Yoga is an ancient approach which aims at developing harmony and peace in your body and mind, by clearing your head of all the unwanted thoughts and ideas that can take a toll on your health.
Yoga no doubt is a beneficial approach when it comes to treating many problems. It can be used as an option to treat anxiety, stress and insomnia. There are many amazing benefits of yoga on overall peace of mind and health which we will discuss in this blog.
The question that is now frequently asked is :
Can yoga cure cancer?
We will get into these details and find out the answer to the above mentioned question.With that being said, it should also be considered that to get the maximum benefits out of your yoga session it is necessary to seek the advice from a reputable source.
Yoga is one of the many adjunctive and complementary therapies that aim at alleviating the associated symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment and cancer itself. On the same line, yoga for cancer prevention is another great thing along with necessary dietary and lifestyle changes.
RELATED: find out the best food choices that can prevent cancer. This may also be regarded as a cancer free diet.
Table of Contents
Yoga Exercises for Cancer’s Side Effects:
1. Seated Spinal Twist
While you might have heard of this very common yet most amazing yoga posture. However there is a little modification to it. Instead of sitting on the floor, this yoga exercise can be done on the chair as well with following protocols.
- Start by calming yourself
- Then keep your legs straight if you are doing it on the floor, or keep your legs straight in the down position if doing this on a chair.
- Inhale deeply
- Exhale slowly by moving your body to look over the right side of the body. Also place the left arm on the right knee.
- Breathe deeply and hold your breath for a good 10 to 15 seconds.
- Repeat the same procedure with moving your body to look over the left side.
2. Chair Sitting Meditation
Chair sitting meditation or also called seated meditation is the most easy pose of yoga to start with. This yoga exercise can be done easily.
What you have to do is mentioned right away:
- Sit on the floor with legs crossed in front of you.
- Feel the surroundings and your presence in that space.
- Breathe in and straighten up your spine.
- Right after it, drop down the chin so that your neck and spine are set in line with each other.
- Repeat the procedure and try to concentrate on your breathing and try to develop as much distraction as you can from the surroundings.
3. Legs Up the Wall
This yoga exercise once again is easy to perform and it can help with the symptoms of cancer and chemotherapy.
This yoga exercise for cancer can be done as follows:
- Sit on the floor first.
- Move your body to a support which can be a wall or a closet as well. But be frugal in this regard so that you don’t hurt yourself in this exercise.
- Move your legs up against the wall or the support which you have selected.
- Then try to move your lower back up as well.
- Your upper body will rest on the floor while your lower body half will be up in the air.
- This is one of the best yoga exercises for cancer patients, in particular breast cancer patients.
Side note: there are many other benefits of yoga. Read this blog on our website to get yourself updated on the health benefits of yoga.
Frequently Asked Questions
So in view of the above discussion let us settle this issue once and for all:
Can yoga cure cancer or the yoga exercises mentioned above can cure cancer?
Can a person perform yoga for cancer prevention?
Well the answer to the first frequently asked question is sadly a big NO. All the yoga exercises that are mentioned above can’t cure cancer but they can be used along with other treatments of cancer.
According to report published by the American Cancer Society,
Yoga cannot cure cancer or other chronic illness. Yoga should not be used as a reason to delay the much needed medical care.
And as far as the second frequently asked question is concerned, the answer is YES. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and doing yoga exercises for a longer duration of time can help in the prevention of cancer.
Benefits of Yoga Exercises For Cancer Patients:
There are numerous benefits of yoga exercises for cancer patients in particular but for everyone in general.

Yoga and Fatigue
There are cases where yoga has been linked with lowering fatigue.
This yoga exercise can be done during or even before the cancer treatment.
Yoga will help to calm down your nerves and will help to relax the muscles. Yoga exercise aims at promoting the blood circulation in the body with more muscles getting adequate supply of oxygen and energy.
Yoga and Stress
Yoga has also been found to reduce the overall stress and tension in your body muscles.
Yoga is found useful in lowering down stress rate. If you are in a stressful condition then this will affect your appetite, quality of life and will impede the natural process of healing.
Yoga can help in this regard. Lower stress levels means better appetite, better healing, immune process and a better quality of life overall.
Yoga and Sleep
Yoga is also found helpful in treating sleep issues that are prevalent in many cancer patients following a chemotherapy session and radiation.
Yoga will relax your overall body and will also help in getting a better quality of sleep.
The study conducted by the National Library Of Medicine, yoga has found to be useful in treating sleep quality.
The Takeaway
On the end note, it should be considered that no doubt cancer is a life threatening condition. The treatment available for it is again precarious and cumbersome. To manage the symptoms of pain and to lower down the associated symptoms, yoga exercises for cancer patients can be used for prevention of it as well. If you are suffering from cancer and you want to get the best advice on associated symptoms, make an appointment today with the best oncologist. To keep yourself updated on the blogs related to cancer and health care, visit our website