Home Skin Care Nail SOS – How to Fix Yellow Nails in 2024?

Nail SOS – How to Fix Yellow Nails in 2024?

How To Fix Yellow Nail in 2023
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Your fingernails might reveal a lot about your general health. When they start to darken, you’ve likely contracted an infection or nail fungus. It might also indicate that you’re experiencing an allergic response or that a product, such as nail polish, has stained your nails.

Sometimes your nails can get yellow as symptoms of something serious like lymphatic obstructions, chronic lung conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, and internal malignancies.

But the question here is how to fix yellow nails once you become the victim of them. 

Well, keep on reading to get the answer to how to get rid of yellow nails.

Common Causes of Yellow Nails

Some of the very common causes of yellow nails include:

Dark Nail Polish

Yellow nails are commonly caused by the nail polishes that all of us girls use. In particular, dark nail polish can take a toll on the nails., leaving weird stains. One of the best ways to prevent it is by always using a base coat before applying the nail polish.

Nail Polish Remover

Before knowing the answer to how to fix yellow nails, Prof. Dr. Faria Asad, who is one of the best dermatologists in Pakistan says that one of the most common causes of yellow nails is using too much nail polish remover. 

The removal of nail polish by remover can cause pigments to relocate into the nail plate, where they can cause the nails to turn yellow.


One of the very common causes of yellow nails is the nicotine and tar from cigarettes. If you are someone who has become addicted to cigarettes, it is best for you to have a look at your nails. Trust me! They don’t look cool. Try and fix them by using some home remedies that will be mentioned further. 

What Your Nails Say About Your Health? 

Getting close to the answer to how to fix yellow nails you must know that, if harsh treatments or dyes have damaged your nails, the new nail growth should be healthy, and clear. If your nails still appear yellow, your body might be experiencing some other issue.

Yellow nails might occasionally be a sign of more serious issues. Nails can seem yellow due to vitamin (vitamin E) or mineral deficiencies, so adding a multivitamin supplement to your routine may help.

Sometimes, despite repeated treatments, yellow nails can be a sign of diabetes, psoriasis, or thyroid disorders. 

Yellow nails may occasionally be an early sign of skin cancer. Consistently yellow nails and respiratory or lymphatic issues are symptoms of a disorder known as yellow nail syndrome (YNS).

Suggested Read: White Spots on Nails‘Leukonychia’

How to Fix Yellow Nails at Home? 

The cause of yellow nails always determines how to treat them. Infection or a product you utilized is most likely to blame for your darkened nails. Some of the home remedies can work out great for fixing your yellow nails not caused by some serious diseases. 

Tea Tree Oil

If you feel like your nails are discolored because of any bacterial or fungal infection, tea tree oil is the easiest solution to your problem. To use that on your nails, it is best to mix a drop or two of tea tree oil with carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil. Make the mixture and swab it on the affected nails. 

A study has shown great results with the use of tea tree oil as an answer to how to fix yellow nails by removing the stains on the nails and topping nail fungus from growing.  

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is known to whiten the teeth effectively when used combined with baking soda. It is also one of the common ingredients present in toothpaste. 

Experts at Avicenna Hospital say that hydrogen peroxide also contains great oxidizing abilities that make it one of the best stain movers. So, this makes it one of the best ways to remove stains from nails. It goes deep into the nail and lightens the yellow color of the nail. 

The look of stains or yellow color may be improved by soaking the nails in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and warm water; adding baking soda may increase its efficacy. 

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile household ingredient and can help get the answer to how to fix yellow nails, and can help with discoloration of nails caused by various factors, including nail polish stains, fungal infections, or smoking. 

Baking soda’s natural bleaching and exfoliating properties make it effective in restoring the natural color of the nails. To use baking soda, create a paste by mixing baking soda with a few drops of water until it forms a thick consistency. Gently massage the paste onto the nails and let it sit on the nails before rinsing it with warm water.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is known to be great for hair, nails, and skin. It helps in retaining the moisture of the skin and makes it look healthier. 

How to fix yellow nails with vitamin E?

Yellow nail syndrome is one of the issues that are faced by several women and men. In this condition, the nails become discolored, thick, and rigid. Since vitamin E helps in stimulating healthy nail growth, it can be applied topically or can be taken orally to help with yellow nails. 

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil has been known to be great for nails for its antimicrobial properties. It is effective against fungus and bacteria which makes it a great treatment if you are confused about finding out the culprit behind the yellowing of your nails. 

Oregano oil should be combined with a carrier oil and administered topically to the damaged nail or nails, similar to how tea tree oil is used for treatment. This is the answer to how to fix yellow nails with oregano oil.

When to Visit a Dermatologist

How to fix yellow nails is one of the common questions that pop up in the mind of every person who is suffering from them. You can try out all the above-mentioned remedies to make your nails look less yellow and healthy at the same time. If you feel like, these remedies are not for you, it is best to visit the best dermatologist near you by contacting Healthwire.

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