Home Child Care & Health Find Out The Best Food Options For Skinny kids!

Find Out The Best Food Options For Skinny kids!

Best Food Options For Skinny kids
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As a matter of fact parents always try to give the best of everything to their children. When it comes to parenting, then it is a whole task in itself. 

You will always find yourself monitoring the minutest details of your children. Be it their social performance or academic accomplishments, parents are all keen to give the necessary support where needed. 

But there are chances that despite being all observant and heedful, you will feel that your child is skinny or underweight. It is a matter of great concern for every parent. They will land at every possible reason for their children being underweight or skinny. 

But is it a dangerous thing at all? Is it okay to always think of some underlying issues when you find that your child is underweight. Is there anything which can be done at home to boost the weight of children?

So in this blog we will be dealing with all these qualms and apprehensions. We will try to find some healthy options of food for underweight children. So without any further ado, let us jump straight into the discussion of the topic.


The thing which needs to be discussed prior to moving into the details of the topic is to be aware of the actual definition of underweight.

 Just because you have found your friends’ child chubby, it doesn’t imply that your own child of the same age is skinny or underweight. But it is important to keep a record of the health of your children as studies have linked developmental and behavioural problems with malnutrition

The parameters are measured individually and these parameters are different for every child. Even the parameters are different for the same child at different ages. 

So what are those parameters that can be used to be sure that your child is not skinny? The list is by no means exhaustive and the criteria are as follows:

  • Height and 
  • Weight 

The height and weight of skinny kids should be measured simultaneously and there should be a record of these variables over the month.

Just looking at the weight of your child will never give any insight about his/her being skinny or underweight. Remember looks can be deceptive. 

Carl Levie, one of the prominent researchers, suggested that it must not be the weight that should be set as a criterion rather engaging in aerobic exercises should be given the due position.

Even Carl Levie, in the obesity paradox, was one of those researchers who found that people who are overweight sometimes tend to live longer than those who are thinner. 

So it goes without saying that height and weight both should be recorded. 

Afterwards BMI should be calculated and if there is any abnormality in that then consider seeking professional advice from the doctors.

Foods For Underweight Child

Now coming to the next and the important part. What can be done to help skinny kids gain weight?

There are some dietary changes, as in a more balanced diet, that are required in this case. Let us have a look into them.

1. Balanced Diet

A balanced diet should be given to a skinny child. This may include the followings:

Make your child eat fruits and vegetables. This will be helpful in maintaining all the essential minerals and nutrients in the body. These minerals will help to make their bones strong which will help to increase the height. 

Fruits like bananas and apples can also aid in acquiring a healthy body mass. Seasonal fruits are the plus point in this regard as they are easily available.

Related: find out the benefits of aloo bukhara in promoting the immune system and building strong bones.

Vegetables like potatoes and many others which are rich sources of starch and carbohydrates should also be added as a staple in the diet of skinny kids.

Beans, pulses and lentils can also be used to make up the protein content of the body.

Side Read: Know about the nutritional needs of your baby.

2. Use of Dairy Items

The dairy items may include milk,  yoghurt and cheese. These dairy items are found to be the best source to replenish the lost nutrients in the body. Consider using milk which is lower in fat and sugar content

Related: find out more on lactose intolerance in children.

3. Dry Fruits and Nuts

Dr. Nida Badar who is one of the top pediatricians in Pakistan says that the use of nuts like almond and walnuts have been found to be an effective treatment in promoting the ideal weight and height. The nuts and dried fruits are also linked with a better immune system which will again help in fostering balanced weight and height.

4. Meat Content

Adequate meat content should be added to the diets of skinny kids. This may include red meat and chicken. Red meat adds to the mass of the body as it helps in the maturation of muscles of the body. Fish should also be added in the diet at least once a week as it will give the necessary vitamin D to the bones of skinny kids. 

5. Butter Extracted from Nuts

We know that It is easier said than done. It can be a grim task to make the skinny kids eat the above mentioned food items. So it is advisable to inculcate butter from nuts in conjunction with the aforementioned food items. Peanut butter is the best thing which is even adored by children and adults alike.

Hence the food options can help in developing the standard BMI in skinny kids. 

But there are some questions frequently asked by the parents. So let us briefly consider those questions as well!

FAQ’s Regarding Skinny kids

Is there any medical issue causing this reduced body weight?

Well there could be some medical issues but the incidence of such cases is very small. There are certain medications that can reduce the appetite and can lead to a dwindling body weight.

Anti allergic medicines and the treatments given for ADHD often impede the normal digestion process and are a major cause of reduced appetite.  

Also there are chances that reduced body weight can also be attributed to hormonal imbalancement.

Is it okay for skinny kids to engage less in activities?

The answer to this question is a big NO. Even if your child is skinny or underweight then it never implies that he/she should not engage in activities in particular aerobic activities. 

You should take every step to ensure that your child is engaging in any physical game. This will help to develop agility in the body and will keep the metabolism active. 

An activity of more than 60 minutes should be made mandatory. Avoid giving electronics in this period. Physical activity will compel them to eat more food. 

Side Read: torpor and sedentary lifestyles can lead to childhood obesity in children!

What’s The Outlook

There are multiple reasons for skinny kids. Diagnosing underlying issues and addressing them properly will help in promoting an ideal weight. A comparison with a child’s previous record is permissible and should not be compared with another child of the same age. If you want to get the best possible advice, then make an appointment today with the best nutritionist in the area. To stay updated on more health issues, visit our website healthwire.pk.

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