It’s a blazing hot summer!
You are going to make your favorite cold homemade drink ‘Jam-e-Shirin’, and you add some of the black seeds to the drink. What are these seeds, and why does your Ammi advise you especially to get a fill of these seeds in your summer drinks?
They are Chia Seeds, and they are very important. Chia seeds benefits promote overall health without any severe side effects.
Chia Seeds in Urdu are known as Tukhm-e-Sharbati (تخم شربتی). People often refer to Chia Seeds as Tukh Malanga but it is not true, as Basil seeds in Urdu are called Tukh Malanga. People are often confused between Chia Seeds and Tukh Malanga due to the same dark color and texture.
Chia Seeds are highly rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and an excellent source of antioxidants, calcium, protein, and fiber. They share almost the same nutritional values as Basil seeds.
Chia seeds are derived from the chia plant, a common native of Mexico and Guatemala. The history of chia seeds benefits dates back to ancient Mayan times.
It’s summer again, and you must know chia seed benefits for your health.
Table of Contents
Chia Seeds Benefits
Being plant-based, chia seeds are associated with fighting various health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes and provide numerous health benefits.
Chia seeds as superfoods are also associated with a healthy skin complexion, increased boost of energy, and healthy regulation of weight.
1. Chia Seeds are Fiber Rich
Chia seeds are rich in fiber, rather they are loaded with fiber goodness.
Just one ounce of chia seeds is packed with 10 grams of fiber.
Fiber helps with digestion which is why many people with sensitive stomachs are recommended to use chia seeds.
Usually in Pakistan people with gastric acid issues are told to drink Tukhm-e-Sharbati in order to soothe stomach acidity.
2. Chia Seed Benefits for Weight Loss
Due to its high fiber content, people who regularly consume chia seeds feel full longer than other foods.
Chia seeds for weight loss can do wonders!
It also helps with gut health which as a result aids in healthy digestion and stable metabolism.
Usually, people who face obesity problems have low metabolic rates. Studies also show that high-fiber diets have been shown to aid in weight loss.
They are rich and high in alpha-linoleic acid which is quite useful in weight loss. When chia seeds are used as a gel in water they swell and are digested more slowly in the body preventing hunger for a longer period of time.
3. They Benefits Colon and Gut Health
Chia seeds absorb more water in the colon, making bowel movements more convenient.
Due to high fiber content, there is also a drastic decrease in inflammation and pressure in the colon region.
Diverticular is a particular condition known to occur due to low fiber content and inflammation of the colon. Studies show when high fiber content is used the disease happens to happen less.

4. Chia Seeds Benefits for a Healthy Heart
Dietary fiber is crucial for the regulation of healthy blood pressure.
A study suggested that chia seeds have the ability to convert glucose into slow-release carbohydrates. It also helps with inflammation of the heart. Due to high fiber content, chia seeds help with Inflammation related diseases as well as help with a healthy immune system.
5. Chia Seeds Benefits for Diabetes
One of the main chia seeds benefits happens to be a superfood for people with diabetes due to their blood glucose regulation.
Many studies suggest the possible insulin resistance conversion to healthy glucose and slow-release carbohydrates.
The high fiber content helps with healthy digestion and detox in people with diabetes type 2. There is a significant reduction in high blood glucose levels that helps with healthy glucose regulation in the blood.
6. Chia Seeds are Rich in Antioxidants
Chia seeds are rich and loaded with antioxidants. These antioxidants protect sensitive fats.
Antioxidants fight free radicals that can damage cells in the long run and can trigger premature aging and diseases like cancer.
7. They Contain Important Bone Nutrients
Chia seeds include a number of elements that are beneficial to bone health, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.
Getting enough of these nutrients is critical for maintaining good bone mineral density, which is a measure of bone strength.
As a result, consuming chia seeds on a daily basis may help maintain your bones strong.
How to Add Chia Seeds to Your Daily Diet?
Now that you know the health benefits of chia seeds, here is how you can incorporate chia seeds into your diet.
Chia seeds do not have any taste of their own and are rather bland to the taste. You can add them to anything. You can reap chia seeds nutrition in multiple ways:
- They can be eaten raw, or soaked in a liquid such as juice, milk smoothies, and pudding.
- You can sprinkle them on top of yogurts, vegetables, rice, and other dishes.
- You can make a pudding completely out of chia seeds using water. Once you make a chia seed gel out of water top it off with fruits and nuts for a nutritious snack.
Bottom Line!
Chia Seeds in Urdu are famous as Tukhm-e-Sharbati. If you want to add a chia seed nutrition punch to your daily diet, you can simply start with a single teaspoon of the seeds. They will not only aim for healthy weight regulation but also help with inflammation in the body. There are many chia seeds benefits that can boost your overall body.
If you are unsure about whether chia seeds are the right pick for you, consult with one of our top nutritionists through Healthwire Book an appointment online or call (042) 32500989.