Monkeypox is a viral and zoonotic disease that leads to rashes and severe physical abnormalities. It was first discovered in 1958. The name is monkeypox because it was first reported in a colony of monkeys.
After two reported cases of monkeypox in Islamabad Pakistan in April, there are raising concerns about the situation. So, to help you out, we have answered some general FAQs regarding it so that you can stay updated with the current situation of Monkeypox in 2023.
Table of Contents
1. What is Monkeypox?
Monkeypox is a disease that is making headlines because of its aggressive spread in non-endemic regions. It is a zoonotic disease which means that animals, primarily rodents and primates, are responsible for its spread. This viral disease can transfer from animals to humans and then from infected humans to non-infected ones.
2. What is the Origin of Monkeypox?
Monkeypox is endemic to the regions of central and western Africa. Africa is the home of tropical rainforest and biodiversity which acts as the vector of the monkeypox virus. But monkeypox cases have been reported in other regions of the globe as well because of travel and tourism activities.
This is one of the premium causes of the recent monkeypox cases in the UK and other non-endemic countries as well.
3. What is the Mode of Transmission of Monkeypox?
Experts at Bahria International Hospital say that the virus can transfer from the infected animal to the human because of unguarded and unprotected physical contact. Rodents and primates act as vectors of this monkeypox transmission.
You can avoid direct contact with the infected animals so that the spread of the virus can be catered, actively. Avoid contact with the infected animals such as their meat and fluids.
In the countries where monkeypox is endemic the meat of the infected animals must be properly cooked so that the risk factor of virus transmission can be minimized.
4. What is Monkeypox Outbreak?
At this moment there is not enough research to support the evidence that monkeypox is a contagious disease, but it can be transmitted because of close contact with an infected person. The risk of transmission of monkeypox to the general public is low.
WHO has taken active action and has deemed monkeypox outbreak as serious and high priority so that the virus spread can be tackled in a better manner. The international authority has been considering this virus as a priority pathogen for quite some time.
Situation is worsening around the globe because monkeypox cases have been reported in those regions where there has been no record of travel from the endemic countries. Therefore it is the first and foremost priority task of the WHO and other international health organizations to conduct proper research and development in this area. This way the disease control can be properly designed and the awareness is also raised.
5. What are Monkeypox Symptoms?
The monkeypox symptoms are somewhat similar to those of chickenpox. Monkeypox starts with a fever, severe headache, muscle pains, and fatigue. But there is a symptom of monkeypox that differentiate it from smallpox. In monkeypox, a person suffers from swollen lymph nodes which does not happen if you have contracted smallpox.
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Note: The incubation time period of monkeypox is normally a week or two. In some cases, it can also range from 5 to 21 days.
Some common monkeypox symptoms in humans that you need to be aware of are as follows:
- Fever
- Headache
- Muscle spasms
- Severe backache issues
- Swollen lymph nodes or lymphadenopathy
- Chills or shivering
- Exhaustion and fatigue
After the first appearance of fever in the person who has contracted the monkeypox virus for 2 or 3 days, the patient might develop a rash. The rash might start from the face and then spreads to other parts of the body as well.
The rashes might transform into lesions. They might fall off after going through the following stages:
- Macules
- Papules
- Vesicles
- Pustules
- Scabs
The monkeypox symptoms might last from 2 to 4 weeks. The rate of fatalities because of monkeypox is 1 out of 10 in the infected.
6. What are the Risk Factors of Monkeypox?
According to the current research, monkeypox is spreading due to close physical contact with the infected. The prevalance of this virus is more in those people who are inclined towards homosexuality, especially men.
The monkeypox cases that were reported in UK were confirmed in men who were engaged in sexual activities with other men. The identification and later confirmation of these cases were doen in sexual health clinics.
The focal point of this research was that the rashes of monkeypox resemble the skin complications that occur during the transmission of sexual diseases such as herpes and syphillis. This can explain the identification of these cases in sexual health clinics.
With the current and aggressive research in the sector it is highly possible that more monkeypox cases can be outlined in the straight community as well.

7. What are Monkeypox Treatments?
Unfortunately there are no available monkeypox treatments. But the scientific community is hopeful that the antivirals which were used for the treatment of chickenpox can prove helpful.
The monkeypox treatment are also dependent on the following factors:
- Individual vaccination status
- Health conditions
- Previous medical history
- Lifestyle
8. What are the Key Monkeypox Preventions?
As the primary mode of monkeypox transmission is close physical contact by reducing the contact with the infected individuals and animals. In case you have to make contact with an infected person because you are a healthcare worker then make sure that you have encouraged the infected individuals to self-isolate. Make sure they are wearing a mask or any other protective gear so the air-borne particles can be reduced. Ensure that you are handling the bedding and used clothing of the infected with great care and attention.
If you are taking care of an infected individual then you should wash their wearables with warm water and detergents. Then pay attention to disinfecting the contaminated area as well.
9. What is the Situation of Monkepox in Pakistan?
At present there is no reported case of monkeypox in Pakistan. In the past days some cases of monkeypox were surfacing online but that was false news. The National Institute of Health released a statement clarifying that the “situation is currently being monitored”.
There is no primary healthcare facility dedicated to cater the infected individuals but the Government is taking radical steps to impose travel restrictions so that the situation can be monitored with bird’s eye view.
In the end, make sure to keep yourself connected with Healthwire and book an appointment with the best general physician near you if you see any of the symptoms coming, to stay safe and healthy.
Make sure to keep yourself aligned with the latest news in this regard so that you can stay safe and healthy!