Home General Health Cipralex Tablet Uses – Know About Anti-Depression Tablet in Pakistan

Cipralex Tablet Uses – Know About Anti-Depression Tablet in Pakistan

Cipralex Tablet Uses
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Wondering about an anti-depression tablet name in Pakistan?

Cipralex tablet is one of the commonly recommended drugs for depression. It is used to treat the signs of depression. 

Cipralex tablet mostly works by disrupting the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are known to deliver chemical messages in the body. They are released from the brain.

Serious disruption in their levels can often have a deleterious impact on a patient’s mental and physical health. 

Cipralex tablets belong to the class of SSRIs. SSRIs are also known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. Thus, Cipralex tablet use can lead to the inhibition in the reuptake of serotonin. 

Depression is a medical complication in which a person suffers from a low level of serotonin. Serotonin is a necessary happy hormone that is needed to keep a smile on your face. During depression, people tend to suffer from low levels of this hormone. Cipralex tablets increase the serotonin level in the brain, restoring them to normal, thus making people feel better. 

Let us dive deep into the details about Cipralex tablet uses. 

What is the Cipralex Tablet Formula?

Cipralex tablet belongs to the family of SSRIs. The chief chemical component of the Cipralex tablet is escitalopram. 

What are Cipralex Tablet Uses?

Cipralex tablets can be used for the following medical complications:

  • Depression
  • Panic disorders such as agoraphobia
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • GAD

What are the Cipralex Tablet Side Effects?

As it is an antidepressant tablet, Cipralex tablet side effects are given below:

What is the Cipralex Tablet Dosage and Strength?

Cipralex tablet is available in the following dosage:

  • Oral tablet: 5 mg
  • Oral tablet: 10 mg
  • Oral tablet: 20 mg

What are the Risk Factors Associated with Cipralex Tablet Uses?

Below are some risk factors for using Cipralex tablets: 

Bipolar Disorder 

Those with bipolar disorder should be cautious with Cipralex tablet uses. This is because the Cipralex tablet uses can lead to the agitation of the bipolar disease symptoms. Make sure to consult your doctor and inform them about any previous medical history. 

Abrupt Discontinuation

Doctors often recommend laying off this drug in a step-by-step order because abrupt discontinuation might lead to severe health consequences. 

Taking Escitalopram

If you are already taking medications which have escitalopram in them should stay away from Cipralex. Because it can lead to a compound drug effect, therefore consult with your doctors in such matters. 

Cardiac Issues

People who have a history of cardiac issues such as 

Should be extremely careful with Cipralex tablet uses. 


Antidepressants such as Cipralex, when taken with diuretics, can lead to decreased levels of sodium levels. That is, when Cipralex tablets are used with diuretics, the results can be amplified. This can expose patients to serious complications such as low blood pressure and dehydration. 

Closed-angle Glaucoma

Those who have been diagnosed with closed-angle glaucoma should be extremely cautious with Cipralex tablet uses. This is because the chief compound can increase pressure on the eyes. 

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Antidepressants are not recommended during pregnancy. They disrupt the maternal hormones and can even lead to a miscarriage. Furthermore, gynecologists also refrain breastfeeding women from Cipralex tablet uses. If you have any more queries related to breastfeeding, then click here!


People who are suffering from any type of diabetes, be it type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, should stay away from Cipralex tablet uses. 

Epilepsy or Seizures

Those who are suffering from epilepsy or any other nervous disorder should only use Cipralex after consulting with a doctor first at Bajwa Hospital.

Haemorrhages or Bleeding Disorders

People who are suffering from haemorrhages or bleeding disorders should stay away from antidepressants such as Cipralex. 

Sexual Disorders

Cipralex tablet belongs to the group of SSRIs which are notorious for causing sexual issues. That is why if you are experiencing any such issues after Cipralex tablet uses. 

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors

If you are taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors such as tranylcypromine, Phenelzine, Selegiline, and Isocarboxazid, you should stay away from Cipralex. This is because Cipralex tablets coupled with monoamine oxidase inhibitors can lead to a condition known as serotonin syndrome. 

Serotonin syndrome is a condition in which the person suffers from a buildup of serotonin from different drugs. Given below are some symptoms of serotonin syndrome:

  • Confusion
  • Restlessness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Agitation
  • Heavy sweating
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Goosebumps
  • Shivers
  • Headaches
  • Dilated pupils
  • Loss of muscle coordination

What is the Cipralex Price in Pakistan?

The price of one tablet of Cipralex in Pakistan as of 2022 is 66 Rs. 

What are the Alternative Medications for Cipralex Tablets?

Given below are some medications that can be used in place for Cipralex:

  • Lexapro
  • Valium

A Word from Healthwire

Mental health is necessary for the overall health and well-being of a person. Compromised mental wellness does not lead to poor cognitive decisions but also affects a person’s physical health and decreases the quality of life. 

A person can suffer from poor mental health because of a decreased level of happy hormones in the body and because of a chemical imbalance in the nervous systems. That is when the antidepressants come into play their part. They are known to restore the chemical balance in the body. 
But these medications are not messed around with. You can consult psychologists via healthwire and get their opinion about Cipralex tablet uses.

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