Home Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle How to Get Rid of Double Chin at Home? 5 Exercises to Try

How to Get Rid of Double Chin at Home? 5 Exercises to Try

How to Get Rid of Double Chin at Home
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A double chin is nothing related to bad health and is definitely not a medical condition but it can cause disturbance in your social life and make you more self-conscious about how you look and feel. Well, I am sure you must think of ways on how to get rid of the double chin.

Every time you look in the mirror or take a photograph, the extra layer of fat under your chin can make your face bigger and heavier than it actually is. But there is no need to get worried and frustrated over the fact that you have a double chin. 

Of course, there are several ways that can help you to reduce your double chin. However, it should be kept in mind that it can not be eliminated completely. Using different exercises and other natural ways can help you in getting a sleek look by making that jawline snatched.  

What Causes a Double Chin?

Before knowing the answer to the question of how to get rid of double chin, it is important to understand what causes it. 

There are quite a few factors that can lead to the development of extra fat under your chin called a double chin. 


The chances of getting a double chin increase drastically if you belong to a family where your family members already have a double chin. So, here the genes are to be blamed.  

Extra Weight

Another factor that can be a huge cause behind your double chin is the extra weight on your body. Extra weight results in causing an extra layer of fat in the chin and neck area. This fat is also referred to as submental fat. This fat usually accumulates in the neck and the chin area. Now, what else could help in how to get rid of double chin? 

Bad Posture

Having a bad posture can also be a huge reason behind having a double chin. This is because a bad posture can cause the muscles of the neck and face to loosen up which makes the appearance of a double chin even more evident. 

5 Exercises to Get Rid of Double Chin at Home

Exercise is one of the easiest and most effortless ways to reduce a double chin. It helps a lot in tightening the skin that is around the area of the double chin. 

Top 5 exercises that help in reducing double chin include: 

1. Tongue Exercise

This exercise makes you use your tongue muscles to get rid of the double chin. This is done by looking straight ahead while rolling the tongue out of the mouth as ahead as possible. The best way is to repeat the motion upwards stretching the tongue towards the nose. 

You need to hold this position for almost 10 to 15 seconds. Take a few minutes break and repeat the motion again. In a few days Voila! You will get your answer on how to get rid of double chin.


2. Ball Exercise

Ball exercise helps greatly in reducing the appearance of a double chin and to cut down the extra layer of fat. This is done by placing a 9 to 10-inch ball (tennis ball or a cricket ball) under the double chin. Now, in the next step press the chin downwards against the ball. 

In order to see visible results, it is important to repeat the exercise regularly 25 to 30 times. 


3. Chewing Gum Exercise

As strange and bizarre as it may sound, chewing gum can help a lot in reducing the double chin and the extra fat on the face. When you chew gum time and again your chin and face muscles get exercised in a repeated motion. This helps a lot in removing the extra fat on the face. 

Chewing gum can provide the chin with needed lift and strengthens the muscles of the jaw. It should be kept in mind that doing too much of this exercise can put pressure on your jaw muscles. 


4. The OO-EEE Exercise

This is one of the most simple exercises that you can do to reduce the double chin. This exercise requires you to make sounds like OO-EEE with your mouth while overdoing and exaggerating the movements of the face. This movement of the face targets the muscles of the upper lips and stretches the muscles of the jaws resulting in reducing the appearance of a double chin. Well, this must be the most fun answer to your query about ‘how to get rid of double chin’.


5. Pucker Up Exercise

In this exercise, you need to look up at the ceiling by tilting your head backward. Pucker your lips like you are giving a kiss to the ceiling and stretch the area under the chin. Stop puckering the lips and bring your head to the normal position as it was before. 

Keep repeating this exercise for at least 10 minutes for the best results. 


Additional Tips on How to Reduce Double Chin?

If the major cause of your double chin is weight gain or obesity then the most effective way to get rid of a double chin is by controlling your diet. Some of the healthy food options and guidelines that you can follow include:

  • Avoid eating processed food
  • Consume low-fat dairy products
  • Stay away from fried food
  • Make sure to consume three servings of fruits every day
  • Try to control your portion
  • Reduce the intake of sugar
  • Incorporate lean proteins in the diet i.e. fish and poultry
  • Consume whole grains in place of refined grains
  • Try and incorporate vegetables into the diet

By opting for such eating habits along with facial exercises, it is very easy to lose weight from the body and lose a double chin. 

A double chin can be a huge struggle for a person who is a lot into the so-called beauty standards set by society. With all the raising concerns, the question of how to get rid of double chin is still asked by a lot of people who have one. The above-mentioned exercises can help a lot in getting rid of a double chin by staying at home. Make sure to try these out and get the desired results. 
If you have more questions regarding double chin removal and its reduction, then make sure that you contact a cosmetologist by visiting Healthwire.pk or dialing 042 32500989.

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