Home Health Alerts Vitamin Water Zero Benefits and Disadvantages – Is It Worth It?

Vitamin Water Zero Benefits and Disadvantages – Is It Worth It?

Vitamin Water Zero Benefits and Disadvantages
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Vitamin water zero is the new sugar-free, micro vitamin and micro minerals rich water. 

But wait, what happened to the good old vitamin water and its benefits? And is vitamin water zero any better? Let’s find out! 

Vitamin water has become extremely popular among fitness enthusiasts, and gym goers. Like so many other variations, a new water variation with zero-calorie count has successfully grabbed a lot of attention

Just like any water-infused drink, vitamin water claims to be vitamin and mineral rich. It promises to offer you an incredible energy boost while also providing your body with additional vitamins and minerals.

Initially vitamin water was met with serious criticism from dietetics, nutritionists and doctors worldwide. Mainly because of high sugar content.  

However, to overcome this public health concern an improved health beverage was introduced. 

Vitamin Water Zero- a new vitamin water line with no added sugars.

Vitamin water zero is commercialised as an extremely healthy drink with no calories or carbohydrates. Despite its several health claims and strategic marketing, Is vitamin water zero truly worth the hype? Is it able to deliver on its promise of nourishing your body better than regular water?

This article answers these questions by explaining at length the vitamin water zero benefits and disadvantages. 

Does Vitamin Water Zero Really Have Zero Calories?

According to the nutrition information on the vitamin water zero bottle label, each bottle has 4 grams of carbohydrate and 2.5 servings in each bottle. This means that each bottle has 10 grams of carbs. 

Based on this information, each bottle of vitamin zero water should contain 40 calories (each gram of carbohydrate has four calories).

So, how come vitamin water zero claimed to be calorie-free?

Here’s how it works.

Stevia and erythritol, both plant-based sweeteners, are used to sweeten vitamin water zero.

Each gram of erythritol has around 0.2 calories per gram of carbohydrate, but stevia has none. When you multiply 0.2 calories by the 10 grams of carbs in one bottle, you get only 2 calories.

Companies can declare calorie-free products if they have less than 5 calories per serving, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This is why vitamin water zero is considered calorie-free.

Considering it a zero calorie drink, you may decide to drink it on a regular basis. But before that, let’s see some vitamin water zero benefits and drawbacks. 

Also know about, ‘Is vitamin water good for you?’. 

Vitamin Water Zero Pros and Cons

Like with most things in life, there are also vitamin water zero pros and cons. Read further to know about them!

Vitamin Water Zero Benefits

Here is the list of vitamin water zero benefits. 

1- Nutritional Content

Vitamin water zero is a rich source of minerals and vitamins. 

One bottle of vitamin water zero contains: 

  • Vitamin C – 120% of DV 
  • Vitamin B6 – 80% of DV
  • Vitamin B12 – 80% of DV 
  • Vitamin E – 20% of DV
  • Zero calories
  • Zero sugars

2- It is Free of Refined Sugar

As mentioned above, stevia and erythritol are used to sweeten vitamin water zero. Unlike refined sugar, these two artificial sweeteners are made from plants and do not cause chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease, or diabetes.

3- Contains Very Few Calories

Is vitamin water zero good for weight loss? Let’s find the answer. 

Since vitamin water zero is not sweetened using refined sugars, it is technically calorie-free that is good in terms of not gaining weight. 

Now the question is, why is it that a calorie-free beverage is a good thing for weight loss? 

Sugary drinks are one of the leading causes of calorie overconsumption and, as a result, unwanted weight gain in the average individual. Therefore,  the majority of people seeking to lose weight would benefit from following a basic nutritional rule – chew your calories rather than drinking them.

As a result, vitamin water zero is a step up from conventional vitamin water, which contains significant calories due to the usage of various types of sugar (such as crystalline fructose and cane sugar).

Know about some weight loss tips. 

4- Tastes Better Than Plain Water!

Vitamin water zero may be suitable for you if you loathe the taste of plain water. Its taste is improved by a variety of flavours that you may prefer to plain water.

5- A Good Alternative to Most Unhealthy Beverages

Some of the most popular beverages include carbonated soft drinks and processed fruit juices. They’re loaded with dangerous added sugars and empty carbs, both of which have been related to a variety of health issues.

Vitamin water zero isn’t the healthiest drink on the market, but it’s a lot better than these unhealthy drinks.

Is it okay to drink Vitamin Water everyday?

Drinking vitamin water or vitamin water zero might not be the most beneficial choice. Like everything that loses its effect in excess, vitamin beverage can also be harmful for your health when consumed in excess. 

When used in low moderation, it can be beneficial for your overall health. However, in excess it might not be your best beverage choice. 

Vitamin Water Zero –  The Bad Side

Is vitamin water zero bad for you? Let’s find out what the vitamin water zero cons are. 

1- May Cause Weight Gain

Despite the fact that artificial sweeteners have no calories, they are likely to cause weight gain by inducing sugar cravings.

According to studies, they can boost your sugar cravings, stimulate your appetite, and promote fat accumulation in the body, all of which can lead to weight gain in the long run.

Also, researchers from the University of Texas discovered that artificial sweetener-sweetened drinks can increase your waist circumference, putting you at risk for diabetes type 2

2- Excess Micronutrients Can Cause you More Harm

Overdoing it on vitamins might be harmful to your health. For example, when taken in excess, 

  • Vitamin A might harm your skin. 
  • Vitamin C can create digestive issues. 
  • Vitamin E might thin your blood and cause internal bleeding.

3- Side Effects of Sweeteners

‘Healthy Sweeteners’ (erythritol) when used in more than moderate amounts, can cause gastrointestinal difficulties such as diarrhoea and stomach distress. It is also said to produce headaches in some individuals. 

Erythritol is an interesting substance since it is frequently employed as an insecticide. You wouldn’t want to consume a beverage that contains a substance so potent that it can kill insects.

4- Contains GMOs

Artificial sweeteners, which are used to sweeten vitamin water zero, may not be as healthy as you assume. Most manufacturers get their forms from genetically modified plants, despite the fact that they are plant-based.

In addition, antibiotic resistance can develop as a result of GMOs, putting your body’s immunity at risk.

So, Is Vitamin Water Zero Really Healthy?

After discussing the vitamin water zero pros and cons, it is evident that the beverage can both nourish and harm your body by increasing micronutrient content.

The overall message is that, while vitamin water zero benefits are a step up from surgery, calorie-dense beverages, it is not significantly better than plain water.

Maintain a healthy, well-rounded diet with enough vitamins and minerals to reap the benefits of vitamin water zero without drinking it. If you still want to try out vitamin water zero, you can consult with the best nutritionists near you, to know about a complete list of vitamin water pros and cons.

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