How to lose weight effectively still remains the most sought-after tip of the century.
We have all had our fair share of how to overcome whacky weight loss.
From bitter green juices to dieting plans, I’m sure you try to be your own ‘health expert’.
Most of our self-acclaimed health expert phases backfire and lead to failed weight loss results and more misinformation.
But just as there is a lot of misinformation, there are a lot of ways you can achieve good weight loss through following some simple weight loss tips at home.
No! We are not advocating any recipes or foolproof ways of getting rid of your fat. You need some interventions in your lifestyle that are going to eventually help you with major weight loss.
Table of Contents
Natural Weight Loss Tips that You can Start Today!
Let me share with you some of the easiest weight loss tips that you can apply in daily life.
You just have to stick to a routine that will actually work for your weight loss journey.
1. Take your Time in Eating
Children often get conditioned to eat as quickly as they can, to finish their platters up as quickly as possible. I’m sure you did that too as a child.
However, with time, it turns out eating quickly gets very hard on your stomach and your metabolic activity.
Studies show that eating slowly boosts your metabolic activity. When you take your time to chew your food, your brain sends signals to your stomach to stop entertaining more food. It does so due to the prolonged chewing activity.
Prolonged chewing is an effective remedy to lose weight in a healthy manner.
Tip: always make sure that you are chewing to the count of 10.
2. Bite it While You Write it
Let me share with you an effective weight loss tip.
Start writing.
Journaling down your eating log may help you stay on track with your eating activity.
When you write down what you ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, it becomes easy for you to be mindful of your eating activities. It also helps in putting your perspective on what will help with your system and what will not.
Tip: download a journal app on your phone and write a record of your daily food log.
3. Walking for Weight Loss
One of the best weight loss tips at home is walking.
Walking for weight loss is a foolproof way for people who find heavy workouts hard.
Consciously incorporate walking into your routine. Take a couple of stairs to your work. Place your belongings in distant places, and walk to get there.
Most people think that walking for a couple of minutes will not add to their daily activities. What they do not know is that according to research even five minutes of movement every hour will set the right tone for a healthy body.
Tip: Use an online app to count your daily steps and establish a walking goal.
4. Cook and Prep
Here’s an amazing weight loss tip that may help you in shedding some extra pounds, as well as aid in a healthy lifestyle habit.
Start healthy cooking.
The best way to achieve healthy cooking is to plan your weekday meals on a Sunday.
Buy small containers and assort them on different weekdays. Use a mix of meat proteins, vegetables, fruits, and nuts to portion your meals. Simply start with lunch and then move up to dinner.
For breakfast, you can simply use a cup of quick oats, keep them overnight and then use them as breakfast or lunch.

5. Balance your Hunger
Know your hunger patterns.
It is always important to balance your hunger. In this way, you can know whether you are eating out of hunger or to simply eat.
This is also important to distinguish between emotional eating and hunger eating.
The best way to eliminate consistent hunger is to keep small portions of snacks throughout your day.
For example, taking an apple and eating it with almonds or peanut butter is one of the healthiest snacks.
Similarly, you can always keep a pack of quick popcorn in your bag. Dry fruits, carrots, and cucumber sticks are some of the most calorie-deficit snacks that most definitely aid in your weight loss journey.
6. Never Skip Meals
Do you have a habit of skipping meals, particularly breakfasts? Because you think you can lose weight more quickly that way?
If yes, then that’s one of the worst and most misinformed weight loss tips.
You should never intentionally skip your meals.
If you want to lose weight fast, you have to reprogram your mind into eating more BUT controlled meal portions.
Make this a simple rule of thumb is to never ever skip your meals no matter what the circumstances are.
Golden tip on how to lose weight?- Always honor your hunger and never starve your body of the rightful nutrients it needs.
7. Drink lots of Water
That’s a golden tip for life. Get your fill of water.
One of the best ways to overcome your uncalled hunger pangs is severe dehydration.
Research also backs up that drinking two glasses of water before your meal helps with your weight loss fast.
Water helps you feel fuller and keeps you less occupied on your plate.
Drinking a lot of water also helps in sleeping you better at night and overall aiding in metabolic detox of your body.

8. Organize Your Plate Well
This is a basic tip for your weight loss journey.
Ensure a variety of food groups in your daily eating routine. Keep your plate colorful.
If you do not know how to create a platter that will help in keeping you full, then here is what you can do.
- First begin with having the largest portion of protein on your plate (chicken, fish, mutton, or beef).
- Followed by vegetables ( a mix of kachi sabzi and fruits).
- The least count should be of your carbohydrate ( roti or rice).
Tip: most of the time we tend to eat roti more than our other food groups. The best way to keep in check with your count is to break the roti into a few pieces and mix it with your curry and vegetables.
9. Never Eat Your Full
Follow the 80% rule. Always.
In this weight loss tip, you eat your full to 80% and keep your hunger till 20%.
Once you start feeling full, pause.
One of the best ways to incorporate this weight loss tip in your daily routine is to prepare your plate using smaller portions. Stop eating when feeling full. Pause and then eat again when you start feeling hungry.
10. Skip Liquid Calories
Most of your calories come from flavored sweetened beverages that will hinder your weight loss.
Research proves that less intake of sweetened beverages results in meaningful weight loss.
If you are a soda lover, simply replace your carbonate cravings with sparkling water. You can also drink black coffee to lose weight (all thanks to numerous black coffee benefits).
Just replacing a few ounces of carbonated drinks can help you in 10,000+ calories per month!
11. Stick to Your Basics
Now, what do I mean by basics?
Remember when our grandmas would soak our rotis in desi ghee for lunch and dinner, THAT is our basics.
Drinking ‘Thanda Doodh’ and never ever knowing what the keto diet really is.
Drinking plain water without fancy mixes.
Having fresh seasonal fruits, having homemade butter and jams.
These are our basics.
Fancy fad diets may help for a week or two. In some cases, you may also lose drastic weight. However, 5 years down the lane your doctor would not be able to diagnose your fad diet as the cause of your sick liver. This is how fad diets work.
They give you temporary results with long-lasting, sometimes even permanent side effects.
If you ask me, our simple Pakistani diet plan for weight loss is the best. But that doesn’t mean I am not suggesting pakoras, samosas, oily qormas; rather the light-hearted chutneys, salad, daal, and homemade sabzis.
Consider Today as your Day 1 to your Healthy & Meaningful Weight Loss Journey!
It is important to remember that there are no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss.
The best way to reach and maintain a healthy weight is to eat a nutritious, balanced diet.
This should include 10 portions of fruit and vegetables, good-quality protein, and whole-grains. It is also beneficial to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
If you are looking for a Pakistani diet plan for weight loss, book an appointment with one of the top dietician/nutritionist via Healthwire’s platform.
Let us know which of these tips worked for you and share with us what helped you in losing weight!