Home Health Alerts Acefyl Syrup – Learn About its Uses and Side Effects

Acefyl Syrup – Learn About its Uses and Side Effects

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People with coughs want a solution that can provide relief. Acefyl syrup is a cough relief solution that contains two main ingredients, acefylline, and diphenhydramine. The uses of Acefyl syrup involve both antiallergic and bronchodilator medications which deal with allergies and cough directly.

Both ingredients work effectively to control the cough and other allergy-related symptoms. Let’s learn how both of these ingredients work:

Acefylline (Bronchodilator): It eases the bronchial muscles. People who are living with asthma experience muscle contractions which can interrupt the gas exchange and make it difficult to breathe.

Diphenhydramine (antihistamine): It helps to control the symptoms of allergy, such as hay fever, insomnia, and sneezing. But this ingredient also causes sleepiness and stops the histamine actions which is the reason for allergy.

There are many Acefyl syrup uses but still, you should discuss it with the doctor before using it.

What Are The Acefyl Syrup Uses?

Acefyl syrup uses are different and provide relief from many allergy symptoms and coughs. It deals with the following conditions:

  • Reduces sneezing
  • Helps to manage insomnia
  • Reduces the cough
  • Takes control of allergy symptoms
  • Treats motion sickness
  • Lowers the risk of hay fever
  • Promotes sleep
  • Manages asthma symptoms

Doctors at Avicenna Hospital prescribe Acefyl cough syrup to control the symptoms of the allergy. Many people may be allergic to pollen and experience symptoms, like runny nose, itchy nose or eye, cough, sneezing, etc.

Cough or other symptoms can affect the quality of sleep and keep you awake at night. But you can take this syrup as it promotes sleep.

Note: Do not take Acefyl syrup on your own to promote sleep Patterns without doctors’ consent!

What Are the Side Effects of the Acefyl Syrup?

You should learn about the side effects of the Acefyl syrup as it will help to avoid potential risks. Some common adverse effects include:

  • Having a headache
  • Experience urinary incontinence
  • Have upset stomach
  • Feel sleepiness and dizziness
  • Have blurred vision

Dr. Rabia Sohail here are rare chances of anaphylaxis which may cause severe allergic reactions. You may experience some severe symptoms, like:

  • Fainting
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • More mucus secretion
  • Breathing issues
  • Coughing

Get medical help if you ever experience such side effects. You should avoid the alternative solutions of the Acefyl syrup if you already have had anaphylaxis. The alternatives to Acefyl cough syrup are Zyrtec and Benadryl.

Are There Any Risks And Warnings Associated With Acefyl Syrup?

Well, there are no such severe side effects if you take the syrup dose as your doctor prescribes you. There are some conditions when you need to avoid Acefyl syrup use. Such as:

Already on Sedative Aids: If you have been taking some sleeping pills and also take the Acefyl syrup, it will increase the dizziness to an extreme level. You need to mention the sleeping pills intake to the doctor if you have been prescribed Acefyl cough syrup.

High Blood Pressure Patient: Discuss with your doctor if you have hypertension because Acefyl syrup can interact with other medications.

Have Palpitation Complain: People with a fast heartbeat should be more careful when it comes to taking such solutions to deal with allergy symptoms.

Being Pregnant or Breastfeeding: During pregnancy or breastfeeding, you cannot take any medicine on your own because a medication may leave negative effects on the baby.

While you are driving: Now, we know that Acefyl syrup contains sedative effects. It means that you need to avoid driving and any such activity that can be life-threatening.

The other risk involves the interaction of Acefyl syrup with other drugs you may take along with. 

Experts always suggest sharing your medical history and all about your medications. It will help your healthcare provider to learn about how many doses you should take, and it will also prevent the potential reaction. 

Acefyl syrup may interact with morphine, muscle relaxants medicine, cough relief medicine, and CNS depressants.

How to Take Acefyl Syrup?

The dose of the Acefyl syrup depends on your condition, and your doctor will prescribe it according to your health. You should not take the Acefyl syrup to promote your sleep pattern. An excessive dose of this syrup can leave side effects.

Your healthcare provider may prescribe you syrup intake at night because it induces sleep. If you take it during the daytime, it will make you sleepy and dizzy.

The sedative effects of Acefyl syrup do not make it a good fit for daily life activities, such as driving, riding, cycling, etc.

If you are giving this syrup to your child, make sure that you discuss it with the doctor first. 

Make sure that you drink plenty of water after the intake of the syrup. 

What is the Price of Acefyl Syrup in Pakistan?

The price of the Acefyl syrup in Pakistan is Rs. 79.63.

Note: You need a prescription from a registered doctor to buy Acefyl Syrup!

The Bottom Line!
If you have been experiencing a cough or other symptoms of allergy, consult the best general physician. You should take the Acefyl syrup only when your healthcare provider prescribes you.

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