How to get rid of strawberry legs?
I am sure this question crosses your mind many times if you suffer from strawberry legs.
For those who don’t know, strawberry leg is a common skin condition where darker spots on your legs.
The condition got its name after strawberry because the skin appearance reminds you of the tiny seeds present on strawberries.
Despite this being a common condition, the good part is that the condition is harmless.
Here is all you need to know about this skin condition and look out for some strawberry leg cures!
What are Strawberry Legs?
It refers to the condition in which there is the presence of small dark spots on your skin. The condition got its name from its resemblance with the strawberry.
The condition arises due to the darkening of hair follicles. This darkening results due to the blockage of these pores by the accumulation of dead cells, excessive oil, microorganisms etc.
No matter what causes it, strawberry legs are an annoying condition.
What Causes Strawberry Legs?
There could be several causes behind strawberry legs and the reason can vary from person to person. Here are some of the prominent causes to know about:
1- Acne: One of the reasons behind the strawberry legs is acne. Excessive sebum production is the main cause of acne and this sebum can block the pores on your skin resulting in strawberry legs.
2- Follicular Infection: Infection, irritation or inflammation of skin follicles is also another reason behind the strawberry legs.
3- Legs Shaving: Shaving your legs can also result in strawberry legs. This is because shaving your legs can also result in the formation of darker spots on the shaved area resulting in a strawberry-like appearance of your skin.
4- No Exfoliation: Skipping exfoliation is another prominent cause behind the strawberry legs. The step of exfoliation is an important part of any skincare routine and is meant to clean your clogged pores. When you miss this important step, it can result in making your legs appear like the external surface of a strawberry.
5- Genetics: In some cases, where strawberry legs are a lifelong condition the sufferers are dealing with keratosis pilaris which is genetic. So, in some cases, your genes can cause strawberry legs.
Irrespective of the cause, it can compromise your skin’s appearance, especially when you have a lighter skin tone.
How to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs Completely?
Before we head to the remedies, let’s talk about the expected outcomes!
Despite all the available options we have, we can’t get rid of the strawberry legs completely.
Yes, you heard me right.
All these remedies work and can help to solve the problem by almost 50% without offering a complete cure. The fact is that you will get to see the improvement over time and none of the remedies can offer an instant solution to your problem.
There is no overnight solution and one needs to be consistent with the remedies!
Strawberry Legs Cure at Home
Now comes the question: how can you get rid of the strawberry legs?
Well, the answer is quite simple and varies from person to person.
Strawberry leg cure mainly depends upon the causative factor behind this. Here are some of the options you can begin with:

1- Choose a Right Shaving Technique
This is one of the best answers to how to treat strawberry legs caused by the wrong shaving technique.
You need to choose the razor and shave the hair in the hair growth direction. Further, make sure to change your razor after some time. Another thing to keep in mind is to use a razor on moistened skin as dry skin shaving is a prominent cause of strawberry legs.
2- Exfoliation is a Must
When we talk about the ways to help you get rid of the strawberry legs, doing exfoliation is a must.
Rather than harsh scrubbing agents available in the market use gentle methods. Washcloth or loofah can be a good option to with. Further, it is recommended to moisturize your skin after exfoliation.
3- Epilator can be the Answer!
Among people who suffer from strawberry legs after shaving or waxing their legs, using an epilator can be the solution.
This electrical device rotates and pulls out the hair with the mini tweezers attached to the surface. Epilator removes the hair easier than other methods and is less painful. An added advantage of using epilators is that it minimizes your chances of developing strawberry legs.
4- Laser Hair Removal
Another way to get rid of the strawberry legs is the use of laser therapy.
Yes, this is a professional hair removal method that is gaining more and more popularity these days. With the help of different types of razors, you don’t have to worry about getting the tiny spots that come from shaving. You can consult with your dermatologist to see whether laser therapy is a good fit for you or not.
Read more about laser hair removal benefits and techniques.
5- Look for Acne Prevention
Next on the list of strawberry legs cures comes acne prevention.
By preventing acne you can reduce your chances of suffering from the strawberry legs. To prevent acne, you need to go for acne preventing creams and topical solutions. Further, making the right clothing choices and using the skincare formulas can also help you to prevent acne.
Read more about the ways to prevent acne.
6- Moisturize Your Skin
Moisturizing your skin is important, right after you step out from the shower.
Yes, it helps to keep your skin soft and moisturized. Moisturizing helps to shed your dead skin cells that can clog your pores otherwise causing the strawberry legs.
How to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs – Let’s Wrap Up!
Strawberry legs are a very unpleasant condition, undeniably.
However, the condition is not very serious. You can even diagnose it on your own by merely seeing your legs. However, to get rid of the strawberry legs one needs to be aware of the causes.
Depending upon the cause, strawberry leg cure can vary. All these remedies can help you trade your strawberry legs with smooth skin. You can also consult the best dermatologist in Karachi via to make informed decisions about the condition and make your smooth skin dream come true.