Home Nutrition & Diet 10 Top Mulberry Benefits and How to Use it

10 Top Mulberry Benefits and How to Use it

Mulberry Benefits and How to Use it
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Mulberry trees carry colorful berries that benefit your health along with an amazing flavor. These berries are known as mulberries and shahtoot in Urdu. We all know about superman or other superheroes, but do you know about super fruit? Yes, we can consider mulberry a superfruit as it is rich in minerals, vitamins, and many other incredible compounds.

The color of these berries can be black, red, and white. You can consume it in different ways-like as in fruit juice, canned food, or jam.

Mulberry has become popular due to its nutritional value.

In this article, you will learn about the mulberry nutrition value and how it benefits your health.

Nutritional Value of Mulberry 

When you have fresh mulberries, it hydrates your body as fresh Shahtoot are rich in water. A cup of mulberries contains around 88% water content and 60 calories.

Many people like to consume dried mulberries. Dried mulberries also consist of proteins, less fat, and enough carbs.

100 grams of fresh mulberries contain:

  • 88% of Water
  • 8.1 grams of Sugar
  • 0.4 grams of Fat
  • 43 Calories
  • 9.8 grams of Carbs

Mulberry contains a perfect amount of fiber content that maintains your digestive system and also lowers cholesterol level.

Shahtoot is also a great source of vitamins and minerals. These tiny fruits contain vitamin C and iron that boost your skin health and help in many body functions.

Vitamin K1 and potassium in mulberries help you to live with healthy bones and lower your blood pressure.

There are some other plant compounds in mulberries, such as Rutin, Cyanidin, Myricetin, Anthocyanins, and Chlorogenic acid. These compounds’ value is different as per the mulberry variety.

The most beneficial mulberry is the deep-colored that are high in antioxidants.

Let’s get into details about how it benefits your health.

Health Benefits of Shahtoot 

Rich in polyphenols and antioxidants, mulberries stand on the top fruit list that can boost your overall health. The benefits of mulberries include:

1. Aids in Cognitive Health 

Mulberries contain high flavonoids levels. If you want to promote brain health, mulberries play an important role as they contain important compounds that lower the risk of cognitive decline.

2. Promotes Eye Health

Aging increases the risk of many diseases. You may experience age-related eye diseases as well. But a higher intake of vitamin C can protect you against many eye diseases, such as cataracts. Mulberries are rich in vitamin C, which also boosts your overall health. But still, you should visit an eye specialist to keep check on any age-related eye disease. 

3. Boosts Heart Health 

Different factors can cause heart problems. High cholesterol levels can also increase the risk of heart failure. But mulberries can protect your heart against any blockage. It also lowers the cholesterol level (controls LDL (bad) cholesterol). Intake of this nutrient-rich diet prevents plaque buildup on artery walls.

4. Aids in Digestion 

Mulberries contain a high fiber content that boosts your digestive system. It helps to bulk up the stool which increases the food movement through the digestive tract. Its intake also prevents potential health problems, including bloating, constipation, and cramping.

5. Promote Red Blood Cells Production

Mulberries contain iron that promotes the production of red blood cells. You can consider it for iron-deficiency anemia treatment. Iron also allows your body to transfer oxygen to all tissues and organs. It helps to boost the metabolism and keep the potential health conditions at bay.

6. Prevents Premature Aging 

Shahtoot contains a high level of vitamin E and A along with other carotenoids compounds, like alpha-carotene, beta carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, etc. These all compounds are crucial for your skin and hair health. 

They act like antioxidants that boost your skin health and other parts of your body where free radicals are present.

7. Reduces Cancer Risk 

Cancer is a life-threatening condition, but you can reduce its risk by consuming a healthy diet, like mulberry. The Chinese have been using mulberries as a medicine against cancer. Oxidative stress damages the cells and tissues that increase the risk of cancer. But according to experts, mulberry juice reduces oxidative stress that also lowers the risk of cancer.

8. Improves Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes is a chronic condition that needs ongoing treatment and prevention. Living with type 2 diabetes can increase blood sugar levels when you eat every kind of food, especially carbs. There is one compound in mulberries, 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), which stops the enzyme in your gut that breaks down the carbs.

9. Boosts Immunity 

Antioxidants often do not care for many foreign pathogens and illnesses, but vitamin C can help here. When you take a single serving of mulberries, it will help to give you a perfect vitamin C requirement along with vitamins and minerals. It helps to fight off many illnesses. You can consume them by making a smoothie or even in salads.

10. Promotes Bone Health 

Some essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and vitamin K play an important role in building healthy bones. Phosphorus and magnesium also maintain bone tissues. 

Age-related bone conditions like osteoporosis can affect your quality of life. You need a healthy diet to prevent these potential bone disorders. Mulberries can help to prevent such damage, and it also promotes the healing process.

Talking about mulberry but not its leaves benefits is unfair. Because mulberry leaves also work as a weapon against illnesses for your overall health. Mulberry leaves contain many essential nutrients that promote liver health, aid in weight loss and treat uneven skin tone.

Side Effects 

Some people with a sensitive immune system are allergic to mulberry tree pollen. You should try a small amount to see if you are allergic or not.

How to Use Mulberries 

Mulberries are easy to grow and harvest. You can eat them raw. But there are other uses of mulberries, such as in jams, juices, pies, etc. You can keep them in a refrigerator for months.

Want to Try its Recipe?

The following recipes can help you consume mulberries:

  • Crush mulberries and add them into the pancake batter.
  • Add mulberries into the salad or can add its juice.
  • Blend the mulberries and add them to yogurt.
  • Take a bunch of mulberries and add in cold cereals.
  • Add mulberries in ice cream topping to add more flavor and colors.

Eating Mulberry for the First Time?

Indeed, mulberries provide many benefits to your health, but still, you should check your body reaction after eating them for the first time. 

Well, it is a heart and bone-friendly diet that gives your health a boost. Mulberry benefits have been used by the Chinese for years and work as herbal medicine. Now, it’s your turn to live a healthy life!

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