Home Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle Cardio Exercises at Home – 14 Gym-Free Moves For Your Heart Health

Cardio Exercises at Home – 14 Gym-Free Moves For Your Heart Health

Cardio Exercises at Home
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Your heart starts to beat faster. You inhale and exhale more quickly and profoundly. You also perspire. That’s most likely because you’ve been using the major muscles in your legs, arms, and hips for a long time. 

When these primary muscles are used for exercise, the rate of breathing to produce energy increases. As a result of the increased oxygen demand, respiration and heart rate increase. Cardiovascular exercise, or cardio for short, is one type of such activity.

Cardio or aerobic exercise is critical for maintaining good cardiovascular health. This helps your heart and lungs stay healthy by delivering more oxygen throughout your body.

Cardio activity can also aid weight loss, improve sleep quality, and lower your risk of chronic disease.

But what if you don’t have time to go for a daily run or don’t want to go to the gym? 

You may still practise a variety of cardio exercises at home.

Cardio Exercises at Home 

Here I am going to enlist cardio exercises that is also known as heart exercises are calorie-burning and may be done at home with little or no equipment.

Get Yourself Started With Beginner Moves

Are you new to cardio activity? Here are beginner moves that can help you get started. Beginner exercises don’t require any prior physical activity or special training to complete. 

Let’s see what these beginner moves are. 

1- High Knees 

This workout entails jogging in place. So, you can do it anywhere with little room.

How to do it? 

  • Standing with your legs together and arms at your sides is a good way to start.
  • Raise one knee up to your sternum. Lower your leg and do the same thing with your other knee.
  • Pump your arms up and down while alternating knees.

2- Single Leg Stand 

The abdominal muscles are worked during this exercise.

To begin: 

  • Place your feet together or no more than 3 inches apart.
  • Lift one leg 3–6 inches off the floor by bending the knees slightly.
  • Return the foot to the floor after 10–15 seconds in this posture.
  • Carry on with the opposing leg.

3- Butt Kicks 

Another cardio exercise at home is butt kicks. It is the polar opposite of butt kicks. Rather than raising your knees high, you’ll raise your heels toward your buttocks.


  • Standing with your legs together and arms at your sides is a good way to start.
  • Bring one of your heels up to your buttocks. Lower your foot and repeat the process with the opposite heel.
  • Continue pumping your arms and alternating your heels.

4- Air Jump Rope 

A person must “swing” an imaginary jump rope in the air to do the air jump rope. As an alternative to jogging in place, this exercise can be used as part of a warm-up regimen.

How can you perform air jump rope? Standing with your feet together, hop up and down while swinging your arms in a circular motion.

5- Crab Walk 

The crab walk is a fun method to get your heart rate up. It also works your back, core, and legs while strengthening your upper arms.

To perform: 

  • Keep your knees bowed and feet flat on the floor. 
  • Place your hands on the floor, fingers pointing forward, under your shoulders.
  • Raise your hips from the ground. Backward ‘walk’ using your arms and legs, evenly distributing your weight between your arms and legs.
  • Continue going backwards until the desired distance has been reached.

6- Dancing to Music 

At home, anyone may turn any open space into a dancefloor. Dancing to lively music can help people burn calories while also being a fun way to cardio workout.

Read further about breathing exercises to relieve stress and anxiety. 

Intermediate Moves for Cardio Exercises – To Up The Intensity 

Progress to below mentioned intermediate routines as your endurance and strength improve.

1- Squat Jumps 

Squatting is a bodyweight exercise that targets the lower body. You may make it into an aggressive cardio exercise at home by adding a jump.

How to do it? 

  • Begin by separating your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself into a squat by bending your knees.
  • Swing your arms back and forth. Swing your arms high and jump quickly.
  • Return to a squat with ease. Repeat.

2- Standing Alternating Toe Touches 

This exercise targets your arms, core, and legs all at the same time, making it an excellent full-body aerobic workout.

Follow these steps: 

  • Stand with your arms at your sides and your feet shoulder-width apart. Your core should be braced.
  • Raise your right leg straight up in the air. Raise your left hand up and over, reaching for your right toes at the same time.
  • Repeat using your right hand and left leg.

3- Trunk Rotation 

The abdominal muscles are worked while the cardiovascular system is tested during the trunk rotation. A hefty weight, such as a kettlebell, workout ball, or other household items, can be used to boost the intensity.

To carry out:

  • With elbows to the sides, stand with a heavy item at chest height.
  • Twist from the torso outwards, first to one side and then the other.
  • A person can also hold the arms at shoulder height and twist side to side.

4- Box Jumps 

The box jump is a low-impact cardio exercise at home that works your buttocks, thighs, calves, and shins.

To do: 

  • Stand in front of a box or platform that is knee-high. Your feet should be hip-width apart, and your arms should be at your sides. Activate your core.
  • Keep your back flat while you bend your knees and lean forward at your hips. 
  • Swing your arms high and leap onto the box with vigour.
  • Land gently, leaning slightly forward. Take a step back from the edge of the box. Repeat.

Know about exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor

Advanced Cardio Exercises to Keep Things Interesting 

Try these advanced cardio moves when you’re ready for a challenge. Each exercise necessitates more coordination and a variety of body movements.

1- Mountain Climbers 

The mountain climber is a challenging full-body workout. Start slowly and progressively increase your speed if you’re new to the manoeuvre.

How to perform mountain climbers? 

  • Start with your hands behind your shoulders and your body straight in a plank position. Brace your core and flatten your back.
  • Raise your right knee up to your sternum. 
  • Switch quickly by extending your right knee and bringing your left knee in.
  • Alternate legs as needed.

2- Rotational Jacks 

Jumps, squats, and body twists are all included in rotational jacks. These activities, when combined, will heat up your muscles and heart rate.

You can do it in the following way: 

  • Begin by bringing your feet and hands together.
  • Squat down with your knees bent, feet wider than shoulder width apart, and toes pointing out slightly. 
  • Rotate your waist at the same time, reaching your right hand up and your left hand to the floor.
  • Jump back into starting position before squatting and reaching your left hand up and right hand down.
  • Continue to jump and switch arms as needed.

3- Burpees 

Burpees are a full-body exercise that gets the heart beating.

To carry out:

  • Begin by putting your body in a pushup position.
  • To land in a squat, push off the balls of the feet to pull the knees into the chest.
  • Jump out of the squat and raise your hands in the air before returning to the squat softly.
  • Return your hands to the floor beneath your shoulders.
  • Return to the beginning posture by springing the legs back.

4- Bear Crawl 

Bear crawling is a full-body workout.

To do it: 

  • Start by doing a pushup.
  • Crawl forward by alternating leg and arm movements while maintaining your knees off the ground and bent.
  • Maintaining a level torso and supporting the abs.

Also know about the best weight loss exercises

What to Consider While Performing Cardio Exercises? 

If you’re new to exercise or haven’t exercised in a long time, speak with your healthcare practitioner. They can provide you advice based on your current health and fitness level. To consult with the best physiotherapists near you, you can make an appointment via Healthwire.pk

Furthermore, if you have any of the following symptoms, you should also see your doctor before starting any exercise: 

Note: It’s also critical to make small steps forward. You can reduce the danger of harm by gradually increasing the intensity and speed.

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