Home Men's Health An In-Depth Guide To Understand Sexually Transmitted Diseases!

An In-Depth Guide To Understand Sexually Transmitted Diseases!

Sexually Transmitted Diseases
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Sexually transmitted diseases as the name indicates are caused due to unhygienic and poor sexual habits. There is another term which is often interchangeably used with sexually transmitted diseases and it is called sexually transmitted infections. 

Sexually transmitted infections are caused by harmful microorganisms like bacteria and viruses and there are zero symptoms associated with these infections. These sexually transmitted infections often lead to STDs. On the other hand, as far as sexually transmitted diseases are concerned, they have clear signs and symptoms. That’s the major difference between both of these terms.

As we are now clear about the difference between sexually transmitted infections and diseases, let us move into the description of all those sexually transmitted diseases which are prevalent in our society. Through this blog, we will try to get a basic understanding of the diseases. We will also try to suggest suitable STD treatments and preventions to avoid contracting these STDs. 

1- Syphilis

Starting off the list with the disease called syphilis. It is caused by a bacteria called Treponema pallidum. The initial stages of syphilis often don’t represent any major symptoms. Research conducted on a small population of Pakistan hints at syphilis being the major STD in Pakistan.

The infection most of the time appears as small sores on the genitals of men and women. These small sores can also develop on the mouth and anus. 

The disease doesn’t represent significant symptoms unless it progresses to tertiary syphilis which is the most advanced stage.

The progression of the disease to its final and chronic form takes 10 to 20 years after the initial infection. 

Though syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease, it can have grave consequences on many other organs of the body. The possible consequences include the following:

  • Vision problems which can lead to vision loss
  • Poor brain functioning and memory loss
  • Cardiovascular disorders including heart attacks

There are many other deleterious effects of this bacteria on the body of infected individuals. 

Having said that, it is possible to limit the progression of syphilis from an infection to a full-blown disease by the administration of antibiotics.

Penicillin in the form of injections is typically used to eliminate the bacteria causing syphilis from the body. In order to treat associated complications with other organs, medications for the targeted organs can bring fruitful results.

2- Gonorrhoea

It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in Pakistan. 

Research conducted on a small population in Pakistan has indicated that gonorrhoea is the 2nd most frequent STD in Pakistan. With that being said, it is found among those people who are sexually active.

It is caused by a bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The mode of transmission of this bacteria mainly includes unsafe protocols of intercourse. 

The bacteria affects the mucous membrane and linings of reproductive tracts including that of the cervix, uterus and even membranes of the urethra in males and females both.

The common symptoms of the disease include:

  • Sores on genitals
  • Pus-like discharge from penis or vagina
  • Testicular swelling which is accompanied by pain in testicles
  • Rectal bleeding 
  • Frequent urge to urinate 

The most common STD treatment method to treat gonorrhoea includes the administration of antibiotics. Antibiotics are found to be effective in treating gonorrhoea but in recent times, drug-resistant strains of bacteria have emerged on the surface. This makes the treatment of gonorrhoea far more difficult. 

As per the directions of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, women who are sexually active or have more than 1 partner and are younger than 25 years should be tested for gonorrhoea every year.

3- Hepatitis

Though there are many types of hepatitis each caused by different strains of viruses, the one type of hepatitis which is caused due to perilous sexual activities include hepatitis C.

It is caused by a virus called hepatitis C virus. The mode of transmission of this virus includes contact with the blood of the infected person or unhygienic sexual involvement.

Currently, there are no vaccines available for this type of hepatitis. The major symptoms include the following:

As far as the treatment is concerned, antiviral drugs are administered to treat the symptoms of the disease. They are an effective STD treatment option. Also, another purpose of using antiviral drugs includes putting a halt to the progression of the virus.

4- Pelvic inflammatory disease

Other sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea, if left untreated,  can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. 

Besides these sexually transmitted infections, there are a bunch of other bacteria that can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. 

This disease tends to affect females more as compared to males. Furthermore, it is even classified as a disease of the female reproductive system but it is difficult to ascertain symptoms.

On a baseline, the following symptoms are experienced by many individuals. 

  • Nausea 
  • High body temperature due to infectious agents  in the body 
  • Unusual or abrupt vaginal discharge. Treat vaginal discharge with home remedies.
  • Extreme pain during vaginal sex or even while urinating

Antibiotics can treat PID as the major causative agent of infection is bacteria. The same goes here with PID as well, it is easier to treat the disease if it is diagnosed at an early stage. 

Hence it is crucial to abandon all unhygienic sexual routines to prevent the deadly outcomes of PID. There are reports that hint at the increased rate of infertility, with 1 out of 10 people becoming infertile, among people with PID. 


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS is caused by the virus called human immunodeficiency virus. 

Like many other sexually transmitted diseases, the major contributor to AIDS is unsafe and unhygienic sexual activities. 

The virus gains entry into the body through injection sites or wounds. Once it gets the hold of the body’s immune system it continues to divide unchecked and can cause detrimental effects. 

With the recent advancements in the field of medicine, many people with HIV live long and healthy lives. 

But if it is left untreated then the body becomes susceptible to various fatal diseases. 

The major symptoms of AIDS include the following

  • Extreme and sudden weight loss
  • Fatigue and lethargy 
  • Sores in the genitals and even on the whole body
  • Poor wound healing
  • Neurological disorders

As there is no cure available for completely eradicating AIDS from the body, it is essential to adopt safe and healthy sexual practices. 

As the immune system is severely compromised, it is advised to adopt proper measures which can ensure the slow progression of a fatal disease. In other cases, life expectancy without treatment is around 3 years.

Ways to Prevent Getting STDs

There are some preventive measures that one can take to avoid the risk of getting an STD. 

  • Do Not share syringes or shaving blades with anyone.
  • Take a shower after getting physically involved with the opposite gender
  • Use protection during intercourse
  • Get yourself checked and schedule important tests to rule out underlying issues. 

The Final Takeaway

Sexually transmitted diseases are preventable by adopting hygienic measures and can be treated if they are diagnosed on time. There is no point in attaching any stigma or shame to getting yourself checked for all these diseases. You can get the best advice from our general physicians by making an appointment. Also to read more on healthcare issues, visit our website healthwire.

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