Home Health and Technology The Effectiveness of AI-Based Therapy – Is it Better than Traditional Psychotherapy?

The Effectiveness of AI-Based Therapy – Is it Better than Traditional Psychotherapy?

Effectiveness of AI Based Therapy
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There is an increasing interest in using Artificial Intelligence in therapy and mental healthcare nowadays, both on the therapists and the client’s side. The clients are seen going to AI therapists using chatbots instead of going to an actual therapist, especially after the pandemic. One question that arises here is that, 

“Is AI going to help mental health specialists or get them out of their jobs?”

But how is AI-based therapy compared to traditional therapy? 

While traditional therapy involves a one-on-one interaction with a therapist, AI-based therapy is a self-guided process. Patients can access it anywhere, anytime, which makes it easy for those with busy schedules or living in remote areas. 

Nonetheless, some people argue that the lack of human interaction may make it less effective than traditional one. 

So, let’s have a closer look at both traditional and AI therapy and discuss the potential impact of these two. 

How Does AI Therapy Work? 

In AI therapy, instead of in-person interaction with a psychologist i.e Ms Shazmin Rafaqat, you talk to an artificial intelligence algorithm. AI therapists work with natural language processing technology to interpret your conversations and interpret patterns in your behavior that may be impacting your mental health. 

Once the AI finishes analyzing your conversations, it can make recommendations to help you reach a desired goal. It might suggest coping strategies or exercises based on your specific needs and your condition. 

AI therapists are also able to track your progress over time and use the data to further personalize their intermediation for better results. 

Who is AI Therapy Suitable For? 

AI therapy is suitable for anyone looking to manage their mental health. It can be greatly beneficial for people that cannot get traditional therapy and prefer an automated approach. 

A lot of people prefer AI therapy over traditional therapy as it is beneficial or attending regular appointments due to schedule conflicts, mental health issues like social anxiety, and distance. 

AI-Based Therapy vs AI-Assisted Therapy

AI-based therapy is the use of artificial intelligence to replace more traditional therapies provided by a qualified mental health professional. An AI-based therapy typically uses a computer algorithm or machine learning model to interact with the patients.

The AI system will analyze patients’ responses and provide tailored advice or treatment. 

With AI-based therapy, AI algorithms are used to create and deliver personalized mental health treatments. This therapy doesn’t need the intervention of any human and goes without it. 

On the other hand, AI Assisted Therapy is a combination of AI technology and traditional therapy techniques. In this case, a qualified professional therapist alongside AI tools and algorithms provides therapy and also delivers personalized interventions. 

This therapy makes sure that human expertise is still involved in the process while taking good use of advancements in AI technology. 

One of the best-considered approaches is the use of AI therapy along with Traditional therapy – AI Assisted Therapy. 

Read how future trends will revamp healthcare to explore more. 

Benefits Offered by AI Therapy

The benefits of AI Therapy include great accessibility and convenience. AI therapists can also provide personalized interventions based on certain circumstances and specific needs. In addition, AI-based therapies generally are less costly as compared to traditional in-person services, which makes them more financially stable. 

Cost is one of the major reasons a lot of people do not go for therapy. So, from holding yourself back from traditional therapy to get it much cheaper. This reason alone can incline people toward AI-based therapy instead of traditional therapy. 

Explore More: Read, The Role of AI in Healthcare.  

Some Concerns Regarding AI Therapy

One of the biggest concerns while implementing AI therapy is privacy. While AI-based therapies are more private than in-person therapy sessions, there is still a risk that your conversations could be accessed and used by third parties.

A study conducted in 2020 also highlighted some challenges faced by healthcare providers. 

In addition to that, the algorithms used to interpret the conversations may not always be accurate or sensitive to individual needs which some argue can lead to ineffective or even harmful interventions. 

Ethical Issues and AI Therapy

AI has the most potential to revolutionize mental health care but it also raises important ethical questions. For example, if an AI therapist is providing personalized advice based on a person’s conversation and circumstances, who would tell if the advice is ethically correct or not? 

Also, does an AI-based system have the capacity to understand complex nuances and emotions in conversation, or is it just providing predetermined responses?

Also, the potential for bias in AI algorithms as well as privacy concerns both how the data is being used and stored. Some psychologists at Masood Hospital also believe that AI therapists may be too impersonal and detached and not provide enough empathy or understanding of a personal situation faced by someone. 

Some Disadvantages of AI Therapy

There are some disadvantages that come with AI therapy. This is mainly because the algorithms that are used to interpret conversations and suggest interventions are still being developed. These can not be as accurate as traditional forms of therapy. 

Furthermore, AI therapists lack human interaction, which can be an important part of the therapeutic process for some people. 

Also, one of the disadvantages is the ethical concern that is felt by a number of people. A lot of people would like to keep their feelings to themselves as they might feel uncomfortable about the idea of an algorithm reading their personal feelings. 

Can it Replace Human Therapists?

AI therapy has a lot of potential to revolutionize mental healthcare and provides convenient and affordable options for seeking help. Though it is important to understand the risks and ethical considerations involved before engaging in AI therapy. Also, one of the key factors ‘empathy’ can never be demanded from an AI system, so in the longer run, a combination of traditional and AI-based therapy can work great, and you can contact the best psychologist near you by visiting Healthwire.

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