Home Nutrition & Diet 15 Amazing Amla Murabba Benefits to Give Your Health a Boost

15 Amazing Amla Murabba Benefits to Give Your Health a Boost

Amla Murabba Benefits
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The dried, powdered amla fruit is used to make the traditional Indian jam known as amla murabba. The acidic and sour preserve is brimming with health advantages that might improve your wellbeing.

You might want to think about including amla murabba in your diet if you’re seeking for a solution to enhance your health. 

Amla Murabba benefits can help you live a healthy life, especially when it comes in the form of Murabba. Amla is a popular fruit for its beneficial properties and is rich in nutrients like vitamin C and A, iron, and magnesium. 

Amla also contains antioxidants and minerals that improve your overall health. But Amla Murabba benefits are also gaining popularity as you can preserve it for a long time. You can enjoy it for up to six months.

To know further about Amla Murabba benefits and how many calories it contains, keep reading. 

Nutritional Value of Amla Murabba

More than 80% of this murabba amla is made up of water. It is highly nutritious containing minerals, protein, amino acids, fibre, and carbohydrates.

Gallic acid, a strong polyphenol (antioxidant), is also present in this fruit. It is also rich in vitamin C. What’s more? Copper, iron, chromium, and zinc are minerals found in amla fruit ash that support a healthy immune system. 

According to experts, a half-cup contains 33 calories. Additionally, it contains 3 grams fibre, below 1 gram fat, and 0 grams of sugar. Isn’t it amazing food?

Let’s learn what murabba amla can do for you.

Health Benefits of Amla Murabba

Amla murabba is one fruit with many benefits.’ Are you interested in learning how the sweet and sour amla murabba can improve your health?

Read on to learn amla murabba benefits. 

1. Reduces Arthritis Pain

Aging is a contributing factor in causing joint pain. Vitamin C is important to deal with such pain. 

According to research, Amla Murabba is rich in vitamin C can reduce arthritis pain and improve your digestion as well. All you need is to make this healthy snack twice per day. 

After a while, you can see the difference in your joint pain.

2. How Amla Murabba Reduces Constipation?

People who are living with chronic constipation can get benefits from Amla Murabba. You can enjoy its taste and also get rid of an unhealthy gut. 


The fruit is a natural laxative that aids in softening and facilitating the passage of stools.

A further benefit of amla is that it increases the flow of digestive fluids, which facilitates the digestion of meals.

Amla can therefore be a useful remedy for constipation.  You can eat this healthy snack with lukewarm water that will help to relieve constipation. 

Get to know more about how to get rid of constipation.

3. Amla Murabba Benefits for Pregnancy

While amla may have a number of health advantages, pregnant or attempting to get pregnant women can benefit from it most.

Folic acid, which is crucial for the growth of the neural tube, is abundant in amla. Birth abnormalities of the spine and brain are both preventable with folic acid.

Furthermore, iron, which is essential for the creation of red blood cells, is also abundant in amla. Anemia, which is common during pregnancy, can be avoided with iron.

Amla is also a strong source of vitamin C, which supports a healthy immune system. During pregnancy, vitamin C is crucial for both the mother and the unborn child.

You can eat amla raw, dried, or cooked. Additionally, it is available as a supplement. 

CAUTION: Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should speak to their health care provider before taking amla murabba. 

4. Prevents Mouth Ulcers

Researchers explain that Amla Murabba contains anti-ulcer properties that can prevent mouth ulcers. You may find it difficult to eat food with mouth ulcers. In this case, you can try amla juice. 

Experts suggest gargling with water mixed with amla juice as it provides instant relief.

5. Reduces Anti-aging Signs Appearance

The health benefits of Amla Murabba also include its anti-aging properties. Well, as we know it is rich in vitamin C, A, and E. Your skin needs vitamin A that maintains collagen production. 

Dermatologists say that vitamin A helps to make your skin look flexible and youthful.

Aging also results in saggy and dull skin. But you can reduce the appearance of aging signs by consuming amla murabba. My grandma used to eat amla Murabba, and she got tight skin even in the late 60s.

6. Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Your blood circulation impacts your overall health. Once you start consuming the murabba daily, you can see the improvement in your overall body functions, including skin, hair, etc. It is also known as a cardiac stimulant that keeps your heart healthy. 

High cholesterol level is a causing factor of cardiovascular diseases. It lowers the cholesterol level in your body and reduces the risk of heart failure.

7. Protects Hair Health

Calcium absorption is beneficial for your overall health. Researchers say that consumption of amla murabba increases the calcium absorption that boosts the health of your nails, bones, hair, and teeth. 

When you start consuming this fruit, it will promote your hair health. It also lowers the signs of premature aging, such as grey or white hair.

8. Improves Digestion

An upset stomach can lead to many other health complications, as it also impacts your appetite. Fortunately, you can treat many health problems like gastritis and stomach issues with Amla Murabba. Daily intake maintains the fiber level and also helps to improve digestion. You can also combine Amla Murabba with other healthy fruits like bahi fruit to improve digestion.

9. Reduces Menstrual Cramps

We’re with you, girl!

Menstrual cramps are pathetic. Some ladies struggle to deal with the pain when they get menstrual cramps. If you are also the one, eating amla murabba can significantly relieve you. 

We assert this because doing so compensates for the body’s loss of iron (blood loss during menstruation).

Amla Murabba has excellent outcomes when taken consistently for at least two to three months. Furthermore, it will minimize really severe menstrual bleeding. So, one food provides two benefits. 

10. A Good Solution for Anemia

Research says that Amla Murabba is rich in iron that helps people with blood deficiency. It boosts the level of hemoglobin in the body. You can consider it a great match if you are suffering from anemia.

11. Reduces Acne Scars Appearance

Moving next to the health benefits of amla murabba it helps reduce acne scars. 

Acne itself is a bad experience, but it can turn into a nightmare when it leaves deep and stubborn scars. 

If you eat Amla Murabba for a few months, it will reduce the appearance of your pimple marks and improve your skin complexion. But if the acne scars are deep and inside the skin, you may need other cosmetic treatments, like Microneedling.

12. Maintains Cholesterol Level

With a sweet and spicy taste, it is also rich in copper, zinc, and chromium. 

Studies show that the intake of chromium maintains the blood cholesterol level in your body which also prevents you from health complications. High cholesterol is a leading cause of many health conditions, including heart attack. You can also consume amla in powder form.

13. Promotes Eye Health

Your eyes are precious, and all you can do is eat healthy to maintain their health. 

Studies support its positive effects on overall eye health as it prevents itching, redness, and watering eyes. Amla Murabba intake also prevents many age-related macular degenerations.

14. Helps in Weight Loss

There is no strong evidence, but some people shared that Amla Murabba can help to get rid of extra weight. It has the ability to detoxify and can help to lose weight.

15. Boosts Immunity

Amla murabba benefits you as a powerful immune booster without any doubt. Thanks to the abundance of minerals it contains!!!! It contains antioxidants and vitamin C, which guard against elements that impair immunity.

Have some amla murabba and warm milk if you have a cold, the flu, or seasonal allergies. 


Some frequently asked questions about amla murabba are:

How Many Amla Murabba Should You Use Per Day?

It is typically advised to consume 1-2 amla each day, though you can also take it to suit your taste. You can consume it either raw or as juice. However, before using Amla for medical reasons, it is typically suggested to speak with a doctor. 

What Is The Best Time to Eat Amla Murabba?

It is best to use Amla in the morning, especially during the chilly winter months. 

Who Can and Can’t Eat Amla Murabba?

We always suggest people with serious health conditions consult their diet plan with the doctor. Amla Murabba benefits can give your health a new boost and can be beneficial for the following people:

  • Chronic gastro patients
  • Eye disease victims
  • Cancer patients
  • People with severe skin disease

However, if you have any bleeding issues or are undergoing surgery, use it with caution. It may cause excessive bleeding. 

How Long Does Amla Murabba Last?

If stored in an air-tight jar at room temperature, it can last up to 1 year. 

Takeaway Note!

Amla Murabba benefits do affect your overall health and also give you tight skin. So, give amla murabba a try if you’re seeking a quick and pleasant way to increase the number of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in your diet.It is available online or at the majority of Pakistani grocery stores. If you want to learn more about its use, you can consult with a dietitian from Healthwire.

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