Home Diseases and Disorders 7 Common Monsoon Diseases in Pakistan: How Can You Prevent Them?

7 Common Monsoon Diseases in Pakistan: How Can You Prevent Them?

Monsoon Diseases in Pakistan
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People living in South Asian countries are blessed in a way that they get the chance to enjoy the long monsoon season. 

People living in these areas finally get the chance to deal with  scorching and blazing hot summer days.

But as they say, one has to pay a price for good moments. So is the case here. 

Monsoon season no doubt brings in lots of rainfall and drenched landscapes,but there are certain common monsoon diseases which often accompany this rainy season.

This blog reviews in particular the common monsoon diseases in Pakistan. Also by the end of this blog we will be sharing some precautionary measures to reduce the chances of contracting this disease. So without any further ado, let us get straight into the discussion. 

Common Monsoon Diseases In Pakistan

The diseases which are mentioned next are more or less associated with the aftermaths of flooding and stagnant water in Pakistan. 

There are many factors to be blamed here as well. From poor infrastructure to lack of water reservoirs, there are multiple things which can be held accountable in thai regard. 

We will get into that on some other day but as of now let us jump straight into the main topic of concern. The description of common monsoon diseases in pakistan is as follows:

1- Dengue Fever

Let us take a start with the most common monsoon disease in Pakistan. 

Dengue fever is caused by a mosquito called aedes aegypti. This mosquito is associated with stagnant and polluted rainwater. 

Due to poor infrastructure, rainwater often stays for a longer duration of time on streets and in parks. 

This stationary water then serves as a perfect habitat for mosquito larvae. 

These mosquito larvae then mature into mosquitoes which can cause serious and fatal dengue fever in infected individuals. 

According to the World Health Organisation, there have been 16,580 dengue cases alone in lahore- capital of province Punjab- Pakistan since 2010.

Also there have been 5000 cases reported in other cities of Pakistan. But as a matter of fact the original number of cases would be much higher.

Dengue fever results in rapid descent in platelets count in the blood which is again difficult to treat in far flung areas owing to the debilitating health department of Pakistan.

Related: Find out best foods to increase platelets in dengue.

2- Malaria

The second most common and prevalent monsoon disease in Pakistan is malaria. Which in fact is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide, according to recent statistics.

It is also caused by mosquitoes. The type of mosquitoes is however different as they belong to some other family. Malaria is caused by female anopheles mosquitoes which transmit fatal parasites in the body of individuals. 

The root cause of this disease is also the same which is stagnant and tropid water. This water provides necessary conditions for the survival of this type of mosquito. 

 Malaria is characterised by flu-like conditions which may also include fever, chills and body ache. 

Side Read: Discover 7 effective treatments of malaria.

3- Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection and is caused by a bacteria called salmonella typhi. This bacterium is found in contaminated water and food items.

Though typhoid fever is a common disease in developing countries all around the year. The cases often see a record surge during monsoon season. 

Contaminated standing  water due to flooding is the biggest source of these bacteria.

Typhoid fever is characterised by high fever, headache and gastric issues. 

The total number of cases of typhoid fever vary every year but on a general level, typhoid fever affects 11 to 20 million people around the world.

Pakistan however is suffering from back-breaking extensively drug-resistant  typhoid fever.

 As per reports collected by the National Library of Medicine, even Pakistan is the first country in the world to introduce WHO suggested typhoid conjugate vaccine to its normal routine vaccination drive.

Related: These treatments can be of great assistance in treating typhoid fever.

4- Gastric Issues

Gastric issues also become dominant in south asian countries in monsoon season. 

In Pakistan, the number of cases of major gastric issues like gastroenteritis is observing an increasing trend. 

Water from sewage gets mixed with normal underground water. Hence it leads to many gastric issues like gastroenteritis. 

Gastroenteritis is caused by bacteria and viruses. The major cases however are due to rotavirus. It is usually characterised by diarrhoea and vomiting.


5- Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is liver inflammation which is caused by hepatitis A virus. The virus is found inhabiting low quality water. 

Poor drainage and sewage system in Pakistan is the major reason behind the outbreak of hepatitis A every year. 

Hepatitis A if left untreated can progress to jaundice which in turn causes extreme lethargy and pain in the body. 

Not only the body pain but upset stomach and abdominal discomfort are also one of the major symptoms of hepatitis A.

6- Skin Allergies

One can say that it only needs some rain in Pakistan to cause a major outbreak of a whole bunch of diseases. 

Skin allergies are frequent among people living in flood-hit areas. Water often stays for days and weeks in areas due to lack of proper drainage system. 

This lifeless stationary water serves as a habitat for many tiny living microorganisms. These microorganisms then cause various skin allergies and also result in increased sensitivity. 

7- Cholera and Diarrhoea

Cholera is an acute diarrheal infection which is self restraining in many conditions but it can lead to serious form of diarrhoea if it is left untreated. 

It is caused by a bacterium called vibrio cholerae

Diarrhoea on the other hand is an infectious disease which is caused by bacteria and viruses. Diarrhoea refers to frequent watery stools. 

The condition is self limiting but if it doesn’t heal on its own then it can lead to severe dehydration and can lead to life threatening conditions. 

According to data collected by the National Library of Medicine, Pakistan is among the top five countries that have contributed to the most deaths due to diarrhoea and pneumonia in 2010. The number has not seen any downtrend so far.

So how can you prevent these diseases? What can be done to avoid the progression of these water borne diseases in Pakistan and other South Asian countries?

Ways To Prevent Monsoon Diseases 

There are certain things that can be done in order to avoid and prevent these monsoon diseases. 

Adopt Hygienic Measures

Hygiene is the key to protect yourself from common monsoon diseases in Pakistan. Try to consume filtered water which is free from tiniest micro organisms. 

Also wash your hands religiously but pay closer attention to washing hands before and after meals. This will protect you from all water-borne diseases.

Check For Places In Your House

As discussed earlier, many monsoon diseases are caused due to mosquitoes. So it is indispensable to mention that one should always look for such places in the house which can probably harbour mosquito larvae. Dispose off stored water or elsewise try not to store water in open drums and baskets.

Use Mosquito Repellents

Mosquito repellents should be used frequently during monsoon season. This will keep one protected from diseases caused by mosquitoes.

Along with using mosquito repellents, make use of full sleeves clothes in this rainy season.

Avoid Consuming Unhygienic Food Items

One should try to make use of organic food items. Home cooked food should be given a priority over food from hotels and restaurants. 

Unhygienic and disease-ridden food items can possibly interfere with the gut causing a bunch of diseases.

Suggested Read: Major Social Problems in Pakistan.

Final Outlook

Monsoon season without any doubt is by far the most cherished season of people living in South Asian countries. It is the biggest relief from burning hot summer weather. But the need of the hour is to take necessary actions to prevent the outbreak of common monsoon diseases. If you have contracted any of the above mentioned diseases, then make an appointment today on the earliest basis with the best general physician. To get yourself updated on more healthcare  topics, visit our website healthwire.pk

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