Home Diseases and Disorders Fungus in Ear: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fungal Infection in Ear

Fungus in Ear: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fungal Infection in Ear

Fungus in Ear
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Ears are one of the most sensitive body parts and require regular cleanliness. Sometimes, fungus in ear builds up and causes pain and irritation. 

Fungal ear infection involves the canal that runs from the ear opening to the eardrum. In medical terms, it is called Otomycosis

If you have ever experienced fungus in ear, or if you live at such places where getting a fungal infection is common, this article is for you. 

Keep on reading to explore why fungus in ear develops and home remedies to get rid of it. 

Who Can Get Fungus in Ear? 

As studies show, otomycosis is common in hot, humid, and dirty areas of tropical and subtropical regions. It’s because the fungus grows rapidly in warm areas. During summers, you can get fungal infections as well, because they can grow in moisture as well. 

You are more likely to get fungus in ear if you swim in contaminated pools. Even swimming in clean waters can exacerbate the fungal infection. 

If you have a weakened immune system, you can easily catch a fungal infection. 

If you went through any trauma or injuries in the ear, have eczema or other skin conditions; your chances of getting fungus in the ear increase. 

Read more about immune-boosting foods

What are the Symptoms of Fungus in Ear? 

If you get fungus in your ear, you can feel the following symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Inflammation, itching, and swelling
  • Redness and flaky skin
  • Ringing in the ears
  • A feeling of fullness in the ears
  • Discharge of fluid from the ears
  • Hearing problems

Discharge from the ears is the most common symptom. It can be of different colors e.g white, yellow, grey, black, green fluid.

Are There Any Home Remedies for Fungal Infection in Ear? 

If you don’t want to go to a doctor because you feel the infection is mild, you can use some home remedies to relieve the pain and to get rid of fungal infection.

Here are some of the home remedies you can try:


Garlic is a vegetable readily available in your kitchen.

It has antimicrobial and pain-relieving properties, that make it highly effective as a home remedy for fungal infections. Let’s get to know how you can use this vegetable for your benefit.

You can make your garlic oil. Just cook crushed garlic in 2 tablespoons of mustard oil and two cloves. Wait until it becomes black. Strain this liquid and put a few drops of this oil in your ear when it’s lukewarm.  

Read more about the health benefits of garlic

Olive Oil

You know about the wax that is present in our ears. It’s not there without any reason. It is necessary to keep the ear moist and free of germs. Sometimes, this wax gets attacked by the fungal/bacterial growth in the ear, which leads to a blockage in the middle ear. 

You can easily remove this obstruction with the help of olive oil. 

Take some olive oil and warm it up on low heat. Put this oil in the infected ear. It will soften the wax. Remove this wax with a cotton swab. 

A Word of Caution!

Don’t ever put a cotton swab or cotton bud too far into your ear, as it can damage the eardrum.

Read more about olive oil’s benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a go-to remedy for Desi grandmothers. It is instantly relied upon for many health and beauty matters. 

ACV has a plethora of healing properties e.g antibacterial and antifungal. It fights the yeast infection and fungus in your ear. 

Mix equal amounts of water and AVC. Soak a cotton ball in this solution, and place it in the affected ear for 5 minutes. Remove the cotton ball and lay it on your opposite side to remove any residual AVC from the ear. This remedy will help clear the fungal infection. 

Basil Leaves

Basil is an aromatic plant. Its leaves are rich in antioxidants and have potent antibacterial and antifungal properties. 

According to the top reviewed ENT Specialist in Islamabad, Dr. Muhammad TariqTake 4-5 basil leaves and crush them gently to extract the juice. Apply this juice to the affected ear and areas around it. Avoid going far in the ear.”

You can also mix a few drops of basil oil with an equal amount of coconut oil and soak a cotton ball in the mixture. Apply this mixture to the outside of the affected ear.

Tea Tree Oil

You must have heard of the amazing tea tree oil benefits. Well, it provides you with a lot of therapeutic effects e.g antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, antimicrobial, fungicide, insecticide, balsamic, expectorant, and stimulant.

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Warm this mixture slightly.  Fill a clean dropper with the mixture and drop it into the infected ear. Lay on your side with the oil in your ear for about three minutes. Turn your head to drain the oil out.

Repeat daily until the pain subsides.

Cold/Warm Compresses

Both warm and cold compresses can relieve pain from a fungal infection in ear. 

You can use either a hot pad or a cold washcloth against your ear for 10-15 minutes. If you have a child with fungus in ear, you can alternate hot and cold compressors to get an immediate effect. 

Neck Exercises

Exercise is a must for a healthy human body.

If you perform neck exercises, it will get rid of the pressure on your ear canal, and relieve pain. Here’s how to do neck-rotation exercises:

  • Sit straight
  • Rotate your neck parallel to the right shoulder. 
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds
  • Repeat on the left side
  • Raise your shoulders high to touch the earlobes with them
  • Hold again for 5-10 seconds
  • Repeat the neck-rotation exercises 3-4 times a day

Vitamin D

You may think vitamin D seems unrelated to fungus in ear, but it is an immune-boosting vitamin. 

If you have a healthy immune system, you fight the fungal infection easily. Add more vitamin D-rich foods to your life to keep fungal/bacterial infections at bay. 


If you are fond of swimming and routinely swim, you may be vulnerable to getting fungus in ear. 

Being out on a windy and rainy day can speed up the infection. 

You can use a blowdryer after a swim. Pointing a blow-dryer on low heat near the ear can help dry up any leftover moisture in the ear.

When You Should See a Doctor?

Fungal infection in ear causes a lot of discomfort and pain. There are some eardrops available from pharmacies, but the best they can do is reduce the inflammation a bit. In fungal infections, they don’t usually have much effect.

You should see a doctor when you observe the following symptoms:

  • Excruciating pain
  • A lot of ear discharge
  • Feeling dizziness
  • High temperature
  • Muffled hearing

Bottom Line!

It’s best to take care of your hygiene and your surroundings. Fungus in ear can be tricky and put you in a lot of pain, as ear is a very sensitive body part. Don’t use too many chemical products to clean your ears, the ear was does the job well. If by any chance, you have got a fungal infection in ear, and you are feeling a lot of pain, consult a well-known ENT specialist in Lahore to get proper treatment. Book an appointment via Healthwire.pk or call at (042) 32500989.

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