Home Diseases and Disorders How To Treat Pneumonia – Home Remedies for Pneumonia

How To Treat Pneumonia – Home Remedies for Pneumonia

How To Treat Pneumonia
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When you have pneumonia, your doctor will work with you to make a plan for how to treat it. How you treat pneumonia depends on what kind of pneumonia you have, how sick you feel, how old you are, and if you have any other health problems. The goal of treatment is to get rid of the infection and stop any problems from happening. It’s important to stick to your treatment plan until you’re completely better.

Take any medicines as your doctor tells you to. If bacteria are to blame for your pneumonia, you will be given an antibiotic. Even though you might start to feel better in a few days, it is important to take the antibiotic until it is gone. If you stop, the infection could come back, and the chances of the germs becoming resistant to treatment in the future would go up.

In this condition, you should have a CT scan test with a few chest X-rays. Else you should try some home remedies that can help you to deal with your problem.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pneumonia Symptoms 

Even though home remedies can’t cure pneumonia, they can help you deal with its symptoms well.

They don’t replace the treatment plan your doctor has given you, though. It’s important to do what your doctor tells you to do when using these alternative treatments.

Find out how to use home remedies to treat a cough, chest pain, and other problems. If your symptoms get worse or don’t get better no matter what you do, you should see a doctor.

For A Cough

When you first get pneumonia, you might start to cough. It can start within the first 24 hours or build up over the next few days.

You don’t want to stop coughing for good because it helps get rid of the infection by getting fluid out of your lungs. But you might want to cut down on how much you cough so it doesn’t keep you from sleeping or cause more pain and irritation.

One study shows that your cough may last for a while, even after you feel better. Sometimes it can last for months after infection.

Here is an answer to your question which is how to treat pneumonia at home.

Gargle With Salt Water

Putting salt water in your mouth can help get rid of some of the mucus in your throat and make it feel better.

Drink Peppermint Tea That’s Hot

Peppermint can also help stop itching and get rid of mucus. Research shows that it can help clear up stuffy noses, reduce inflammation, and ease the pain.

If you don’t already have peppermint tea, you can buy it at a grocery store or online, either loose or in bags. And it’s easy to make your own tea if you have fresh peppermint.

For Shortness Of Breath

If you have pneumonia, your breathing may become quick and shallow all of a sudden, or it could happen slowly over a few days.

You might even have trouble getting enough air while you’re resting. Your doctor might tell you to take medicine or use an inhaler to help. Even if you try some of the ideas below, you should still follow your doctor’s instructions and take the right amount of medicine. Let’s see the home remedies for pneumonia symptoms such as 

Use A Small, Portable Fan

Even though the evidence isn’t strong, we have listened that moving a hand-held fan across the face may temporarily help people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) breathe easier (COPD).

People with pneumonia have different reasons why they have trouble breathing, but you might find that using a fan helps you catch your breath.

Until your symptoms go away, you can use a hand-held fan.

 Have Some Coffee

Shortness of breath may also get better if you drink a cup of coffee. Caffeine may help open up the airways. One study reveals that eating it could help ease some of the symptoms of COVID-19 and fight SARS-CoV-2 healtwire.

The half-life of caffeine is between 3 and 5 hours, which means that your body gets rid of half of the caffeine in that time. If caffeine helps to open up your airways, this is probably ho

For Heartburn

Pain in the chest can start quickly or build up over a few days. If you have pneumonia, you might feel pain or ache in your chest. Most chest pain goes away after treatment, which usually takes 4 weeks. Here are a home remedy that can ease your heart burn such as,

Have A Cup Of Tea Made With Turmeric

According to a trusted source, a compound in turmeric called curcumin has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties that can help your body fight off pneumonia.

Another review from 2018 confirmed that curcumin can help with the pain. This means that it might help with the sometimes intense chest pain that comes with pneumonia, even though the research didn’t focus directly on chest pain.

You can get turmeric tea at the store near you or online. The powder can also be used to make your own tea.

 the suggestions below don’t help and if your breathing gets worse, you should see a doctor right away.

For Fever 

Your fever could come on quickly or build up over a few days. If you treat it, it should go away in a week. Here are a few options that you can try such as,

Take A Painkiller You Can Buy Over The Counter

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil) can help bring down your fever and ease your pain.

If you can, take painkillers with food or when you’re already full. This makes it less likely that you will get side effects, such as feeling sick.

Every 4 to 6 hours, adults can usually take one or two 200-milligram (mg) capsules. Don’t take more than 1,200 mg per day.

Follow the directions on the package when giving something to a child.

Drink Some Fenugreek Tea

Researchers in 2018 found that drinking fenugreek tea can make you sweat. Since sweat cools you down, it could help take the edge off a fever.

Drink Water

If you have a fever and don’t drink enough water and electrolytes, you could become dehydrated. Eating homemade popsicles or drinking 8 glasses of water will also cool you down and keep you hydrated.

Use A Warm Compress Or Soak In A Warm Bath

You might be able to lower your body temperature by getting into a lukewarm bath.

If you can’t take a bath, you can also use a lukewarm compress to cool your body from the outside in. It may be tempting to use a cold compress, but the sudden change in temperature can give you chills. A lukewarm compress makes the temperature change more gradual and comfortable.

For shivers,

Chills can start before or come along with a fever. Most of the time, they go away after your fever goes away. Depending on when you start treatment for pneumonia, this could last up to a week.

Drink Warm Water

If you don’t like peppermint tea, a glass of warm water will do. This can keep you hydrated and warm you up from the inside.

Have Some Soup

A hot bowl of soup not only fills you up, but it can also help you rehydrate and warm yourself self from the inside out.

Things You Should Consider

Rest, antibiotics, and drinking more fluids are the usual ways to treat pneumonia. Even if your symptoms are getting better, you should still take it easy.

Your doctor may give you an antiviral medicine instead of an antibiotic if your pneumonia is caused by a virus.

Even if you start to feel better, you should finish the whole course of medicine. If you don’t feel better in 3 days, you should see a doctor.

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