Home Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle What Are Possible Intermittent Fasting Side Effects?

What Are Possible Intermittent Fasting Side Effects?

Intermittent Fasting Side Effects
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Intermittent fasting is by far the most followed dietary routine when it comes to weight loss or managing heart diseases. 

There are different intermittent fasting plans followed by masses in pursuit to lose weight and fat from the body. But little do we bother about the long-term consequences of this dietary regimen.

Therefore, in this article, we will be conversing on the intermittent fasting side effects. We will also be discussing the negative effects of intermittent fasting on health. So without wasting any further ado, let us jump straight into the discussion.


To start with, it is essential to get an overview of intermittent fasting. 

Intermittent fasting means alternating cycles of eating and fasting. 

The plan aims at managing the time frame of eating rather than dealing with the type of food or the number of calories. 

This intermittent fasting is found to be effective in managing weight, improving metabolism, and protecting against certain diseases including hypertension and diabetes.

There are many intermittent fasting schedules.

Many people tend to choose an eight-hour eating time frame followed by fasting for the rest of the day. 

And for some, it could mean having just a meal a day. So keeping aside the intermittent fasting sid effects, it goes without saying that it varies from person to person and is truly customized according to one’s needs.

Side Read: To read more on intermittent fasting, click here!

Side Effects Of Intermittent Fasting

Now that we are aware of the basics of intermittent fasting it is essential to consider that though it may sound, there are no grave side effects of intermittent fasting on health. There are!

The reality is quite the opposite and contradictory. There are certain negative effects of intermittent fasting on overall health. It is crucial to entertain all those downsides of this trendy diet regimen.

So we have compiled a list of possible side effects of intermittent fasting on health. The description of all the possible intermittent fasting side effects is as follows:

1- Long Term Lethargy

Intermittent fasting can cause long-term lethargy and can also result in poor growth and strength. 

Intermittent fasting makes you starve for a longer duration of time which is not always beneficial and studies have shown that the individuals might experience low energy levels. 

Low sugar levels in the blood are the main culprits in this regard. 

This will cause the muscles to depreciate over a period of time if it is not followed with set protocols and standards. 

There are cases when people even complain of bizarre mood swings. 

Also, intermittent fasting is found to be closely related to sleep disturbances which will ultimately cause torpidity during the daytime.

However, there are cases when people even adapt to intermittent fasting and they are able to manage the associated fatigue and lethargy that are the intermittent fasting side effects. But the incidence of these cases is very small and on a general level, people have to face lethargy and tiredness. 

2- Disruptive Eating Habits

With the fasting period spanning over several hours, intermittent fasting is often associated with inducing eating disorders in many individuals. 

In intermittent fasting, one has to skip food for a major part of the day which means that the hunger and cravings will be automatically enhanced. 

Experts at Hameed Latif Hospital say that it is a part of human nature that man often tends towards things that are either prohibited or barred. 

The same goes here with intermittent fasting. You may find yourself at the mercy of certain circumstances to avoid unnecessary cravings.

Also, appetite hormones are significantly produced in the body. 

Side Read: Find out the potential side effects of skipping breakfast

3- Issues With The Gut Health

Keeping aside intermittent fasting side effects, it is also found to be a major contributor to disturbing gut health. There are many issues reported in individuals participating in intermittent fasting. 

This diet regimen has caused bloating, improper digestion, and constipation in some individuals according to data collected by the National Library of Medicine.

Skipping meals for a longer duration of time can possibly cause constipation as the body is lacking in enough food to ensure smooth bowel movements. 

Therefore it is necessary to consume food items that are either rich in fiber or are loaded with a bunch of nutrients. 

Also, make sure to consume enough water in between because dehydration can make constipation worse. 

4- Can Interfere With Some Medications

Out of many other possible intermittent fasting side effects, there is one serious thing that should be considered before going for intermittent fasting. 

Intermittent fasting can possibly interfere with the medications and can reduce the efficacy of medications. It is, therefore, necessary to consult your doctor before going for this diet regimen, cited by Dr. Eric Rimm, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard.

If you are diabetic and are planning to move towards intermittent fasting then you should take the go-ahead from your doctor as fasting for a longer time window will affect the amount of sugar in the body which can possibly cause serious consequences. 

Also if you are taking medicines for hypertension then it is suggested to have a detailed discussion with your doctor and the nutritionist. 

Any imbalance meant in the concentration of sodium, potassium, and other ions can cause serious consequences. 

5- Dehydration

Intermittent fasting can also cause severe dehydration in the body. As soon as you get started with this dietary plan you might observe that your body is producing a lot of urine. 

Though your body will acclimatize to the conditions shortly. But if you are not supplying your body with enough fluid and electrolytes then it can lead to grave results. 

There are many individuals who have experienced dehydration owing to intermittent fasting. 

So it is once again necessary to supply your body with an adequate amount of water. This will help to keep you healthy and fit.

Ways To Reduce Negative Effects Of Intermittent Fasting

So what can be done to reduce the negative effects of intermittent fasting? 

There is no need to worry about that as we are here with the solution to the above-mentioned question as well.

Ms. Ayesha Amjad who is one of the top nutritionists in Pakistan says that in order to alleviate intermittent fasting side effects following things can be done:

  • Gradually adapt yourself to a less time window for eating. This will ensure a smooth transference to intermittent fasting
  • Stay hydrated by consuming an adequate quantity of water. 

Don’t overdo yourself. The main purpose of intermittent fasting is to get positive results. 

But if you think that it is getting difficult to manage then try to opt for other options like 

Related: Discover more about portion control for weight loss.

Don’t Go For Intermittent Fasting

Don’t go for intermittent fasting if you have any previous or current ailment. 

The negative effects of intermittent fasting will take a toll on your already compromised health. 

This diet regimen may suit most people but not everyone. 

So don’t go for intermittent fasting if you 

  • Are dealing with an eating disorder
  • Are about to undergo some major surgical procedures
  • Are suffering from any psychological disorders 
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding your child
  • Intermittent fasting is also not fit for older adults and young teen

It is always encouraged to discuss the possibilities with your doctor before arriving at any decision of taking up significant dietary changes.

The Final Takeaway

Besides intermittent fasting side effects, intermittent fasting is no doubt the latest fitness trend which has shown massive outcomes in treating hypertension, diabetes, and weight loss problems. Still, the negative effects of intermittent fasting should not be ignored.

One should consult with a certified nutritionist before opting for intermittent fasting. So make an appointment today, if you want to get the best possible advice on intermittent fasting from the best and certified nutritionist. To get yourself updated on healthcare issues, visit healthwire.pk

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