Home Women's Health Pregnancy Urine Color – When to Take Note and When to Relax!

Pregnancy Urine Color – When to Take Note and When to Relax!

Pregnancy Urine Color
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Pregnancy is a time of excitement, anticipation, and, of course, many changes. As an expectant mother, you may be familiar with many of the typical physical symptoms that come with carrying a baby, such as morning sickness, fatigue, and cravings. 

However, one lesser-known aspect of pregnancy is the color of your urine. While it may seem like a trivial detail, the pregnancy urine color can actually be a helpful indicator of your overall health during pregnancy. 

You may notice a distinct change in your urine color. Pregnancy urine color changes from light yellow to a brighter or darker shade of yellow. 

Do you know? You can tell a lot by looking at your urine color during pregnancy. I’m sure you must have an idea about it, as a urine test is the primary indication of pregnancy

These changes indicate the health of the pregnancy and may even alert you about any complications over nine months. 

You must have many questions about urine color and why it changes during pregnancy. In this blog post, we’ll discuss when you should take note of the color of your urine and when you can relax and let nature take its course.

Well, keep on reading to find out all the answers. 

What Does the Urine Color Typically Mean?

First, it is essential to understand what the color of urine means. 

The yellow color in your urine is due to the pigment Urochrome. The appearance of this pigment depends on the consistency of your urine. 

When you are hydrated, the pigment in your urine will be of a lighter shade. However, if your urine is in concentrated form, the pigment will have a darker shade.

Is dark yellow urine a sign of pregnancy? 

It’s a general question. The color and smell of your urine can also tell you a lot about your health, especially when you are pregnant. Let’s distinguish between normal and pregnancy urine color. 

The Normal Urine Color

The color of urine differs for every person depending on hydration, diet, drugs, and even hemoglobin levels. But its color usually falls under the yellow spectrum – light, transparent yellow to slightly darker yellow. 

Abnormal-colored urine may be cloudy, dark, or even red, which indicates an illness.

The Pregnancy Urine Color

During pregnancy, this change in urine color can be more visible. It can range from an intense bright yellow to a darker, almost orange-yellow color, which might scare you off. But it’s nothing to worry about. 

When you get pregnant, your doctor may advise you to do a regular urine check. There are several reasons why they check the urine. 

Dehydration in pregnancy can be dangerous and is easily monitored through urine checks. 

Urine changes are often the first sign of sickness or diseases, where there are no other symptoms.

How Does Urine Color Change Throughout Pregnancy?

Throughout their pregnancy, many pregnant women will detect changes in their urine. Many may even become aware that they urinate more frequently than usual before missing their first period or taking a pregnancy test. 

According to Dr. Rabbia Ashraf, a renowned gynecologist, once the embryo implants in the uterus, the body starts manufacturing the pregnancy hormone hCG, which can lead to frequent urine.

The bladder gets smaller when the uterus press on it as the fetus grows. It causes the bladder to fill with pee more quickly, increasing the frequency and urgency of your urination urges. 

The uterus presses down on the bladder, urethra, and pelvic floor muscles as the pregnancy progresses. This pressure also causes the urge to urinate more frequently. 

Additionally, typical is some urine dribbling when you laugh, sneeze, or cough. 

Taking regular bathroom breaks and performing Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles can also be beneficial.

Why Does the Pregnancy Urine Color Change?

During pregnancy, there is an overall increase in circulating blood volume. Almost 25 percent of that blood gets directed to the kidneys. 

A lot of extra fluid gets processed through your kidneys and ends up in your bladder.

Some of the reasons why pregnancy urine color changes are listed below. 


The color of urine in early pregnancy also depends upon how much water you intake daily. Dehydration can occur due to morning sickness and nausea, which results in dark yellow urine during pregnancy. 

Read more about how to fight morning sickness while pregnant

Urinary Tract Infection

An infection in the urinary tract can also bring about a change in the color of your urine. If you have a urinary tract infection, you should treat it as early as possible. It can have severe consequences like premature labor or an underweight baby.


Your pregnancy diet includes a range of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and other healthy foods. You may even eat more because of the pressure of having a healthy baby. It’s a great thing to stay healthy during pregnancy. 

Certain fruits and vegetables can change the color of your urine during pregnancy, such as beetroots, and broccoli. 

Prenatal Vitamins

When you get pregnant, your doctor prescribes vitamins and supplements, which may change the color of your urine.

Sometimes a pregnant woman’s body cannot break down the vitamins completely.  The absorbed vitamins and other supplemented nutrients are discarded from the body through urine, which causes a darker shade of urine. 

Kidney Diseases

Kidney diseases like kidney stones can also change the color of the urine. It is a rare condition to have kidney stones in pregnancy, but if it happens, you may notice abdominal pains, vomiting, and nausea. It can even cause blood in the urine. 

If the color of urine changes to an intense level, you may get screened for kidney disease. 

The Importance of Urine Test During Pregnancy: How Often Should You Take it?

You should perform urine tests frequently throughout pregnancy. 

Regular urine tests can provide a clear picture of your health, and urinalysis aids the doctor in quickly identifying any pregnancy-related problems. The tests help in the diagnosis of diabetes and kidney infections.

A high quantity of protein in the urine can be a sign of kidney problems or a UTI. 

Red blood cells or erythrocytes may point toward a urinary tract infection

You can know gestational diabetes by elevated blood sugar levels, which can occur in the second trimester.

Caution: Never skip or put off a urine test while pregnant because they can assist your doctor in identifying any odd health issues.

When Should You See A Doctor?

Your body goes through several changes, not only physically but emotionally, when you get pregnant. Urine color is a normal change, with all the other pregnancy changes. 

Sometimes a change in the urine’s color could result in minor changes in your daily life, like taking vitamin tablets or not drinking sufficient water. But if you are apprehensive, here’s when you should see a doctor;

  • When there is a strong odor in urine
  • When the color is dark yellow and is persistent for 3-4 days
  • When you feel a burning sensation while urinating

Apart from that, you should sit back, relax and enjoy your pregnancy. It’s an amazing time to bond with your baby and savor every little moment. Don’t stress about little things. Monitor the changes in your body closely, and watch out if any red flag happens to appear. 

Hospitals Offering the Best Care for Pregnancy!

If you are hesitant about choosing the best hospitals for your regular pregnancy checkups, consider choosing from one of these:

It is crucial to be in touch with a great doctor. You can consult a well-known Gynecologist to discuss your concerns about your pregnancy and get sound medical advice. You can book an appointment via Healthwireor call (042) 32500989.

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