Home Nutrition & Diet Health Benefits of Guava Fruit and Leaves – Eat More Guava This Summer

Health Benefits of Guava Fruit and Leaves – Eat More Guava This Summer

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Have we, not all enjoyed a platter of guavas with chaat masala strewn on top?

Nothing compares to the delectable jams, jellies, and murabbas infused with an irresistible strong-sweet scent. 

Guava is undeniably one of the fruits that all of us just love to eat.

Guava, also known as amrood in Urdu, has tiny firm seeds in the middle. It originated in Central America, where it is also called ‘sand plum’. 

It bears edible seeds and is round or oval in shape with light green or light yellow skin. Its flesh varies in color from white to pink to dark red. 

Let’s talk more about why you should add more guavas to your fruit portions this summer.

Guava Fruit: Nutritious Value of Guava

Guava is one of the super fruits because of the multiple health benefits it provides, in addition to its distinct flavor and scent. 

It is, without a doubt, a nutritious powerhouse. 

This simple fruit is extremely high in vitamin C, lycopene, and antioxidants, all of which are good for the skin.

Guavas are also high in manganese, which aids the body’s absorption of other essential elements from food. 

Guavas’ health advantages are attributed to the presence of folate, a mineral that aids in fertilization. 

Guavas contain potassium, which helps to keep blood pressure in check. In fact, a banana and guava have nearly the same potassium content. 

It helps to keep your skin hydrated because it contains roughly 80% water. 

So, eat guava, eat your water. 

Guava Benefits for Your Health

Here are some of the mind-blowing guava benefits for health and skin you need to know:

Boosts Immunity

Guavas are one of the most abundant sources of vitamin C

That is correct. 

The vitamin C concentration of guava fruit is four times that of oranges. 

Vitamin C boosts your immune system and protects you from infections and viruses. It also maintains your eyes health.

Lowers Risk of Cancer

Lycopene, quercetin, vitamin C, and other polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the body, inhibiting cancer cell proliferation. 

Because it is high in lycopene, guava fruit is effective in lowering prostate cancer risk and inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells.

Friendly for Diabetics

Guavas help to prevent diabetes because of their high fiber content and low glycaemic index. 

The low glycemic index prevents a sudden spike in sugar levels, while the fiber content keeps sugar levels in check.

Healthy for Your Heart

Guava fruit improves the body’s salt and potassium balance, consequently lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients. 

Guavas also aid in decreasing triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL), two factors that lead to heart disease. This mystical fruit raises excellent cholesterol levels (HDL).

Treats Constipation

In comparison to other fruits, guava is one of the greatest sources of dietary fiber, with just one guava providing roughly 12% of your daily required fiber consumption, making it incredibly good for your digestive health. 

Guava seeds, when chewed or swallowed whole, act as laxatives, assisting in the development of good bowel motions.

Improves Your Eyesight

Guava is well known as a vision health booster due to the presence of Vitamin A. 

It has the ability to not only prevent but also improve, the deterioration of eyesight. It can help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration from developing. 

Guavas are a decent source of Vitamin A, even though they are not as high in the vitamin as carrots.

Guava for Your Pregnancy

Guavas are also good for pregnant women because they contain folic acid or vitamin B-9.

Folic acid is suggested for pregnant women since it helps the baby’s nervous system develop and protects the newborn from neurological diseases.

Busts the Stress

One of the many benefits of eating guava is that it helps to relax the muscles and nerves of the body, thanks to the magnesium present in the fruit. 

So, after a strenuous workout or a long day at the workplace, guava is exactly what you need to relax your muscles, relieve stress, and give your system a surge of vitality.

Relieves Toothache

Guava leaves benefits are immense. These have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help to fight infection and kill germs. 

As a result, guava leaves are an excellent home cure for toothache

Guava leaf juice serves to treat toothaches, inflamed gums, and oral ulcers.

Good for Your Brain

Guavas include the vitamins B3 and B6, commonly known as niacin and pyridoxine. 

These guava vitamins serve to improve blood circulation to the brain, stimulate cognitive function, and relax the nerves. 

Guava for Weight Loss

Do you want to lose a few pounds? Dr. Ayesha Abbas, a qualified nutritionist, says guava is exactly what you need. 

Guava helps you lose weight by controlling your metabolism without affecting your protein, vitamin, or fiber consumption. 

It’s a win-win situation! 

Guava is an extremely satisfying food that rapidly satisfies the appetite. In comparison to apples, oranges, grapes, and other fruits, guava, especially uncooked guava, has significantly less sugar.

Treats Cough and Colds

Guava contains one of the greatest concentrations of vitamin C and iron among fruits, both of which help prevent colds and viral infections. 

The juice of raw and unripe guavas, as well as a decoction of guava leaves, can help relieve cough and cold symptoms. It does so by removing mucus and disinfecting the respiratory tract, throat, and lungs.

Anti-aging for Your Skin

Guavas are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants like carotene and lycopene which help protect the skin from wrinkles. 

A guava a day keeps fine lines away!

Improves Your Complexion 

Guava aids in the restoration of skin brightness and freshness. 

Prepare a DIY scrub at home to reap the guava benefits. 

Simply combine guava flesh and egg yolk in a bowl and apply on your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This scrub will eliminate dead skin cells and brighten your complexion when used once or twice a week. 

Guavas are also high in Vitamin K, which aids in the treatment of skin pigmentation, dark circles, redness, and acne irritation.

Improves Skin Texture

Guavas, guava leaves, and unripe guavas are all high in astringent qualities. 

Apply a decoction of the leaves and berries to your skin to tone and tighten your facial muscles, and voila!

Guava Leaf Tea Benefits

There’s more to guava benefits. You can prepare an aromatic tea from guava leaves. 


As with all teas, a cup of guava-leaf tea is mostly water. The compounds, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients of the guava leave themselves are only present in very dilute amounts in guava tea.

So, what benefits does guava leaf tea provide you? Let’s have a look:

Treats Diarrhea

The traditional usage of guava leaf tea as an anti-diarrhea remedy has a lot of evidence to support it. 

After drinking guava leaf tea, diarrhea caused by illness clears up faster.

Serves as Antimicrobial Agent

Various guava leaf extracts, including guava leaf tea, have been shown to have antibacterial and antifungal activities.

Flavonoids (antioxidants), tannins, and acids are among the substances found in the leaves that may contribute to these qualities. 

Any Potential Side Effects?

There can be some side effects of using guava leaf extract, for example:

Can Worsen Eczema

Topically applied guava leaf extract has the potential to exacerbate eczema symptoms. The extract’s compounds have the potential to irritate the skin. 

People with eczema should avoid putting anything on their skin that contains guava leaf extract.

Putting it all Together!

Guava is a sweet fruit that is high in vitamins and minerals. This tropical fruit is low in calories and high in vitamin C and lycopene. 

Guava benefits in the management of diabetes, the reduction of bad cholesterol and blood pressure, the improvement of digestive health, the enhancement of immune system function, the relief of menstrual cramps, and the promotion of weight loss. 
However, guava use in excess can have negative consequences. Consult a well-known nutritionist before including them in your diet if you have any medical conditions.

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