Home Child Care & Health Understanding Colic – 5 Best Old Home Remedies for Colic in Babies

Understanding Colic – 5 Best Old Home Remedies for Colic in Babies

Old Home Remedies For Colic in Babies
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Hey there! Is your little one going through a tough time with colic? Believe me, I understand how tough it can be to deal with a colicky baby. The constant irritation, fussiness, and lack of sleep can take a toll on you as a parent. But luckily there are some old home remedies for colic in babies.       

If you come to think of it, who is to blame here, the formula milk or the breast milk? Well, a lot of times, parents worry about what they eat while they are breastfeeding, as they believe what they eat might affect the baby. But let them spill the beans, it has nothing to do with colic.

Before we jump on to the remedies, let us understand first that every baby is different, what works for someone else’s baby might not be effective in the case of your baby, a little patience goes a long way. 

What is Colic? 

Before diving into old home remedies for colic in babies, let’s see what colic actually is. Colic is defined as a condition when a healthy baby cries for a very long time and has frequent crying episodes for no apparent reason. It is very commonly observed during the first 6 weeks of life. It is usually seen going away on its own when the baby reaches the age of 3 to 4 months. 

Uncovering the Colic Triggers and Nailing Down Diagnosis

The exact cause of colic is not clear but Dr. Binish Ali who is one of the top pediatricians in Pakistan suggests that it may be due to the baby’s disability to get accustomed to the environment outside the womb. While there are other babies that can be very sensitive to stimuli. Well, there is no need to worry as old home remedies for colic in babies can always help. 

Research also says that infantile colic could be a result of intolerance to cow’s milk which causes acid reflux, gas, and other inconveniences. 

Now, that we know that the causative factors of colic vary, doctors usually go by the “Rules of Three” to diagnose colic babies that are: 

  • If colic happens to the baby at least 3 hours a day
  • If colic affects the baby at least 3 days a week
  • If colic continues for at least three consecutive weeks

How to Relieve Colic in Babies?

Here are some of the old home remedies for colic in babies that you can use in order to calm your baby. 

1- Warm Bath and Compress

A warm bath and compress can work as a great remedy for colicky babies. These two can prove to be great remedies for getting relief from gas. 

Warm water can also help in reducing any sort of pain. To get a warm compress, you can soak a towel in warm water, then squeeze it and gently rub it on the baby’s tummy. 

You can keep doing it till the baby starts to feel a little better. As the cause is mostly unknown, this practice might overall soothe the baby’s tummy. 

2- Place the Baby on Their Tummy

In order to help soothe your baby, one of the best old home remedies for colic in babies is to place them on their tummy. This can be done by putting them across the stomach or lap, this little change in position can help a lot. 

In addition to that, slightly rub the back of your baby which helps in releasing gas and at the same time can be very comforting. Moreover, experts at Children Hospital say that tummy time can assist in building stronger muscles of the shoulder and the neck. 

Just keep one thing in mind, always put babies on their tummies when they are awake and they are under supervision. 

Recommended Read: Colic Drops Uses 

3- Use Sound and Motion

Need more old home remedies for colic in babies?

If your baby has been crying for hours, it is best just to calm your baby at this point. Well, for that motions is the best way to calm babies down. Walk around with your baby, this can be done by using a baby carrier (the one that can be worn on the chest). The warmth of your body along with the rhythm can put them to sleep. 

You can also put them in a swing or a stroller. This gentle movement can stop their tears. If all of that doesn’t work, the last resort is to take them for a car ride in a car baby seat. 

Read, how to get newborns to sleep to explore more. 

4- Make Them Burp

 How to relieve colic in babies? Just like our moms always say, it is very important to make the baby burp. As soon as you get free from feeding them, one of the best old home remedies for colic in babies is to make them burp as it can relieve the flatulence and stops the air pockets from forming in the tummy. 

Make sure to put your baby on your shoulder after every feed you give them. You can do that by putting them on your shoulder and mildly patting or rubbing the baby until you hear them burp. 

5- Apple Cider Vinger

Apple Cider Vinegar helps in reducing acid reflux and fighting yeast infections. Therefore, giving apple cider vinegar a chance might solve the baby’s colic. Remember that, apple cider vinegar can only be introduced if the baby is above the age of 6 months. 

Always dilute apple cider vinegar, do this by adding 1 teaso=poonn of apple cider vinegar to 4 oz of water. You can increase the quantity of apple cider vinegar to 1 tablespoon in 4 oz of water for babies that are older.

Old Age Wisdom Failed? – Healthwire is here to help!

If you are still trying to soothe your baby and have tried all the above-mentioned old home remedies for colic in babies and are tired of looking for answers to how to relieve colic in babies, then it is best to know the unknown case that is making the colic worse. It is best to book an appointment with the best pediatrician near you by contacting Healthwire.

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