has a lot of advantages. 

Dragon fruit nutrition

Is dragon fruit a superfood? Yes, it is. Do you know why? 

This tropical superfruit is loaded with nutrients that have many positive effects on health. For insranc, dragon fruit is high in iron, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Its abundant antioxidant content is crucial in lowering the risk of diabetes and cancer. 

Therefore, be sure to include this superfruit in your regular diet. You’ll not only enjoy its sweet taste and exotic appearance, but you’ll also be doing your body a favour!

The following is contained in a serving of six ounces of dragon fruit cubes: 

  • Calories – 102
  • Fat – 0 grams
  • Protein – 2 grams
  • Carbohydrates – 22 grams
  • Fiber – 5 grams
  • Sugars – 13 grams

In addition, this superfood is also a good source of vitamins and minerals. 

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium 
  • Potassium
  • Iron  

Benefits of dragon fruit on your health 

The popularity of the exotic fruit dragon fruit is rising. It has a distinct flavour and provides a number of health advantages. Including dragon fruit in your diet is a terrific method to boost your health if you’re looking for new ways to accomplish so.

Dragon fruit is high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals while being low in calories. You can stay healthy and look fantastic with its aid!

Here are 9 incredible health benefits of dragon fruit:  

1- Dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants’ primary advantage is their ability to seize and eliminate free radicals. If left untreated, free radicals can destroy and damage cells, resulting in various conditions ranging from cancer to heart difficulties. 

Dragon fruit is rich in the following antioxidants: 

  • Betalains: These crimson pigments from the dragon fruit’s flesh have been associated with defense against high cholesterol (LDL). It guards against oxidation and damage to LDL. 
  • Hydroxycinnamates: These antioxidants are what give dragon fruit its anti-cancer properties. They have been demonstrated in experiments on animals and in test tubes to stop or slow the progression of cancer.
  • Flavonoids: Dragon fruit is a rich source of flavonoids. This wide class of antioxidants is linked to better brain health and function as well as a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease development. 

2- Dragon fruit is rich in fiber

Nondigestible carbohydrates called dietary fibers provide a long list of potential health advantages. For women, 25 grams of fiber per day is advised, while for men it is 38 grams. Although fiber is generally best known for its function in digestion, evidence indicates that it may also help prevent heart disease, control type 2 diabetes, and maintain healthy body weight. 

Dragon fruit is a great whole-food source because it contains 7 grams of fiber per cup.  Despite the fact that there is no evidence connecting dragon fruit to any of the above-mentioned illnesses, its high fiber content can still help you reach your daily recommendations.

REMEMBER: It’s crucial to remember that high-fiber diets might have disadvantages, particularly if you’re used to a low-fiber diet. Also, drink plenty of fluids and gradually increase your dietary fiber intake to prevent stomach pain. 

3- Benefits of dragon fruit for digestion

Eating dragon fruit has various advantages, including improving digestion.

Fiber is abundant in dragon fruit, which aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Dietary fiber facilitates bowel movements and addresses ailments including constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Additionally, prebiotic fibre included in dragon fruit helps to support the development of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Because dragon fruit contains prebiotics, it may help balance the healthy bacteria in your stomach. Prebiotics are a particular kind of fiber that encourages the development of good bacteria in your stomach.

In particular, lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria, two groups of beneficial bacteria, are primarily supported by dragon fruit. 

Consuming prebiotics on a regular basis may lower your risk of diarrhea and digestive system infections. This is because prebiotics encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria, which may eventually outnumber harmful ones. Prebiotics may also help with symptoms of colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease, according to some research.

For these reasons, dragon fruit can be a valuable addition to the diet for those who are looking to improve their digestive health.

4- Dragon fruit is a rich source of potassium 

Dragon fruit is a rich source of important minerals, including potassium and calcium, which support bone health. Potassium is an incredibly essential mineral for our body’s cellular, electrical, and neural systems.

Simply said, potassium is essential for preserving our body’s water content and pH balance. A diet high in potassium may help diabetics protect their hearts and kidneys. 

5- Good Source of Magnesium

The magnesium content of dragon fruit is higher than that of most other fruits, providing 18% of your RDI in just one cup.

Your body typically contains 24g, or about one ounce, of magnesium. Despite this allegedly negligible amount, the mineral is found in all your cells and is involved in over 600 crucial chemical processes throughout your body.

For instance, it participates in the processes necessary for the conversion of food into energy, the contraction of muscles, the construction of bones, and even the synthesis of DNA.

Although further research is required, some findings suggest that increased magnesium consumption may lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Additionally, studies demonstrate that diets rich in magnesium promote bone health. 

6- Dragon fruit helps lower cholesterol and improve heart health

Linoleic and linolenic acids, two important unsaturated fatty acids, are abundant in the seeds of dragon fruit. These healthy fats can reduce the body’s harmful cholesterol levels. Bad cholesterol, or excessive low-density lipoprotein (LDL), can stiffen your arteries and cause heart ailments.

Lycopene and other phytonutrients present in dragon fruit can aid in enhancing cardiovascular health. Also, a lower risk of heart disease is positively correlated with higher dietary fiber consumption.

By lowering cholesterol and lowering the risk of coronary heart disease and heart attacks, all these cardioprotective substances found in dragon fruit may be of assistance. 

Get to know more about diet to keep your heart healthy

7- Strengthens your immune system

The quality of your diet is one of several variables that affect your body’s capacity to fight infection. By preventing damage to your white blood cells, the vitamin C and carotenoids in dragon fruit may strengthen your immune system and help you avoid infection.

Your immune system’s white blood cells hunt down and eliminate dangerous things. They are highly susceptible to free radical damage, though. Vitamin C and carotenoids present in dragon fruit are strong antioxidants that can combat free radicals and protect your white blood cells from damage. 

8- Dragon fruit fights aging skin

Stress, pollution, and other factors including poor diet and others can all hasten age. However, dragon fruit is one of the superfoods good for the skin. Dragon fruit contains a lot of antioxidants that can be used to cure acne, dry skin, and sunburn.

Vitamin C in it may contribute to skin that is more radiant. For glowing skin, you can make dragon fruit juice and consume it once a day. 

9- Good for Hair

Want thick, glossy, black hair? Try mixing 250ml of milk with dragon fruit powder once a day; it will be beneficial.

This fruit extract powder’s high vitamin content minimizes hair damage from artificial hair coloring and enhances hair texture, leaving hair smooth and glossy. All you have to do to see changes is to take this one time every day. 

Dragon fruit health risks

Despite isolated allergic responses being observed in research, dragon fruit is typically safe to consume. Hives, vomiting, and tongue swelling are all symptoms of the allergic reaction to dragon fruit consumption. This kind of reaction seems to be extremely uncommon.

Another side effect is that scarlet dragon fruit might make your urination pink or red if you eat enough of it. Once the fruit is gone from your system, your urine should return to its regular color. 


This fruit, which has a unique appearance and numerous health advantages, has been rising in popularity across the nation. Here are some frequently asked questions about this fruit to help you learn more. 

How to prepare dragon fruit?

Squeeze the dragon fruit lightly before purchasing. It should be slightly flexible without feeling mushy or soft. Avoid fruit with dried or bruised leaves, which indicate that it is overripe.

Before eating, let the fruit ripen on the counter for a few days if it feels hard to the touch.

Cut the apple into quarters to prepare it. Peel off the skin or use a spoon, ice cream scoop, or melon baller to scoop out the flesh. Avoid eating the skin. 

Dragon fruit how to eat? 

Dragon fruit how to eat? There are several methods to consume dragon fruit.

  • Combine it with other tropical fruits like pineapple and mango in a fruit salad.
  • Chop it up into salsa.
  • Create ice cream out of it.
  • Add it to water or juice by pressing it.
  • Put it on top of Greek yogurt. 
  • Or you could freeze it and make a smoothie with it.

Another thing to keep in mind: When you’ve chopped it up, wrap it neatly and store it in your refrigerator. Throw away your dragon fruit when it becomes mushy and brown.

How to store dragon fruit?

For up to five days, keep any leftover dragon fruit in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. Alternately, you might freeze it for up to three months. 

What does dragon fruit taste like? 

You’ll likely enjoy dragon fruit if you enjoy kiwi fruit and pears.

It’s crispy and sweet.


Dragon fruit is very nutrient-dense. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients, Smoothies, playa bowls, and baked goods taste fantastic with it. But it’s also quite tasty when eaten alone. Most grocery stores sell it in fresh, frozen, or powdered form. 

All things considered, dragon fruit is unusual, delicious, and can bring diversity to your diet. Also, dragon fruit consumption strengthens the immune system, enhances digestion, and helps control blood sugar levels. What’s more? The fact that dragon fruit is a fantastic source of protein and fibre makes it a perfect snack for people trying to eat healthily. 

So, next time you are looking for a tropical treat, be sure to give dragon fruit a try! You may just be surprised by how delicious and nutritious it is.
If you want to know more benefits of dragon fruit and how to include it in your diet, you can easily make an appointment with the best nutritionist in town. You can schedule your visit by visiting our website Healthwire. We would be happy to help you!

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