Home General Health What Is Antibiotic and How do They Work? Discover More About Antibiotics Resistance!

What Is Antibiotic and How do They Work? Discover More About Antibiotics Resistance!

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Antibiotics are drugs that are used to kill or destroy tiny microorganisms like bacteria.

The word antibiotics were used for the very first time by Alexander Flemming who discovered the first antibiotic penicillin. He worked at St. Mary’s hospital in London, where he was examining a culture plate. 

With the discovery of antibiotics and vaccines, the face of the world has changed a lot. 

People are now getting vaccinated against viral and fatal diseases. The use of antibiotics is also global and there is no country left where antibiotics are not used. 

But one thing which we can all admit is that every country in the world gets its hands on antibiotics and vaccines. Little did we know about the use of these medicines in a perfect way. Questions like what is an antibiotic often cross our minds.

Also due to poor understanding and miscommunicated information, the world is now facing another challenge. The challenge is no other thing than antibiotic resistance. 

So in this blog, we will be conversing on the question: what is an antibiotic, and what is antibiotic resistance? We will also be conversing on major diseases that have become antibiotic-resistant. So let us delve into the details of the topic.

What Is Antibiotic

Antibiotics are used for killing many harmful bacterias. These bacterias may cause serious diseases in human beings. 

There are many common diseases like tuberculosis, tetanus, and cholera that are caused due to bacteria. These diseases are largely controlled by the use of antibiotics. 

But the bacteria have started to mutate and these antibiotics are no longer effective in treating the diseases. 

With that being said, the bacteria will continue to grow and divide even if you are consuming antibiotics, the drug which is made to kill bacteria. Before going into the details, let us have a look at the working mechanism of antibiotics.

How Do Antibiotics Work

As we are now aware of the question: what is an antibiotic? It is necessary to understand the working principle of antibiotics. 

Antibiotics can work on two principles. First, they can work by directly killing the bacteria or any other microorganism which is the causative agent of disease. 

The other way through which antibiotics can work is by making the bacteria static for a while. The body’s immune cells then attack those bacteria and they are killed. 

These are two basic mechanisms of working antibiotics. No matter what way is adopted for destroying bacteria, our survival on this planet these days is largely based on antibiotics. It would not be wrong to say that we owe our existence to antibiotics. 

What is Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance occurs naturally but there are conditions when misuse of antibiotics or self-medication can develop antibiotic resistance at an early age. 

Antibiotics resistance doesn’t mean that our body is resistant to the drug administered. It simply means that the bacteria, fungi and the disease-causing microorganism has become resistant to the drug. 

Reasons for Antibiotics Resistance

To get an idea of the question of why this antibiotic resistance happens, it is necessary to understand the basic mechanism of the growth of a cell. A cell usually divides into two cells by transferring its genetic material. 

The same is the case here but the only difference is that not only mere information is passing from one bacterium to another bacterium but a piece of transformed information is passing to newly formed cells. 

These new bacterial cells have a better genetic makeup and they are resistant to a widely available range of antibiotics. 

The other mechanism of antibiotic resistance is concerned with the bacteria itself. The bacterias mutate and they make themselves resistant to available antibiotics. This process is however referred to as a mutation. 

1- Outcomes of Antibiotics Resistance

Having said that, there are far-reaching consequences of antibiotic resistance. 

This can affect people from any age group. Treating antibiotic resistance is again a grim task as it can lead to serious health issues. 

Also to deal with antibiotic resistance, the doctors often have to suggest second and third-line treatment options. 

This can in turn pose a serious threat to individuals which can come across as serious gastric health issues and can also lead to organ failure.

Antibiotic resistance can also lead to momentous consequences. If this trend continues to grow then anywhere in near future we will be lacking proper medication or antibiotics to deal with certain life-threatening diseases. The diseases which will be difficult to treat may include the followings:

The world has just started to observe the consequences of things as the number of cases of extremely drug resistant typhoid fever (XDR-TF) is increasing all over the globe. 

This will present many major problems as we are lacking methods to curtail the progression of these fatal ailments.

This is just the tip of a bigger and worse problem. This requirement of proper and timely actions has now increased way more than ever. 

2- Preventions To Limit Antibiotics Resistance

So who should be held responsible for this increasing trend of antibiotic resistance? What can be done in this regard? How can we prevent antibiotic resistance? 

Here are a few answers to the above-mentioned questions. 

The main culprit behind increasing antibiotic resistance is none other than the misuse of antibiotics which has provided a suitable environment for the bacteria for transforming themselves into a more virulent form.

But the responsibility lies equally on the general public and the masses who need to be more vigilant when it comes to using antibiotics. 

The situation is still manageable and the deleterious effects can be prevented in upcoming times. There are certain things that need to be done on a priority basis so that we can prevent antibiotic resistance. 

3- Use Antibiotics Only When You Need Them

Self-medication has always taken many lives around the world. There are certain medicines like antibiotics in this case that need to be taken for a specific period. But lack of awareness and lack of proper education has resulted in the misuse of drugs and medicines. 

One thing which everyone should customarily do is to take medicines as per the prescription suggested by a reputable doctor. 

Doctors always tend to suggest a prescribed dose depending upon the existing conditions. 

Also, don’t take antibiotics for common colds and flu which are caused by viral diseases. Try not to take over-the-counter antibiotics on your own. Proper guidance always goes a long way.

Related: try these home remedies for flu instead of jumping at antibiotics. 

4- Consume the Prescribed Dose

One of the most important causes of antibiotic resistance is not consuming the prescribed and suggested dose of antibiotics. This can lead to serious health issues as the bacterias get time to repair themselves and these bacteria then mutate themselves. 

Poor guidance about antibiotics working is the root reason for this abrupt consumption. However, this idea should be discouraged. 

Proper guidance on the working cycle of antibiotics should be given to the masses through different means.

5- Adopt Hygienic Measures

In order to not contract any bacterial disease, it is essential to ensure proper hygiene. Adopt hygienic measures which can prevent bacterial infections and also it will help to keep bacteria at bay.

Wash hands regularly. Make use of hand sanitizers when outside the house. Get yourself vaccinated against many bacterial diseases. 

6- Make Use Of Hygienic Food

Well, it may sound trivial at first but in reality eating, contaminated and unhygienic food is a potent cause of bacterial diseases. 

So it is essential to prepare hygienic and clean food at home. Cooking food items like vegetables, meat, and boiling milk will help to keep the bacterial infections at bay as adopting these measures will nearly kill all bacteria. 

If you are using frozen items then make sure to defrost them first. This will also help to keep edibles free from any form of bacteria. 

Side Read: Discover more about frozen food items!

The Final Takeaway

Antibiotics are the products of many generations of thorough and extensive research. These antibiotics have saved mankind from many diseases. It is now up to us to make honest and prudent use of them. Educating the masses about antibiotic resistance is the only long-term solution. If you want to read more on health care issues, visit our website healthwire.

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