Home Skin Care Brittle Nails – Causes and Care Guide for Healthier Fingernails!

Brittle Nails – Causes and Care Guide for Healthier Fingernails!

Brittle Nails
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Have you ever felt frustrated with brittle nails that seem to chip, split, or break at the slightest touch? We understand your struggle. 

Strong and healthy nails enhance your overall appearance and play a crucial role in daily activities like typing, picking up objects, and opening packages. 

This blog sheds light on the root causes behind brittle nails and lists some of the proven home remedies to say goodbye to brittle nails forever. 

So, are you ready to up your nail game and flaunt your fabulous, resilient nails? Let’s get into it.

What are Brittle Nails?

Brittle nails are characterized by a lack of flexibility and strength, making them susceptible to breaking, splitting, or peeling. 

Most people take their nails for granted. You probably do that, too. Your toenails. Your fingernails. You may adorn your nails with trimming, nail painting, etc. That’s part of the aesthetics! We get it. 

But how frequently do you credit your nails for picking up tiny objects and protecting your fingertips? Not until they start to crack, right?

You can’t scratch your head. You don’t feel very agile. Your nails may appear dry, dull, or ridged, with a fragile appearance. You think your nails will heal, but in the meantime, you still care about just your nail appearance. 

You know there is not one type of brittle nails. Yes, they are enigmatic. Let’s understand the categories/types of brittle nails so you can get a better view.

Dry Brittle Nails!

Dry brittle nails are often due to insufficient moisture levels. Factors like excessive handwashing, exposure to harsh chemicals, or prolonged sun exposure can strip the staples of their natural oils. It leaves them dry and vulnerable. 

Hydration is the key here! 

Dr. Mahvish Aftab Khan, a renowned Dermatologist based in Lahore, suggests moisturizing your nails and cuticles daily with nourishing oils like coconut or argan oil. 

Soft Brittle Nails!

The soft brittle nails possess excessive flexibility. It makes them more prone to bending, peeling, or breaking. 

This type of brittleness happens due to factors like excessive moisture exposure, prolonged contact with water, or harsh chemical usage.  

Strengthening is the solution here! 

Incorporate nail-strengthening treatments like DIY nail soaks, strengthening polishes, or protective coatings to build a sturdy foundation for your nails.

Brittle Peeling Nails!

Stop the Peel Parade! 

Brittle-peeling nails have layers that split or peel away from the nail bed, giving them a jagged or uneven appearance. 

This type of brittleness can be due to frequent exposure to water, harsh detergents, or even nutritional deficiencies. 

Protect and nourish your nails! 

Opt for gentle nail care practices, such as avoiding harsh chemicals, and consider incorporating a nutrient-rich diet or supplements that support nail health.

What are the Reasons Behind Brittle Nails?

Let’s discover the causes behind brittle nails and how your nails get weakened to the point of being flaky and dry:

Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutrition is the answer to every ailment! Literally!

It has a vital role in maintaining strong, healthy nails. If you have nutritional deficiencies and don’t get an adequate intake of essential nutrients like Biotin, vitamin E, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, your nails can get brittle and dry

Excessive Moisture Exposure!

Moisture overload is your nails’ worst nightmare. 

It impacts the fragility of the skin around your nails. It happens when you have frequent contact with water and take extended baths, making your nails brittle. 

Harsh Chemical Exposure!

Chemical-laden cleaning products, acetone-based nail paint removers, and even certain nail care products can weaken the nail structure. 

In the longer run, this can contribute to brittleness and dryness. 

Underlying Health Conditions!

Sometimes, underlying health conditions can affect the skin around your fingernails. Conditions like thyroid disorders, anemia, psoriasis, or fungal infections can manifest as brittle nails. 

How to Care for Brittle Nails Through Home Remedies?

Want to get soft, shiny nails with the perfect skin around them? 

The good news is you can get them at home without resorting to expensive salon trips. We will share some proven remedies for brittle nails and some self-care methods to get you started:

Get a Nutrinet-Rich Diet!

Eat biotin-rich foods like eggs, nuts, whole grains, and vitamin E. You can get vitamins from leafy greens, avocados, and almonds. 

Remember to eat iron-rich foods. Lean meats, spinach, lentils, omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish, and flaxseeds can boost your iron levels. 

If necessary, consider supplements under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Suggested Read: Best Multivitamins in Pakistan for Your Health!

Moisturize for Maximum Resilience

Hydration is your nails’ salvation. Moisturizing your nails and cuticles is a game-changer for combating brittleness. 

Add natural oils like coconut, olive, or argan oil to your skincare routine to nourish and hydrate your nails. 

Gently massage a small amount onto your nails and cuticles daily to restore moisture, enhance flexibility, and promote healthier nail growth.

Nail Care Practices – Handle with Care!

You should master the art of proper nail care practices to protect and strengthen your nails. 

Avoid harsh chemicals in acetone-based nail polish removers and opt for gentler alternatives. 

File your nails in the correct shape, such as rounded or square, to minimize the risk of snagging or breakage. 

Remember to wear protective gloves when handling cleaning products or performing household chores to shield your nails from harmful substances.

DIY Nail Soaks for Strength!

Try to indulge your nails in revitalizing DIY treatments once in a while to enhance their strength and resilience. 

You can prepare a nail soak by filling a bowl with warm water and adding a few drops of lemon juice or tea tree oil. 

Soak your nails for 10-15 minutes, allowing the nourishing properties to penetrate. 

For added protection, apply to strengthen polishes enriched with ingredients like keratin, calcium, or vitamins as a base or top coat. 

Try to Massage Your Nails!

Massages can improve blood circulation and stimulate nail growth. 

Gently massage your nails in circular motions using a moisturizing oil. This relaxing ritual nourishes your nails and promotes their strength and overall health.

Take a moment to pamper yourself and your nails!

Suggested Read: How to Strengthen Fingernails?

A Holistic Wellness Message from Healthwire!

Your nail health goes beyond just having soft nails. You should acknowledge the role of overall health in nurturing stronger nails. Moreover, you can consult a qualified and experienced dermatologist to guide you more on your skin health journey. 

Stay hydrated, manage stress levels, and exercise regularly to promote good blood circulation and nail health. Remember, healthy nails reflect a healthy you!

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