Home Women's Health Folic Acid For Pregnant Women – What You Need to Know? 

Folic Acid For Pregnant Women – What You Need to Know? 

Folic Acid For Pregnant Women
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Good nutrition is vital for everyone. But it is especially crucial for pregnant women to ensure their baby’s healthy growth and development.

Before conception and during pregnancy, it’s critical to consume enough nutrients and vitamins. One of those essential vitamins is folic acid for pregnant women. 

I am pretty sure, you must’ve heard about folic acid before. But to know why it is important for pregnant women or those who are trying to conceive to take folic? 

Read further! You’ll get a complete guideline. 

What is Folic Acid? 

Folic acid is a synthetic version of the vitamin B folate. Folate aids in the formation of red blood cells and the development of your baby’s neural tube into their brain and spinal cord. 

Fortified grains are the rich sources of folic acid. In addition, dark green veggies and citrus fruits are also high in folate.

What Does Folic Acid Do? 

Folic acid is essential for everyone’s proper growth and development, but it’s especially critical for pregnant women. Folic acid for pregnant women is required for the early development of your baby’s nervous system and neural tube. 

When Should I Start Taking Folic Acid? 

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests taking folic acid every day for at least a month before becoming pregnant and every day while you are pregnant. Also, it is recommended that all women of reproductive age take folic acid every day

How Long After Taking Folic Acid Will I Get Pregnant? 

If you are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant, it’s the best time to add folic acid in your daily routine. 

If you talked to your doctor about it when you were trying to conceive, they undoubtedly recommended that you start taking a folic acid-fortified prenatal vitamin. 

Then, the question that will pop in your mind is, ‘How long after taking folic acid will I get pregnant?’

Well, when it comes to fertility and the possibility of conceiving, everyone is different. Supplementing with folic acid is not guaranteed to help you get pregnant, but it is a vital nutrient that every woman should take when trying to conceive. 

So, start your day off well with a green smoothie, fresh orange juice, or a handful of nuts. You’ll be glad you took the time to do so!

How Much Folic Acid Do I Need to Take? 

According to the CDC, all women of reproductive age should take 400 micrograms of folate every day. However, check to ensure if the multivitamin you’re taking has the recommended amount of vitamins. If you don’t want to take a multivitamin, folic acid pills are an alternative.

In terms of pregnancy, here’s how much folic acid you should take each day:

  • 400 mcg while you’re attempting to conceive
  • 400 mcg for the first three months of pregnancy
  • 600 mcg during four to nine months of pregnancy
  • 500 mcg when nursing or breastfeeding 

In case you’ve one of the following conditions, you’ll need even higher doses:

Can I Get Enough Folic Acid From Foods? 

YES! Many foods, such as leafy greens, beets, and broccoli, contain natural folate. Also, many fortified breakfast cereals provide 100 percent of the folic acid you require. 

Because there’s no way to know if you’ll get enough or how much folic acid from food alone, taking a supplement is essential.

In addition, it may be difficult to eat enough fortified foods to acquire the folic acid you need if you have morning sickness in pregnancy.

Doctors will normally prescribe taking a folic acid supplement or a prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid before and during pregnancy to ensure you get adequate folic acid.

Caution: You should not take more than 1,000 mcg (1 mg) of folic acid per day (from vitamins, fortified foods, or a combination of the two).

How Does Folic Acid For Pregnant Women Benefit? 

Your baby’s neural tube may not close properly if you don’t get enough folic acid in your body, and they may develop health concerns called neural tube defects. These are some of them:

  • Spina Bifida is a condition in which the spinal cord or vertebrae do not fully mature.
  • Anencephaly is a condition in which significant portions of the brain do not fully mature.

Anencephaly babies do not usually live long, and those with spina bifida may be crippled for the rest of their lives. To say the least, these are frightening issues. 

The good news is that getting enough folic acid can reduce the risk of neural tube abnormalities in your baby by up to 50%.

According to the CDC, if you’ve already had a baby with a neural tube defect, getting enough folic acid can lower your risk of having another child with one by as much as 70%. 

It is recommended that you raise your daily folic acid intake to 4000 mcg (equivalent to 4 mg) if you have previously had a child with a neural tube defect. 

Consult your doctor to determine how much you should take. You can consult a well-known gynaecologist near you. You can make an appointment via Healthwire.pk or call at 042 32500989.

Some other benefits that folic acid, when given before and during pregnancy, include preventing your baby from:

  • Cleft lip and palate 
  • Birth before the due date
  • Birth weight that is too low
  • Miscarriage
  • Infertility in the womb

In addition, follicles acid for pregnant women also reduces the risk of: 

  • Complicated pregnancy
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease 

Get to know more about lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy

Are There Risks From Taking Folic Acid? 

Folic acid is generally safe when given orally and at proper dosages. 

However, taking folic acid supplements may cause modest negative effects in certain persons, such as:

  • The mouth has a bad flavour
  • Nausea
  • Appetite loss.
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Disturbance in sleep patterns

The following are symptoms of a folic acid allergy:

  • Itchy rash on the skin
  • Redness
  • Breathing problems

Note: If you’re having an allergic reaction to taking folic acid, contact the doctor right away.

Take Away!

Folic acid for pregnant women is a superhero! Prenatal vitamins with the recommended 400 mcg of folic acid can help prevent birth abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord in your baby. Take it every day, and while you’re at it, eat a bowl of fortified cereal.

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