Home Men's Health How to Stop a Receding Hairline in Men

How to Stop a Receding Hairline in Men

How to Stop a Receding Hairline in Men
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With age, it is very normal that our hairlines start to move above the forehead. For men, a receding hairline can start to happen in the early twenties. 

It is very common to panic when you see your hairline creeping backward with each passing day but luckily there are ways that you can use to prevent your hairline from receding and in some cases, it is possible to regrow the hair that you have lost. 

Before that, let us all read about what male pattern baldness or a fading hairline actually is. 

What is a Receding Hairline?

A receding hairline is exactly what it sounds like. Yes! A hairline that is slowly making its way up your head due to the loss of hair. 

Now, hairlines also vary in shape. Some men have a straight hairline that goes all the way from one side of the head to another. Then comes another shape that is a widow’s peak – an M-shaped or a V-shaped forehead. 

It is very common to notice the early signs of male pattern baldness. You may notice hair fall and thinning around your temples or your hairstyle start to look like a V or an M shape. 

Causes of Receding Hairline

A fading hairline is mostly connected with hereditary factors and aging. But there are other factors that also add to a fading hairline and worsen hair loss. These factors include: 

  • Choosing tight hairstyles like braiding
  • Over styling the hair by using heat
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Eat a diet full of saturated fats
  • Having processed food and preservatives
  • Scalp diseases like frontal fibrosing alopecia or lupus

Receding Hairline Treatment

Well, if your hair has started to get thinner already, it is not easy to get back the hair in days. Although, a number of treatments and health strategies can help in keeping your hair looking fuller and thicker. 

Consuming a Healthy Diet

Eating a diet that is full of antioxidants can help you make your hair look fuller and healthier. What are antioxidants now? These are ingredients that help in fighting the oxidative stress that contributes to the aging of hair. 


A number of vitamins and minerals are very helpful in the healthy growth of hair. Like, 

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin A 
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Iron

When it comes to food, a receding hairline can be managed well by consuming foods like buts, seeds, and leafy vegetables. 

Try Scalp Massage

Massage on any part of the body does stimulate blood circulation. This includes the scalp. A scalp massage doesn’t take long and you just need two hands to fulfill the job. 


A number of oils can be used to massage the scalp. These include: 

  • Almond oil
  • Coconut oil 
  • Olive oil
  • Castor  oil

How to Massage the Scalp for Hair Growth? 

You can use any of the above-mentioned essential oil, just be careful of any health condition that you have. To massage hair for a receding hairline, take a small amount of oil between your palms and rub it all over your hands. Take the pads of the fingers and gently use pressure in a circular motion by making sections in the hair. 

Keep massaging the hair for 5 to 10 minutes. You can use any oil i.e almond oil to grow your hair back. Repeat this at least a few times a week. 

Change Your Hairstyle

Too much hairstyling, over hairstyling, and scratching the scalp can cause hair follicle damage and the forehead to get bigger with each passing day. Although, changing your hairstyle is not a receding hairline treatment but it can be a helpful way to hide your hairline.


Look for hairstyles that can reduce the contrast between the forehead and the hair. 

  • If you keep your hair short, try and go for a buzz cut as it can make the hair loss look less obvious on the forehead. 
  • If you are losing hair from the temples then keep a longer cut on the top of the head. This can lower the visual impact of lesser hair on the sides. 
  • If you have a V or an M-shaped forehead, then go for a french crop hairstyle in which you can have buzzed hair on the sides of the head.  

Go for PRP Therapy

One of the modern treatments that are used these days is called PRP Therapy. It works by helping your hair grow back by stimulating the weak hair follicles that cause the hairline to recede. 


Platelet-Rich-Plasma from your body can trigger the tissues in the region of hair loss to repair the cells. Research shows that PRP not only decreases the shedding of hair but also stimulates the growth of new hair. 

Getting a PRP Done for Extreme Hairloss

During PRP, a doctor will take out blood from your body and then will separate the PRP from the sample. This is then injected in place of the receding hairline. It shows results and hair growth starts after 2 to 3 sessions.

PRP is increasingly becoming popular in Pakistan. Dr. Shaiqa Ali shares her knowledge and experience on PRP treatment and how it can lead to effective hair growth.

Get a Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is always a procedure that is kept as a last resort when the hairline is receding very fast. Your doctor takes your hair from the back of the head and fixes it to the front where the hairline is. 


This implanted hair can give your hairline a fuller look and your face a beautiful appearance.  

There are obviously risks that are attached to a hair transplant used as a receding hairline treatment. But you do need to consult your doctor before getting it done. 

Don’t Worry, Own it!

A receding hairline does shatter your confidence but one of the best treatments that you can go for is owning the fact that your hair is thinning. Do get it treated, as it is your choice to make. But on the other hand, never feel ashamed of the fact that your hairline is receding.

If you want to consult a doctor regarding hair loss or hair thinning, make sure you visit the best hair transplant surgeon near you by visiting Healthwire.


1. Can the receding hairline grow back?

Yes, your hairline can go back to its original shape and is indeed reversible. All of this depends on the treatment that you take and the results do vary from person to person. 

2. How do I fix my hairline? 

There is no one way to fix your hairline. Although you can massage your scalp, take PRP sessions, and even go for a hair transplant in more severe cases.

3. What does a normal hairline look like?

Well, a normal hairline can vary from person to person. Some hairlines look normal when they appear low. Some appear high or have a V-shape. But all hairlines are normal. 

4. Does wearing a hat cause baldness?

Hats do cause baldness, especially when they are tight-fitted. Don’t wear a hat if you already have hair fall as it can make the condition worse.

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