Home Nutrition & Diet 9 Potential Benefits of Wheat Flour (Gandum ka Ataa) to Boost Your Health

9 Potential Benefits of Wheat Flour (Gandum ka Ataa) to Boost Your Health

Potential Benefits of Wheat Flour
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If you have lived in Pakistan, I am sure you must be already aware of chapati or wheat roti. Wheat roti or flatbread is considered everyday essential. 

Be it lentils, vegetables or chicken curry, wheat roti is always your go-to option to go with. This is simply made by kneading the wheat flour. This is super nutritious and is considered a source of carbs. 

Carbs are considered the primary source of energy and we get these carbs from roti or rice. Wheat roti is particularly important in this regard. The reason behind this is the multiple health benefits of wheat flour.

Wheat Flour Nutrition

Wonder about the other uses of wheat flour?

Other than roti, wheat flour is used for baking, sauces thickening and coating before frying the products.No matter what way you are using it, Wheat flour has an exceptional nutritional profile. Here are some of the key nutrition facts about wheat flour.

Wheat Flour Nutrition Facts (100 g)

Calories 339

Carbohydrates: 72 g

Fibre: 10.7 g

Sugar: 0.4 g

Protein: 13.2 g

Fats: 1.87 g

Other than this, wheat flour also contains good amounts of vitamins and minerals in it that is responsible for its many health benefits.

What is Wheat Flour Good For?

Want to know what are some of the potential benefits of wheat flour? Here are what you may need to know:

1- Good for Digestion

Digestive health is important for your overall well being. 

Your bowel movement says a lot about overall health. When it comes to supporting your digestive health, fibre is known to play a crucial role. By regulating your bowel movements, wheat flour helps to remove the toxins from your body. Other than digestive health, dietary fibre is known to minimize the risk of heart problems. For this very reason, wheat flour is considered good for digestion. 

2- Prevents Weight Gain

Have you ever tried losing weight in the past?

If yes, then you must know how difficult it is to lose weight. Your food choices play a quite important role in this. Wheat flour provides us with a good amount of carbs that keep us going. A part of wheat flour benefits covers this. It not only keeps you full for longer periods due to high fibre content but is a much better option than other processed carb sources.

Read more about the best weight loss exercises to lose weight.

3- Good for Metabolism

Another benefit of wheat flour is for healthy metabolsim.

A healthy metabolism is a prerequisite to good health. Metabolism refers to how well your body processes different types of nutrients coming from the food. 

The more efficient your metabolism is, the fewer health problems you will experience. Wheat flour is made up of complex carbs that require more time for digestion as well as it prevents the onset of problems associated with metabolism. 

So, for efficient metabolism wheat roti can be a good option to add to your diet.

4- Promotes Healthy Skin

Use Multani mitti for healthy skin, use neem powder for healthy skin and the list of home remedies goes on.

Honestly speaking, these home remedies are far better than cleverly marketed skincare products that not only damage your skin but are a cause of financial burden. Wheat flour contains good amounts of antioxidants and other skin-healthy vitamins and minerals that you need to achieve your dream skin.

You can add wheat flour to your DIY face masks alongside other skin-healthy ingredients to attain the maximum benefit.

Read more about other rice flour benefits for your skin and much more.

5- Prevents Asthma in Children

Asthma is a common condition that affects the respiratory system. Adults, as well as children, are prone to the condition. However, wheat flour is considered quite beneficial in this regard. Wheat-based diet is thought to be quite helpful in the prevention of childhood asthma. 

The reason says that the presence of a good amount of vitamin E and magnesium are responsible for this health benefit of wheat flour.

6- Good for Menopausal Women

Next in the list of benefits of wheat flour comes its role in menopause symptoms management. 

Menopause is the stage of a female’s life when she no longer remains fertile. 

During this stage, a woman can experience a variety of symptoms and that’s where the right dietary choices matter. A wheat-based diet is thought to be helpful in the effective management of menopausal symptoms thus improving female reproductive health.

7- Fights Inflammation

Inflammation is bad for you, for all the reasons!

Not only does it increase your risk of suffering from conditions like PCOS but also can make your existing health conditions worse. Arthritis is one such example. However, choosing the right kind of foods can help you to fight inflammation. This is another benefit of wheat flour. Wheat contains healthy ingredients such as betaine which helps you to get rid of chronic inflammation.

8- Gallstones Prevention

Gallstones, just as the name indicates, are the stones that appear in your gallbladder area. These sites are formed due to excessive secretion of bile from your liver. With the regular consumption of wheat, you don’t have to worry about the gallstones’ appearance as wheat flour helps to regulate the production of bile acids in your body.

Interesting Read: Gallstones, Symptoms and How to Remove Gallbladder Stone Without Operation?

9- Other Health Benefits of Wheat Flour

Here are some of the other benefits of wheat flour that are important.

  • It is good for your hair as well
  • It helps with the management of type 2 diabetes
  • Wheat flour is good for the prevention of cancers
  • The use of wheat flour promotes good heart health.

It’s Time to Reap the Benefits of Wheat Flour!

Now after reading about wheat flour nutrition and all these benefits of wheat flour, you know that it is good for your health for all the reasons.

Wheat flour is completely safe for consumption however, excessive use of it can make you exceed your calorie intake resulting in weight gain. Further, people who suffer from food allergies should also seek out medical advice before adding it to their diet. You can now consult with the best allergy specialists via Healthwire.pk to address your food allergies and manage your symptoms right.

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