Home Women's Health What are Some Common Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 1?

What are Some Common Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 1?

Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 1
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Pregnancy… A journey that changes your life once and for all. 

But the start of this journey can be different for everyone. 

For some women, pregnancy signs and symptoms can be very evident while some women can even be pregnant without even knowing it.

When it comes to pregnancy symptoms, they vary greatly, especially during different phases of pregnancy 

Pregnancy symptoms during week 1 will be different from symptoms during week 4 and so on. So, it’s really important to have an idea about these signs and symptoms. 

Let’s talk about the earliest phase of pregnancy and find out what it looks like during the first week!

What Happens During the 1st Week of Pregnancy?

Before we talk about some very early signs of pregnancy, be mindful that not everyone will experience these. But the question is do we actually feel anything at week 1? 

Let’s find an answer to this! 

You may think that the normal pregnancy duration is 9 months. But this is not the case indeed.

The total duration of pregnancy is measured from the first day of your last menstrual cycle taking in all the time it requires for egg making, release, and then fertilization. So, it totals your gestation period to 10 months rather than 9 months, unlike what we believe.

All of this preparation occurs 3-4 weeks before you actually get pregnant and that’s what you call week one of being pregnant. During this time you are less likely to experience anything. So, technically is all the preparation your body does to implant a fertilized egg. 

1st Week of Pregnancy – What Does it Look Like?

An ovary releases an egg which gets fertilized by sperm and this phenomenon is known as conception. Conception is nothing more than mere fertilization. A week (6-7 days) after conception, the fertilized embryo attached itself to the uterus lining.

During this implantation, the egg’s attachment to the lining of the womb results in the breaking of blood vessels and at that time you can experience some symptoms. So, here are some of the early pregnancy symptoms during week 1. 

1- Implantation Bleeding

When a fertilized embryo tries to attach itself to the walls of the uterus, this embryo attachment with uterus walls results in bleeding, as proven by research Unlike your menstrual bleeding, implantation bleeding is different. You only get to see the small spots or sometimes a pink-colored discharge as implantation bleeding. The duration of this bleeding can last from hours to days.

Suggested Read: Exercises for normal delivery

2- Cramping

During implantation, other than bleeding some women may also experience cramping. 

These cramps affect the usual spots in your body including the abdomen, pelvic region, and lower back. The intensity and duration of menstrual cramps can vary. These cramps cause little discomfort and can last for a few days.

Suggested Read: How to Get Rid of Pregnancy Cramps.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 1

Many women think that a missed period is certainly an important sign of early pregnancy. However, a missed period isn’t necessarily due to conception.

According to the top reviewed gynecologist in Lahore, Dr Maliha AmjadSometimes, there can be other underlying causes as well such as hormonal imbalance, etc. Your menstrual cycle can get a bit late because of these hormonal fluctuations.” Putting it aside, let’s talk about some of the common symptoms of pregnancy that you can experience during 1st week. These include:

  • Nausea that occurs with or without vomiting
  • Frequent urination
  • Changes in body temperature (a higher basal body temperature)
  • Breast swelling, tingling, or tenderness
  • Fatigue
  • Pelvic pain
  • Bloating or gas formation
  • Mood swings
  • Altered food preferences
  • An increased sense of smell
  • Feeling a metallic taste in mouth
  • Seeing acne on your face
  • Diarrhea or constipation

However, be mindful that not everyone is going to experience these signs. You can be pregnant with or without experiencing these signs. So, a better approach is to take a pregnancy test. You can confirm your pregnancy at home using test strips. 

However, if you have been struggling with conception in the past then it is better to go to your gynecologist for an imaging test to confirm your pregnancy, as recommended by the best doctors from Gulab Devi Hospital Lahore.

Suggested Read: Pregnancy Strips in Pakistan.

A Word from Healthwire

No matter if you witness pregnancy symptoms in week 1 or not, be mindful to make wise choices. Your lifestyle choices during early pregnancy can pave your path to a healthy journey. 

So, here are some of the tips that can help you to stay healthy during this early phase:

  • Never forget your prenatal vitamins if you are planning a baby
  • Always consume healthy foods 
  • Never compromise on your sleep quality
  • Put a hold on your caffeine consumption 
  • Start working out

Other than these tips, it is also important for you to track your menstrual cycle to know when it’s happening. Also, it is important to have a preconception checkup with your doctor for a better experience. 

You can consult the best gynecologist in Islamabad via Healthwire to make wise decisions regarding your health.

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