Home General Health Concor Tablet : Concor Tablet Uses and Side Effects

Concor Tablet : Concor Tablet Uses and Side Effects

Concor Tablet
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Have you ever experienced irregular heartbeats?

You might be suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure. This is one of the common health problems people suffer from.

It serves as an important risk factor for many other diseases. It is damaging for your vessels and impacts your heart function in many ways that’s why it’s known as a silent killer. 

According to the statistics documented by the National Health Survey of Pakistan, hypertension affects almost 18% of the adult population alongside 33% of the adult population above 45 years of age

Alongside lifestyle intervention, many common medicines are used for the treatment of hypertension. Today we are going to talk about one such medicine that is known as concor tablet. 

Let’s know more about this popular hypertension medicine, its potential concor tablet uses and its side effects. 

What are Concor Tablets?

Concor tablet is a commonly prescribed anti-hypertensive medicine that can improve our heart health in many ways. This can be used alone or in combination with other medicines as well. Concor tablets belong to the bisoprolol class of medicine that are beta-1 adrenergic blockers.

This is commonly available in tablet form and is taken orally. 

How do Beta Adrenergic Blockers work?

Beta-adrenergic blockers help to regulate your blood pressure by reducing cardiac output.

These drugs block the action of norepinephrine and epinephrine. Generally, our body releases these chemicals when its fight and flight response is triggered. These chemicals bind to beta-receptor sites on your organs thus increasing your heart rate and cardiac output. This increases your blood pressure. 

Medicines like beta-blockers help to prevent the binding of these released chemicals with receptor sites thus controlling our blood pressure. In this way, beta-blockers like concor perform their anti-hypertensive function. 

Now let’s talk about the potential uses of concor tablets!

Concor Tablet Uses

Concor tablets are a drug that is used for the treatment and prevention of heart problems. Here are some of the common prescribed concor tablet uses to know about.

  • Concor is commonly prescribed as an anti-hypertensive drug
  • It is also helpful for the treatment of angina pectoris (chest pain)
  • Your physician can also recommend using concor tablets for the prevention of heart stroke or heart attack if you are already at a high risk of developing these conditions.

Your physician can also prescribe the medicine to treat certain heart-related conditions. These conditions include:

However, one should only use a concor tablet as prescribed by the physician. 

Concor Tablet Side Effects

Sometimes, people can experience certain side effects after using the medicine. It is really important to know about these side effects to minimize their potential impact on your overall health. Here are some of the common conor tablet side effects to keep in mind.

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Constipation 
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Slow heartbeat
  • Low blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Dizziness 
  • Nervousness
  • Changes in blood sugar level
  • Dry mouth
  • Sleep troubles/ insomnia
  • Edema/ swelling
  • Bronchospasm

Concor tablet side effects don’t affect everyone. Slow heart rate can affect 1 in 10 people while other side effects are experienced by 1in 10 to 1 in 100 medicine users. However, your physician can help you to deal with the side effects. 

Concor Tablet Recommended Doses

The Conor tablet is available in different strengths that are recommended according to an individual’s requirement. You are more likely to find concor tablet as:

  • Concor 2.5 mg 
  • Concor 5 mg 
  • Concor 10 mg 

The strength of concor tablets to treat a particular condition greatly varies among individuals. Most of the time, the physician asks you to start from the lower dose i.e., 2.5 mg and then gradually increase it as per the individual’s requirement. 

By monitoring the impact of medicine on your overall health, your physician can adjust your dose or can even discontinue the medicine. Medicine withdrawal can induce certain signs and symptoms that can be concerning for the patients. Thus it is recommended to talk to your physician immediately to understand it better. 

Concor Tablet Risk Factors

There are many concor tablet uses due which makes it a widely prescribed medicine. However, following people are at the risk of developing complications. 

  • Concor tablets are not recommended for pregnant women. The medicine should only be taken upon the recommendation of your physician
  • The medicine is not considered safe for the breastfeeding mothers
  • If you suffer from an existing respiratory condition, then you should not take concor tablet
  • People having compromised renal function should also refrain from taking concor tablet
  • People who are taking medicine to keep their blood sugar level controlled should also be careful while taking concoct tablet
  • Concor tablets should be taken with precaution if you are on medications to treat bleeding disorders.

Concor Tablet Price

As of today, the price of a concor 2.5 mg tablet in Pakistan is Rs. 9.14/tablet. While the price of a concor 5mg and 10mg tablet is Rs. 18.3 and 29.3 respectively. 

Common Questions about Concor Tablet

1- What should I do if I miss the dose?

In case of a missed dose, one should immediately take it as soon as they remember. However, if your next dose is around the corner then you can skip it as a double dose is not recommended.

2- Where should I keep the medicine?

You can keep it at room temperature as medicine ingredients work well. It is recommended to keep the medicine away from excessive light and moisture exposure. 

3- Is concor tablet sage for children?

Currently, there is no evidence of concor tablets for children below 18 years of age. So, concor tablets are not recommended for children. 

4- Do concor tablets interact with other medicines?

Concor tablets can interact with other medicines that are known to lower blood sugar levels, and control blood pressure, pain killers, steroids, and anti-allergic medicines. Thus, it is recommended to always consult your physician if you want to use concor tablets along with any other medicine.  

5- Do concor tablets interact with herbal or ayurvedic medicines?

Just like allopathy, concor tablets can also interact with herbal or ayurvedic medicine. It is advisable to take 1-2 hours between these medicines and the concor tablet.

6- What is the best time to take a concor tablet?

You can take a concor tablet anytime during the day. However, your physician can tell you when you should take the medicine. 

7- How long does it take a concor tablet to show the effect?

It takes 1-2 hours to see the effect of medicine. 

8- For how long will the concor tablet remain effective?

The effect of medicine, based on its strength can last up to 24 hours. 

Bottom Line!

Concor tablet is an oral anti-hypertensive medicine that helps to lower blood pressure alongside other medicines. There are many known concor tablets uses that improve your heart health in general. However, there are some risk factors associated with the medicine. One should consult the doctors regarding the dosage recommendation and prevention of side effects. 

You can consult the best cardiologists in Karachi via Healthwire to make wise decisions regarding your heart health.

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